I think I'm becoming a comrade and destroying the porky that I have in my heart …
But before destroying the bourgeoisie I would like to know if the current feminist movement could be an extension of the bourgeoisie?
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If they're not in favour of socialism, they're just a bourgie distraction from the cause.
So, if it does not have a socialist base, one could say that it is buegues …
What of the "patriate" could enter into this?
it is. by proxy. and the rich to divide up the working class.
Mmmm … then all the feminist organizations that defend the existence of the patriotic and a heterosexual oprecion would be a way to divide the working class to avoid that they unite to change the current system?>>2611151
And also feminism could be controlling other social movements like the LGBT collective?
of course..ask yourself. Where did the LGBT culture appeared? What city? Where did pride parades started? Why are there growing numbers of lgbt people supporting right wing i.e. Milo Yiannopoulos?
Don't listen to these retards thinking feminism is some big conspiracy. It is not. The reason feminism is not crushed the way workers' movements are is because it is not a threat to capitalism.
As long as the feminist movement calls for more female exploiters of capital and child murderers and not the disestablishment of capitalism to free women from the reactionary notions of gender, then yes it is an extension of capitalist control.
Feminism is a limit of capitalism and you have to get rid of it if you can call it that?
What do you mean limit?
Pretty much this.
Sorry my English is bad
What I wanted to say is that it is one more form of the oppression of the bourgeoisie
I do not believe in the so-called `` cultural Marxism '' but I do believe that at least in Spain there are cases of violence between partners to get money and that is very much a son of a bitch
Already a thread on this topic
Thanks comrade
Not just LGBT folks. Liberal feminism specifically has tried to co-opt racial justice movements as well.
You don't need a conspiracy if you have shared ideology. Same way capitalism works.
The problem that in Spain liberal feminism here is called ``Marxist feminism´´ and therefore the doubts that could be the same as the United States but only with the name and the symbols changed
Marxist feminism has problems as well, even when it's not a fake label for liberal feminism.
It only fights for women, not for men too, and for macho label any form of criticism towards their ideology, for example a documentary about abused men they tried to censor here in Spain
why would you be a feminist lol?
get a grip rofl nobody actually wants Feminism not even feminists that's why they always stage protests naked they're desperately lashing out and begging to be put in their place. treating women like men just confused the poor things the same way treating a dog like a human baby confuses it and causes it to lash out
also what's with feminists ALWAYS wanting to be beaten during sex? Its quite creepy and pathologic
This, that's why we need to embrace the Marxist Blackpill
What is the blackpill?
This is the right perspective.
It isn't right to see feminism as an enemy. Many of the concerns of feminist are addressed better by Marxism than by liberal theory. Nevertheless, feminism is not very subversive in itself, and often acts as a way for the bourgeoisie to discharge radical discontent into a completely benign form. This is why you often see feminists lash out at things that seem meaningless. They do not properly understand the nature of what they're angry at, which I believe must be capitalist alienation. When they complain about a lack of female characters in films, they are actually complaining about the emptiness of capitalist cinema in general, it's inability to create new and interesting characters, come up with proper inversions of the existent tropes, and thereby it's reliance on a set of instantly understanding (often white male) characters that do not communicate anything new about the human condition. We as Marxists recognize this as a consequence of the nature of capitalist media, yet feminism often fails to go that far.
So feminists attack people and wrong things?
sounds like marxist feminism to me. Their assertion is that gender is a class and that men exploit women in the same sense the capitalists exploit the workers.
Yes, but it would be blaming a whole genre while in yours there are people equal to or worse than oppressors than the other side
I haven't once heard a modern feminist talk about real class struggles that the bourgeois place upon them. The patriarchy to them is just men, evil men; but nothing to do with real substantive issues. They don't care about men either, which most are also working class.
It's a bourgeois distraction.
Fuck of, you men-hating feminist cunt! Go to gulag!
The gulag are useless, the solution is for women to join the CNT-AIT
¡Viva la confederación!
This is an impotent smear feminists launch at their critics. Saying someone is lying about their politics isn't saying there's a conspiracy.
Feminists don't even concern themselves with problems of poor women. Look how much money and energy that has gone into the #MeToo movement over alleged sexual harassment, versus issues like untested rape kits which primary affect poor women.
Don't even get me started on how they actively frustrate menslib.