Get this through your fucking heads, all unproductive members must be purged for it to work; niggers, towelheads and spics are the least fucking productive and will chant whatever you get them to chant and then wonder why they have to be the ones to pick up the shovel or get an education.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Socialism does not work with shitskins
Other urls found in this thread:
It sure seems to have been working for Kerala for decades.
The majority of SSRs in the Soviet Union where made up of non white majorities.
Why isn't this thread bumb locked and op banned yet?
mods are asleep
But what will we do with the mongrels like you OP
You may pretend to be white, but by your own logic, you are useless as well.
All of those countries are starving shitholes though
And all of them are capitalist countries now, Somalia even ancap fantasy
Coincidence? I think not
And none of them are socialist anymore thanks to Western-backed coups
USSR had millions of people from Caucasus and Central Asia who aren't white by any stretch of imagination. Stalin was a Georgian and modern Russian nazis do not consider him white because Georgians are more closely related to the likes of Armenians and Iranians than Slavs
Also remember that neonazis and other retards only consider slavs white when it suits their narrative at the moment
I'll never understand the russian nazis meme. Are slavs subhumans or not?
Fucking excuse me?
I've seen Russian nazis claim that Russians stopped being white in 1917 when Le evil judeo-bolsheviks killed all the best and whitest Russians and forced everyone to racemix with asians into homo sovieticus. So there are white Russians but homo sovieticuses aren't and Hitler was right in wanting to exterminate them
But even if that was true, wouldn't they have to admit to being "homo sovieticus" themselves? Being from post 1917 russia and all.
Seems like classic self loathing from mixed race people.
get your spooky shit outta here
Their great grandpa was a White Guard or a Vlassovite traitor and they identify as white so they're obviously not homo sovieticus. Yeah it's kinda like Zig Forums that is mostly le 56% face that "identifies" as white
What does this have to do with anything?
Anyone can be American patriot (that's what those self-haters are in essence).
I think it's another way to excuse their defeat.
It's similar with the USSR. They can't admit they've been beaten by people they predecessors marked as "subhumans", so they decided to deny Nazis'd ever thought of them as non-desirables.
Pic related is a good example of that.
Another reason is that Eastern Europeans (the vast majority of them being Slavic) are very right-leaning and "non-cucked".
However, with all of that being said they still deny that they were beaten fair and square and you would always hear them regurgiating the old "muh human waves" meme.
Indeed. That's why capitalists and land lords will be the first to die.