Amazon calls Bernie Sanders' claims of poor worker conditions 'inaccurate and misleading'
There is absolutely no way thats a good thing.
It will never cease to amaze me that Bezos can personally have 100+ billion, and yet his crime is ultimately phrased in his company's lack of tax paying. Disgusting.
How stupid does someone have to be not to see though this shit?
The Washington Post published all sorts of shit about Amazon before Bezos bought it.
Lel I hope he doesn't unironically believe this. McDonalds gives you more skills than that
We'll just use the tried and true weapon of the proletariat to kill the likes of you.
You mean fake the gas chambers at auschwitz like the Russians did?
Only the realest gas chambers for fascist bootlickers
Maybe we'll just use bullets, then again a nice long sentence in a gulag before a bullet means it pays for itself.
Genetic Fallacy
Like fucking clockwork.
damn, didn't know nick was this involved in left politics.
Your actions in the last couple of years have contributed a huge amount to rich jews.
I thought obongo did that?
Say what you will about Sanders' bombing Serbia and so on, but this is undeniably a really positive thing. He did an event about a month ago called "workers vs. CEOs" and if that's the theme of a potential campaign and featuring in debates, then the media will have no choice but to cover it at least a little. He has normalized talking in the open about class conflict and confronting corporate power and they are clearly nervous about it. They don't want to have to defend themselves publically, because they know they have no leg to stand on with the vast majority. So they do everything possible to just keep these issues invisible.
Inb4 Sanders apologizes, again.
womp womp
What does user mean by this?
Even fucking FOX is calling him out. FOX FUCKING NEWS.
But does CNN talk about it?
does it? I'm not an American. But I would guess it doesn't
There's something deliciously ironic about the way that "privatize profits, socialize costs" is getting backfired on by people who bitch about welfare.