Why do some capitalists push SJW stuff in a market where most of their consumers out right reject it?
Why do some capitalists push SJW stuff in a market where most of their consumers out right reject it?
I feel like most consumers flat-out don't care.
it creates tensions, factions and disagreements among the people, distracts the people, keeps occupied so there's less time to reflect other things. sjw/idpol is basically a giant strawman.
Because they never actually reject it. Middle schoolers and social rejects will continue to buy that shit.
This, nine times out of ten it’s spergs online crying about
Most people don’t care about having a black person in their video games or a female character
Advertiser here. It doesn't matter what the majority cares about.
I always take for example star wars, putting a black guy and a women protagonists is an excuse to get the demographic that was less rappresented in the older movies.
They white demographic that saw the original trilogy in cinemas is still gonna buy the han solo, luke and leila dress for their childs.
The black guys can now buy finn clothes and now that rey exist women are more into starwars.
Same goes for ikea. Gays and blacks on billboards? Yes, because you are not gonna stop buying from us because of this. They may start buying because of this tho.
The response ranges for apathetic to enthusiastic with maybe 0.1% of alt-right weirdos being actively mad about SJW stuff in media.
They need to push the narrative it is harmful to business despite all evidence to the contrary, because that would "prove" it's not real capitalism™ but a masonic jewish plot to destroy the white male. In practice inclusive policies are profitable or at least harmless because autistic Zig Forumsacks only make up 0,01% of the market, and they keep buying shit just to get angry at it anyway.
Because Zig Forums and bitter nerds are basically just Pay Pigs for all these corporations and are gonna buy all the stuff they put out regardless of how much they screech
This. While you're busy complaining about gays, transvestites and colors the elite not only cashes in on both sides, but is completely unguarded in pushing copyright laws, censoring the internet, letting politics clash against each other while buying up real estate, taking out opposition, destabilizing entire countries with immigrants, creating battlefields in the middle east, preparing a war against Iran…to finally spread out the walls of Israel.
Are you saying that capitalist profits are legitimate now?
Are you retarded?
But they didn't start buying Star Wars stuff and women are not more into star wars now. Both of those movies were massive flops and embarrassments to the franchise. They were so bad, the director got fired and Disney threatened its fans that there will be "consequences" for people not liking the new movies.
Do you have any actual data to back that up?
The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi were both very successful and got on highest-grossing-ever lists. The fact that nerds got angry after the fact is irrelevant, they still watched them and they will watch the next one.
So you're retarded
This is why people think you're retarded, Zig Forums, because you say things that run counter to fucking reality. The Force Awakens is currently the number 3 top grossing movie of all time, and Last Jedi the 11th.
If I understand your question correctly, they don't push SJW stuff, they just ponder to new markers. You know, doing business, no conspiracy in that.
Products have a prince range and a typical consumer base associated with it. Your average prole might hate idpol shit, but the p-bourg gobble it up, since it gives them a sense of a moral boost. Every product prototype gets market researched before hitting the shelves, and porky knows his/her target audience's preferred cocktail of ideology beforehand.
The marketing campaign and identity politics doesn't matter either way, EA would find ways to make money.
You don't have to keep proving me right.
Being this delusional sounds fun. Can I have some of whatever you smoked?
sad tbh
I'm a burger so I ended up seeing them simply because the series is so popular that we get dragged along by friends and family.
Hows it feel that THIS is how the western world defines leftism in 2018?
only americans do
I don’t feel any type of way about it. Gays, for the most part, are not enemies of leftism. I do hate the morons who get involved thinking gay=leftism tho
Uphold Marxism-Disneyism
Revolutionary communists were never "leftists" anyway.
because most people don't give a fuck and those that do buy it anyway because they're denser than osmium.
also merchandising. sometimes like 90% of your income comes from merchandising so it doesn't matter if the film bombs so long as it sells lots of down with the patriarchy keychains.
think it's pretty obvious that the point is that gamergate was unmaterialistic nonsense.
and apple could produce gaming laptops. the fact they had a choice of strategy doesn't disprove that they've got a strategy.
box office
not true. the more SJW nonsense in entertainment the worse it does.
because jewish subversion is real. and the profiteers in this system benefit from the chaos the cause.
They did incredibly well at the box office. Rian Johnson is still slated to do a new trilogy for them and JJ is apparently coming back for the third.
