Why are Trots such creeps

See this:

I mean sure, Louis C.K. busting a nut in front of some comedians is hardly a crime compared to imperialism and war, to be sure, but the WSWS is really, really pissed he lost millions of dollars because he got busted doing it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


They have a split personality.

I mostly hate Louis CK because he, more than any other comic, is reddit personified. Also he was a huge Hillary supporter.

Also WSWS likes rapists because they are run by boomers who grew up during the 70s. Like seriously that's the only way to understand this shit at this point. They have defended Woody Allen and even Weinstein.

World Sexual Weirdo Website

he also opens the door wide open to fascism with his shitty nigger and hitler jokes

oh yeah and here's his skit where he says raping kids must be really fun
makes you wonder what else is going on with that guy


Both convicted in the court of public opinion, rather than in an actual courtroom.



all of which Weinstein was involved with.
C'mon is defending someone who clearly did it the hill you wanna die on?

trots are the most Jewiest of the Jewish commushits, of course they will run cover for a fellow jew

Fair enough, but I don’t get the whole guilty-even-when-proven-innocent and the lifetime scarlet letter approach that Americans have towards this issue. It seems that ones name can never be cleared even if proven innocent and one can never repay ones debt to society even after serving a prison sentence.

I think WewSwes gets the reactionary angle of the broad politics of these trends right. They serve to reinforce America’s carceral state and it’s highly punitive laws.

The thing radicals need to watch out for is sexual misconduct allegations are the oldest trick in the book for destroying dissidents. Keep in mind that very little of the FBI’s infiltration/subversion work is designed to actually lead to convictions, just the allegation is enough to destroy an individual or group.

Look at the Q-meme, legions of boomers convinced that Washington politicians diddle kids in Pizza restraunts while Trump (Epstein’s friend) is fighting deep state satanic pedophiles. Zig Forums pretty much thrives on the idea that there’s a black rape epidemic and that black-on-white rapes are covered up by the ZOG Occupied Government controlled government.

It seems to me these moral panics serve reaction more than they actually serve the Left.

get the fuck out

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well, honestly, it's not covered up much at all


Hilarious is still one of the better specials ever made tbh. Not sure if christcucks like comedy though.

I'm not a trot but I like how WSWS btfo's moralfags, they are anti imperialist but not full on Marcyite retard about it so that's a plus too

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are u 15?

wouldnt be surprised if they too supported the attacks against Libya and Syria and spread that dumbass lie about a revolution with "workers taking over oil fields"

While supporting imperialist wahabist is stupid
M.Eastern and Maghreb communist should strike their bouj oligarchs
The situation in syria is good for a Mao style take over
As i said i don’t support imperialism against any country

I haven't seen this reddit meme before

I don't think I've ever seen a WSWS article that wasn't staunchly anti-imperialist, they're one of the few non anti-communist liberal pandering trot groups.

fuck those crazy faggot cunts trying to tell me what's "oppressive", my fucking ass, that shit is retarded, fucking niggers

it's not as bad as i thought but still a lot of retarded shit like alling libya "underdeveloped"
thats still far less stupid than what i've seen from Maoists, so nice job i guess

Retard spaz cripple nigger cuck chink faggot homo gay tranny shemale trap stupid crazy dumb quit bitching

there is only one true leftist comic

Bill Burr is certified /ourguy/

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So 1 article from 2011 that has a couple of poor choices of phrase, in an overall article that maintains a solid anti-imperialist line? Think you're being a bit too critical there, probably find more articles and note all the authors before we lump them in with the rest of the filthy Trots

they do keep this sort of shit up and its part of ⛏️rotskyite if not outright support for imperialism playing the "we're neutral" card
that too is nothing new, not only a ⛏️rotskyite thing and has been criticized
and i did give them credit still
so it's all good

I don't get it. These hoes said yes he could nut on them.

It's weird that they care about his bank account, I guess, but he at least works for that money. And his losing it was over bullshit reasons - one big difference between Weinstein and Cosby and the like vs. Louis C.K. is that C.K. actually asked and cared if the people he asked said yes. That's huge, and to deny the massive fucking difference that makes is pretty much to just ignore what makes something rape - and that trivializes actual rape. Louis C.K.'s thing was mostly creepy because he worked with those people, but at worst it just sounds awkward.

the irony here is that a trap would actually look like the other gender, whilst trannies are just disgusting
also traps can only exist on 2D

Yeah but he also has a bit about how Stalin murdered a gorrillion people and how no-one talks about it but everyone talks about hitler a bunch so idk if he's actually /ourguy/ at all, just seems like an american tier socdem

bad publicity is still publicity?

I thought Bill Burr was libertarian.

