Why are people like this

Why do people trash Stalin? He literally saved the world.

There is literally no proof of this
Literally caused by kulaks refusing to help the proletariat
So you would just have endless war and destruction. It was only by building socialism in one country that the proletariat gained peace,land,and bread

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but muh 13 year old XD

Like Mao he was 70/30 in terms of what he did right and wrong, but I'm not saying which one is which.

he's alright, i think he was a positive generally
but there's more he did wrong other than muh gulags or muh holodomor
do some more research to get a more nuanced view please

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how does one go from being such a young hottie to that

irrefutable proof he did something wrong imo

Because if liberals acknowledged that Stalin, while making many mistakes, remained a commited Marxist and did the best he could to advance the socialist project, it would undermine the entire ideology which says that communism is a dangerous utopia that leads via a straight line to crazy dictators and loss of liberty. They can entertain the thought theoretically if some especially brave historian comes around, but structurally this has been so entrenched that you'd need to say that the vast majority of Soviet historiography is fucking worthless.

Anarkiddies basically completely swallow the liberal ideology and sometimes even take it further, so fuck them.

too much khvanchkara

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he was antisemetic and anti legbutt and anti baboon and pro marriage and pro natalist

stalin was literally Hitler

There's absolutely no way to discern """"nuance"""" out of an hyperbolic 400 characters post with a meme pic.

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I believe that every ☭TANKIE☭ has daddy issues

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i'm kinda dumb but elaborate on this reasoning. because stalin being a committed marxist – which he certainly was – also undermines one of the big trotskyist attack lines against him; that he was this uneducated georgian barbarian who didn't understand marxism. he was a "brute" and so on. but i could imagine liberals would see that and go "ah, but see, stalin really was a marxist so therefore this is what marxism leads to!"


this is known

sheikh stalin literally rolled back the abortion laws enacted by the kikes like Lenin and brought back trad marriage

fuck you and fuck the matriarchy, and fjfk Emma Goldman and Rosa Luxembourg, vile satanic Jewesses stalin would have raped them to death

He didn't, stop this ridiculous leader worship.

Oh yes.

I was reading in the Kotkin biography that Stalin engaged in "piracy" among other activities while based in Baku as a young organizer / shitstirrer. I want to know whether that was Caspian Sea piracy which sounds badass but Kotkin didn't add any further details.

Yes. The Soviet people saved the world.

It's called getting old and getting fat, but my boi still had a thick head of hair.

Because Stalin was a thug. He used to do robberies to fund the Bolsheviks. That's why Stalin was able to be so ruthless in the purge.

Now, I like him even more.

Yes it is likely but not confirmed that Stalin participated in steamboat robberies on the Black and Caspian seas

Mostly brainwashing


This is why I think a Young Stalin movie would be awesome. Reading about where he was (the fucking Caucasus) and when (the fucking 1900s) is like reading about the Wild West. Baku was full of casinos and pollution from the oil industry, and his wife died suddenly of TB so he threw himself into her grave during the funeral. Brutal.

Also that heist he pulled off targeting the stagecoach with the imperial money that also involved him blowing up a portion of downtown Tiflis. That is like the movie Heat. Trotsky also disapproved and wrote the "booty did no good." Might've been involved in the notes being intercepted before they made into European banks due to the serial numbers. Yeah anyways. I don't think Hollywood will go for it.

But they should.

he put his own son to death for not dying as a POW lol

And if he had saved his son liberals would be attacking him for favoritism.

Not a reliable source.

Unlikely. Especially, if you think Pirates of Caribbean, rather than "jump in the boat, swim to luxury cruiser, steal the valuables, swim back to shore and disappear".

The fuck are you even talking about?

True, I find it funny how so many socialists rightfully say that the people make history, workers are the most important part of labour but then say " socialist leader X saved his country/world".

Kotkin isn't too bad. My Russian professor recommended him. We read a piece by him in my USSR history class and it was pretty cool.

That would be an awesome movie.

Well, it's good that your professor can't be wrong.

If you're going to read a bourgeois historian I'd recommend him. I mean, hell, he beats fucking Robert Conquest: youtube.com/watch?v=-VEudI883BQ

That's what the USSR said too! Of course they stuck a big portrait of Stalin on top of the cake but anyways

And one of his best friends was murdered by imperial guards who shot him through his prison cell window during an uprising I think (might be wrong). It's an incredible story.

And Goebbels. Not much of an achievement.

I think there should be reading list, with Parenti, Ludo Martens and others.

Stalin was a symbol.

My professor is Russian and lived in the Soviet Union and tells the truth about it to my class. He regularly calls out capitalism and Western imperialism and talks about the benefits workers received in the USSR, so he's not exactly anti-Soviet to say the least.

this guy is most likely nazbol

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In Russia Nostalgia for the USSR and Positive Feelings About Stalin
Stalin Voted 3rd Most Popular Russian
Why More than Half of Russians Miss the Soviet Union
Footage of 1993 Anti-Yeltsin Riots When Over 10,000 Russians Fought With Police and the Military to Try and Stop the Fall of the Soviet Union
Over 70 Percent of the Soviet Citizens Vote to Keep USSR Together in 1991 Referendum
Majority of Eastern Germans Feel Life Better under Communism
Struggling Romanians Yearn for Communism
Growing Up Under Communism was the Happiest Time of My Life
Why Women Had Better Sex and More Fulfilling Relationships Under Socialism

Read Blackshirts and Reds

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Fucking kill yourself my dude Mao was probably the third worst leader of any "actually existing" socialist country, behind only Cuckceasu and Poo Pot. Sankara, Fidel and Che, Minh, Stalin, and Lenin not Mao, Pol Pot, Ceasescu and Mugabe ok

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I kinda fucked it up and meant to quote Mao, who applied the "70:30" rule to Stalin. He thought Stalin was 70% good and 30% bad.