*sits back and waits for empirical economic data*
just hates brown people in video games while completely ignoring the
queers trying to coerce people into unwanted sexual activity, feminists
demanding men are punished for the crime of having testicles and the
black nationalist "anti-racists" demanding what little working class
people of other skin colors have is taken away and given to those black
nationalists instead.
Butt'Cunt and /shitredditsays/ need to take up stranglewanking immediately.
imagine being this detached from reality.
Fuck all baboon peoples
Go the zoo and stay there, if you want baboon videos games make them yourselves (oh wait you can't, your Autism Level is too low, all you can create is low Autism Level rap music)
Bye bye
Correlation does not equal causation.
true, but all causations are correlated
no it didn't
Post proofs then.
most irl gamer bros would love to have a non-white buddy to discuss their hobby with, usually pretty rare to find a black guy that doesn't just play cod/ballsport 3000. I mean its mostly just /v/ that seems to hate blacks being near vidya
satan trips confirm for lying snake
buddy let me tell you, sargoy making a rant video about the star wars sequels didnt stop star wars fans and normies from piling into the theatres to see them.
*spoiler*They werent even that bad, not good but not terrible*spoiler*
list one thing that sjws tanked?
I mean going from games alone
farcry 5 did amazing
wolfenstien the 2hour move sold like hot cakes
pic related
that movie was terrible because no one wanted nor asked for a sequel the movie, them being bad actresses in a badly written movie doesnt mean "lul sjews" and still doenst change the fact that the new star wars didnt "flop"
This film failed because it was poorly made in general. The overt liberal politics were just a symptom of this and casting Melissa McCarthy was an even bigger red light.
The Last Jedi was one the most lukewarm, milktoast, unimaginative, by the books sci-fi movies of the decade. It still racked in profits because of the brand alone. Throwing in a bit of controversy never actually hurts either, if anything it throws the name out further and makes people interested in what all the commotion is about. I'm honestly shocked that your suprised that people will digest crap like this when most of our popular selling media is easily digestible crap.
the quality of the film was a result of liberal politics
Post proofs then.
Star Wars is fascist
the proof is going outdoors
and interacting with not /v/irgins
Because socially engineering a society that is tolerant and accepting allows a company to market its products to as many people as possible.
But more obviously, for those free social justice brownie points that gets dumbfuck liberals to think their favorite brand is woke.
Both the last Jedi and force awakens were run away box office successes though. You forget Disney wants money not nerds saying how based it is.
That's because modern /v/ is a containment board that was replaced by /vg/ and most of the faggots they filter out were dragged in by Zig Forums.
no you gen z anarkiddie faggot
IV & V that's it.
People think Star Wars was ever anything but lowest common denominator crap?
No one really cares if there's a black guy in Star Wars anyway, except for triggered poltards. He's still better than Hayden Fucking Christensen.
tbh Star Wars fucking sucks, the original trilogy as well. I can admit that the special effects were something to be admired for its time especially with the budget restraints Lucas had to work with for the first movie, but if you give it a honest look it's really plain. I never cared for Vader as a villan, the Stormtroopers looked like shit and the dialogue sounded like it was written by a kid. It only got so successful because boomers showed the movie to their kids and the insane amount of merchandise. Star Wars is popculture now and nobody seems to remember why.
funny you should make this post just prior to this
this is how psychotic LARPing right wingers define leftism in 2018
Ever since one of my only friends that I can talk to about politics came out as trans she's slowly stopped talking about politics and now only posts about arming trans women. I've had to unfollow almost every trans person online because I couldn't handle the constant sexposting and trans memes. I've never talked to a trans person about politics that didn't nosedive into idpol and "trans women are literally be killed."
they too consume their own ideology
Public lewdness and constant promiscuity are cancer, no matter the gender. I don't see why people can shame guidos and Stacys for constantly posting about their hookups but LGBTQ people get a pass. I don't want to see how it looks like whatever you have inbetween your legs, so cut that shit out.
I also avoid following trans people for this reason, or follow anybody who has their pronouns in their bio.
I legitimately think most trans people nowadays only came to be that way because of porn. They conceive women through porn thus their identities are warped caricatures of a woman; a pornstar.
Not just porn but pop media and commercialized gender roles in general. Look how frequently MtF trans people instantly dive right into collecting the girliest clothes and objects they can get their hands on, until they are a grotesque parody of consumerist women wearing pink glitter-covered fur coats while choking on 20 dildoes. I have no moralistic qualms whatsoever with the idea of wanting to change your sex or whatever but "trans culture" is sexist and reactionary.