Trap is NOT a slur

A bunch of those aren't actually slurs. What's funny to think about is that gay is on there and "queer" isn't because even though it's historically been used a lot more derisively it now means people with purple hair. S'bull.

every time a liberal says the term "queer" it makes me wish that we were still in the ages where they would kill gays so I'd be dead already

Louis did nothing wrong and #metoo has been stupid and excessive in 80% of its accusations

I love Burr but he's not really someone who cares that much about politics, calling him left-wing is a stretch

Stewart Lee on the other hand is genuinely political and pretty lefty, so was BIll Hicks

trap, tranny, shemale are all slurs. Don't use them on real people

I liked Burr's joke about the military.

Shut up you tranny fucking faggot

Tranny and shemale were low-culture at worst - IE it was stuff said around bars, labeling porn, in discussions of prostitutes, in drag and discussion of drag. Nobody who actually used them negatively can't use "transgender" or "transsexual" or "transvestite" (the terms were never formal enough to exclude any one of these entirely) or just "trans" in an equally negative way, whereas a lot of people actually used "tranny" and "shemale" without any malice leaving it basically in the eye of the beholder. If you thought a tranny was a freak, you'd interpret it that way. You can't say that for "bitch" or "nigger" or "faggot" … ok, maybe "bitch" to an extent, but it holds its malicious nature pretty much regardless. You had to actually qualify "tranny" - like "she's a tranny from New York" wasn't enough, "are you a tranny? I hate trannies" was adequate, though. "She's a bitch from New York" sounds like a judgment from the getgo.

And "trap" isn't even a transgender thing. There's not even another word for it like that, calling it a trans slur is just retarded.

Trannies aren't a thing so man up and realize that your queer self aren't helpful to the left and accept the fact that you were born a man
Or just kill yourself like other trannies do

Oh shut the fuck up

He probably is but he seems like a generic "left-libertarian" (dude weed lmao etc.) considering he shows support for socdems like Bernie

I don't think Trap or Tranny or Shemale are slurs because intent matters and the people that actually hate them are gonna say shit like Troon or Faggot or Degenerate or whatever, Trap is just part of Imageboard culture and isn't even really related to Trans shit wider and Tranny and Shemale are just informal terms that people did use, when people come here with their idpol shit and get aggressive replies like this from faggots like you instead of you just explaining why they are/could be wrong like you sperg out with your own Idpol. Stop acting like Children or alternatively, if you're from Zig Forums fuck off back to your torture chamber

This shit is why retarded shitflinging redditors come here and fucking garbage the place up because you literally can't make a post which isn't just a stream of insults that makes you look fucking retarded and then we get both retards like you and retards from reddit both coming here and derailing threads and shit with your fucking inane nonsense.

This. They seem like one of the least cancerous parts of the leftist movement.
They probably still hold a wide array of terrible opinions, but the bar is very low.

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That's bullshit and wrong! It was always part of Stalin goals to recover the lands that were once part of the Russian Empire.

About a decade off

Newfag detected, one of the most noted the aspects of the WSWS is their hardline anti imperialist stance

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You're 5?

Jewish trots defending jews?

color me surprised!

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'Trap' is a slur that directly encourages violence against transwomen because it implies they 'trap' men into sex. It's honestly even a worse slur than tranny or faggot because its most basic meaning encourages hostility, fear, and hatred.

I genuinely can't tell if you're trolling or not. Where do you think you are?


I refuse to believe you're not trolling, you're literally on an imageboard

>>>Zig Forums

didn't he ask permission first? its not really rape if you get permission?

this really isn't the place to police people's words, you're on Zig Forums, cunt

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anyone have footage of his stand up performance? i can't find it anywhere

Yes lol Black Power Poster needs to go back to Zig Forums because you're triggered by a description and history of how words are used by people, making no moral judgments and explaining why intent in the use of language matters, and above all, making an actual effort for any kind of worthwhile post as opposed to assertions and autistic screeching like all you fucking cancerous idpolers on both sides usually do. Please explain to us exactly how the word "Trap" is Transphobic, I would love to know.

As usual the WSWS is absolutely right. If you don't support Louis ck against the #metoo hoes then your a liberal

Fuck off

Yep, too bad your average Zig Forums user is too oversocialized to realize this

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It reduces transwomen into being nothing more than objects for straight men to fuck. Faulty, malicious, treacherous objects to fuck and then murder because they "trapped" them into sex.

This actually reminds me of some nerd going ballistic against traps in some shitty discord group
He kept spinning it that he wants them all murdered because a "friend" of his was tricked that way.

what the word trap is used to refer to a fetishist who dresses up as a woman for sexual pleasure?