Also Mao literally did nothing wrong including the sparrows which deserved it.

Even mao says hes a bad.
I mean come on.

Mao was preferrable to the previous scenario in china and he was an interesting theorist but he was an absolute dogshit leader and Chinese socialism generally has been a joke

Mao did a lot of good, he just fucked up with the Great Leap Forward. It wasn't entirely his fault, as I believe he based his decision on stats that were reported by local officials to be higher than they really were because they wanted to look good. But ultimately, the steel thing was fucking stupid. Other than that though, he laid the groundwork for modern China. The population doubled under him because of a doubling in life expectancy and drastic reduction of infant mortality due to his introduction of proper medical care into the country and he built the modern industrial base that started China's incredible economic growth. He had his flaws, but ultimately China improved under him and is what it is today because of him.

I have heard this argument from Maoists before and it's somewhat legitimate as Confuscianism and the previous Nationalist government had ingrained a deep sense of pleasing the leader at any cost in the culture of China and the psychology of the Chinese, which I guess is something that Mao hadn't anticipated (although I really think he had the potential to since he was obviously a great analyst of the superstructure) so I guess I'll give you that one. However, pussying out after the Great Leap Forward and stepping down for a while led to a lot of the revisionism that made the students who organized the Cultural Revolution so fucking angry in the first place. Personally I believe the CR was absolutely necessary (moreso because Lenin himself advocated something similar after the economic base of the USSR had been sufficiently modernized and secured) but a lot of the blind fury and violence that the students had could have been stymied by not giving in to internal pressures in the Party in the first place and stepping down at all as Chairman.

More to that point I think a second way Mao made the CR way more violent and sprawling in its targets than was necessary was by not simply turning it into a revolt against Party elites specifically but pretty much anyone and everyone who not only questioned him and his ideas but literally anyone who was even SUSPECTED of doing so (it was akin to what the US government did during the Red Scares but in the opposite direction and more decentralized). Furthermore, Mao pretty much said any and all means of persuing the CR were necessary and handwaved away pretty much all of the more excessive and downright idiotic elements of the movement until the very end. He obviously did this because of some bizarre self-esteem issue he was having or some shit due to fucking up the first few years of the PRC and getting cucked by his fellow party members and encouraged the CR to spiral out of control in his name to scare literally anyone in the whole of Chinese society outside of ever questioning him again (compare this to Stalin repeatedly actively discouraging Soviet citizens to build a persoanlity cult around him and merely taking out any Party members or Soviet citizens that were openly or potentially against his programs directly and swiftly with the NKVD rather than turning literally the totality of Soviet society against each other at one of its most vulnerable moments and creating way more social problems than you solved because you didn't want to hear mean things about you anymore)

At least you concede this

Now that we've gone over all that I can agree with you that:

Which is why I think he's still better than Pol Pot or Ceasescu or whatever and I think the gulf between him and them is very wide and I personally consider those two to be the absolute worst "Communists" who ever lived. Whatever critique I have of Mao's leadership abilities and personal failings I do think he was a genuine Marxist who wanted what was best for his people and after getting shit finally sorted out did help raise the living standards of China dramatically.

I agree with this.

Bottom left isn’t even him.

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he just looks like a grizzlier and dirtier version of that dude
still hot, i'd fuck him 100%


I think he looks really good and stylish

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That one is from 10 years after the young stalin photo you tard.
I don't get why there's this effort to claim that the young stalin photo is fake or of someone else. There is literally no evidence of it being fake and numerous sources showing it is him, which is fucking obvious when you look at other photos of him while young.
Its pretty pathetic tbh when you're so invested in historical conflicts that you feel the need to create and perpetuate slanders and make up all sorts of nonsensical claims about people.

based trotskyist
you will be spared from the ice axe

fuck off cunt

say that again

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In a strange way, I think the Cultural Revolution was better than the Soviet Purges, in how it inspired more grassroots form of resistance against reaction and capital within in the Chinese workers and peasantry, and moreso, with regards to his cult of personality… I think with him setting up himself as that figure, Mao dying was actually the best thing that could happen. Now look what he’s left behind. That very strong kernel of resistance that still exists in Chinese society, despite a near Orwellian state apparatus, is pretty much sustained by that sort of master figure. Mao lives etched in the minds of his people, yet without the negativity of ego and his own concerns with his power or status, and all that is left is this ghost at the back of every Chinese citizen’s, reminding them “It is right to rebel”.

It's not him.
Not his eyes, not his nose, not his ears, not any of it. You're blind or just trolling.

ITT: Left wing holocaust deniers

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Do we really have to keep digging the same graves over and over again?

stop being amaterialist

you're objectively a tool of the fascists

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Every single post you make is more abhorrent than the last. kys you fucking retard.

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