The origional triology had blacks in it. I dont understand why people think that finn is somehow groundbreaking. All ot does is poorly attempt to hide how dhot of a film force awakens was
nice analdotal story right out of your ass
"but i saw it on tumblr in their shared images lol"
Bourgeois puritans get off my board
Certain sections of it, yeah.
imagine actually believing cis-women aren't doing the exact same over the top shit in an at least as bad proportion
imagine being this detached from the sad reality
there's a reason why 2d > 3d pigs
You are such an obvious tranny yourself. Every thread about these freaks you pop up.
Hedonism is literally the staple of bourgeois culture. Fucking lol you deluded moron.
i also say that those threads are idpol cancer and are never warranted
try arguments kid, they're awesome
they'll help you come to the realization that i'm right and you're being a faggot
how can hedonism be the staple of bourgeois culture when it's depriving the majority of people from genuine experience of pleasures?
is wealth bourgeois too?
eating well?
what sort of pseudo-proletarian ascesis are you trying to promote here? this stinks of oi! skinhead romantisation of proletarianism
socialism is the liberation of mankind by delivering as plentiful of joys as is sustainable
but of course you are free to induldge eating raw turnip if it pleases your aesthetics
so just to reiterate
you observe all "tranny" threads enough to "call me out", yet miss that i call out these threads and shitposters like you dumbass little cunt
i even just replied comparing it to bourgeois fucking "feminism" obsessed about "cultural changes" of the perception of women and "what to wear" as something to oppose
what makes you so obsessed on a class-oriented board to shitpost about "freaks" you idpol infested bourgeois cuck?
"hurr hurr i said tranny gottcha good"
eat shit nigga bitch
This. Gtfo fucking moralists.
Holy fuck, seething. Go dilate and cool down.
just throwing around words because it gets a reaction
too high to actually give much of a shit
i genuinly feel nothing but pity for the brainlet
is just what i do
This is one of the most confusing things about my trans friends and their friends. So many of them talk about 'gender nihilism' and abandoning gender, but they're also creating what is essentially a caricature of their opposite sex. Mostly with MtF. I wish someone could explain this to me and why it's so hard to stay friends with trans people when they constantly post about their sex life in gross detail (and it'd be gross if it were straight cis sex too). I just can't handle that kind of thing and they seem to get a free pass for it like the above user said. I'm trying really hard to not come as transphobic to my trans friends, so I never talk about this with them. The only times I've ever brought it up they call me a faggot and tell me I'm a prude for not wanting to be friends with people who broadcast every moment of their sex life.
I think you mean "red herring."
You sound bitch made tbh
My trans friends alert me to every single fucking instance of being even mildly uncomfortable by something I say. And yet when I tell them that I'm uncomfortable with them sending me unsolicited nudes and constantly wanting to share every detail of their sex life with me, I'm the one that gets called out. It's seriously made me bitter.
On the one hand, this is literally sexual harassment and they're massive hypocrites.
On the other hand, where can I find people like this who will send me their nudes?
Be their fuckbuddy tbh
Tell them this is stereotypical bro behavior and it's destroying your willing suspension of disbelief
You have no idea how many times I've wanted to say exactly this but am afraid that any one of them would dox me and get me expelled from my community (local punks and whatnot). I just feel like such a "bad ally" and shitty person for feeling like I really am trying hard to suspend my disbelief and I'm just…having a really hard time continuing to do it. I'm also so tired of the constant validity posting, constant posting of selfies and mirror shots every single fucking day with "Look how cute I am!" and even if they're scruffy as shit, looking like they haven't showered or shaved in days, there's a flood of comments every single day validating their existence.
You sound like you're in a cult. That's not very "punk."
are you guys serious? the games literally sold LESS
thats not "expanding the market"
What they're doing is replacing their employees with cheap fresh college grads. Thats why the games have declined in quality but they've profited. And thats why they're full of SJW shit. Because fresh college grads are all indoctrinated with SJW shit. They're abusing the good name of the franchise to sell out and scam all their loyal customers. Yeah they might not sell as much, but they profit because they raped the corpse of once good games. The SJW shit is just a random side effect of the jew greed.
How do you not understand this by now jesus fucking christ fam smack my dam head