But this is wrong if you look at the history and etymology of the word, Trap as a word does not refer to a Trans individual, and any usage of it as such is erroneous and will be pointed out. A Trap is a Cisgenderered Male who Crossdresses on the internet presenting as Female, but never with any malicious intention, it's all very tongue in cheek. The term originally arose in the early years of 4chan, partly because of the Admiral Ackbar meme, Trap and Trans was never used interchangeably, and Traps were celebrated across various boards. Idk where you heard about your definition of Trap but it's 100% unrelated to the common usage of the word as a phenomenon on the internet over the past 10-15 years. Only in the past couple of years has there even been any pushback against Traps, and guess where that comes from? Oh right, sexually repressed Fascists who, like many other imageboard users were attracted to traps as an exploratory part of their sexuality. The problem is that the Fascist Mindset shames these men for having these thoughts and desires, it is seen as degenerate and unclean and reminds these men that they aren't the ubermensch they're supposed to be. And yet so many of them fap to traps, and they know they are traps, because they are homosexuals who repress themselves out of neccessity and masturbate to men dressed as women because it's less "gay". All of the negative emotions that arise from this are projected onto the object of desire,
much like this poster stated. What likely happened was that that Individual is repressed (not difficult in America especially) and fell down the Internet Fascist rabbithole. Their sexual frustration and attraction to traps likely led them down the path of attempting to seek an encounter in real life with a transwoman or trap and the guilt and shame from such a thing is magnified, leading to a rationalization that they are actually straight and a good fascist boy and it's that "filthy degenerate freak that tricked me". This is the connection between Traps and Transpeople in the last few years. I won't deny that this overlap existing is concerning or that there are men who would use the idea of being tricked to describe their experience but that's almost always ad-hoc rationalization to convince themselves they're not "gay" even though they loved it (you don't put yourself in that situation and you don't not notice your partner isn't cisgender, those who assault/murder transwomen often premeditate it, don't be so naive) because of the toxic attitudes we have towards the conception of male sexuality. I don't think Fascists should be given a monopoly on deciding what words are and we shouldn't be running around tailing them attempting to thought police everyone because they will always find more ways to hate.

I haven't seen his act recently, but Bill Burr use to have some pretty classcucked opinions.

That's not what was said though, you were just being told that you were wrong and don't understand the actual history of a word, which happened to be related to imageboard culture and the fact that you seemed completely ignorant of this was funny, you weren't criticizing anything.

Based for putting up with these types. So tired of people being indoctrinated by the idpol bubble and never questioning their shit.

Louis CK is a great comedian who had a really fucked up kink. I'm glad his movie got buried, but only because it was literally about that fucked up kink, and as such would've contributed nothing of value to the world. I want his career to be revived, and I want him to be successful again. But I also want him to get pretty intensive therapy, and I want him to get involved in an anti-sexual harassment campaign.

Also, ⛏️rotskyism is probably the best form of authoritarian socialism.

So was what he did consensual or not? The feminists are saying it wasn't.

You're too dumb to post here, please go back to Zig Forums

I'm sorry my choice of words triggered you. I can't go back to Zig Forums because I'm not from there.

Are you going to answer my question?

Trots are ML so yes they are anti-imperialist.
If you meet a trot who isnt anti-imperialist then youv propably just met some larper who is just anti-stalin. Not related to your post but it always confuses me how few people know that the Trot himself absolutely hated kulaks btw.

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Best post itt. I'm in total agreement, we really need to stop legislating behaviour because some assholes are being assholes. I've never seen anybody call a trans person a trap except maybe this year.

Jewish trots defending jews?

color me surprised!

By all accounts, yes.
In other news capitalists say communism is bad, the Pope says god exists, and Israel deny committing any war crimes.

the absolute state of theorylets.

The term "Marxism-Leninism" came to be used by Bolsheviks after ⛏️rotsky was kicked out. I.e. is a correct term for "Stalinism" (pre-revisionist ML, at least).

Trots refer to themselves as Bolshevik-Leninists.

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literally never saw this term used

trots don't call themselves Bolshevik-Leninist, that's something ⛏️rotsky referred to himself as since he didn't like the term ⛏️rotskyist and probably wanted to make people think he was actually a Leninist and not an opportunistic revisionist

I don't think anyone is mad he lost money just being alienated and harassed over consensual acts although it was an odd situation.

that not even a trots

They did.

>> Fourth International, June 1943
>> Editorial after editorial gives a condensed account of the struggle of Bolshevik-Leninism against Stalinist degeneration …
>> Together with these the demand for elections and the convening of a national assembly may become part of the agitation for the Bolshevik-Leninists.
>> The Bolshevik-Leninists stand for the right to self-determination and independence on the basis of an independent Socialist Soviet Ukraine, etc., if the masses so desire it.

i thought it never caught on with ⛏️rotsky supporters


Fucking based