ITT: we discuss the atomic takes made by your family members I'll start off
Believes that european colonial powers pulled out too soon in africa also believes the reason why aafrica has generally stagnated since is because of muh culture which is funny since we're half african also that 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧rhodesia🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 was good and just to add the cherry he unironically supported trump during the 2016 election
Believes the ndp succdem party of canada is too left wing which is hilarious since she somewhat okay with me when i said that stalin did more good than harm
Ironically despite the fact hes a peice of shit irl he has had no profoundly nuclear takes
Thermonuclear takes from your family
None, we don't discuss politics in the family. Positive attitude towards the USSR since family migrated from there after the 90's crisis.
petit-bourgeois who thinks that the 2nd amendment should literally be revoked. for those people who want to own guns, he proposes some crazy insurance system where you can only get a firearm if you go through some private company which you have to pay rates to.
liberal who also has a intense hatred of poor people because she doesn't sitting next to them on trains. deep-down probably believes in benevolent despotism or something. also very anti-gun
my dad is a hardcore liberal who grew up in "socialist" Hungary. he thinks capitalism is perfect if it's regulated, and that Sweden is how socialism should be done.
the rest of my family is even more liberal so I usually try to avoid talking politics.
What are you implying with those quotation marks?
huge anti-organized religion fanatic, never went to church with the family when I was younger, doesn't really believe anything religiously, but thinks that the American election system should basically be everyone gets an upvote and a downvote to stick on a single candidate each, thinks that someone extreme winning would be good no matter what, voted for himself just to spite the system
Huge union liberal, her father was in a union and his father was before him, so on. Social democrat/liberal who thinks that "socialism isn't a good idea," voted for Hillary
And yet I came out farthest left in a family of leftists
Hungary was the most revisionist piece of shit state in the eastern block.
radfem, freaked out when I started defending the DDR and DPRK, now seems to accept it and take an interest in discussion of them
fuck drumph, doesn't mind when I discuss communism or real american history, but nothing will ever get through to her and convince her to abandon liberalism
ok, I'll join. We speak only very rarely about politics in family, but this is what I gathered:
Socdem with libertarian characteristics. Self-proclaimed right-winger. "socialism might be good for stuff like everyone have job, lot's of food and nobody is homeless but we need freedom".
Nazbol. Capitalism is killing us all, but those gypsies, browns and blacks and so on simply have different genetics and should be kept away until proven they can work hard, but they are lying bastards which simply can't overcome how they were made so we should be careful around them all the time. Also, praise Jesus.
He's shortly at university, very hard working person. He do not know what what life is about yet, so he is just generic socdem like every normie in this fucking country. I believe I'll be able to push him more to the left in coming years, if not during his studies, then when he start working.
Still at highschool. Since he is punk, he have some anarchy sympatics. I guess that main thing which keeps him from it is that he doesn't understand what "anarchy" is.Or that was at least me in his years. I plan to introduce him to anarchist literature, but I do not have any physical copies of anarchist literature and I would like to avoid english books, he speak english well and do not need subtitles when watching english dubbed movies, but I am not so sure that he can actually read theory in english.
My father is a typical ignorant US boomer who thinks every liberal party and every other country has secret communists. Believes majority of poor people are just lazy
My mother is an ultra-catholic insane irish immigrant who has no real political views that arent changed by the slightest amount of propaganda besides typical exyreme religious views and wants a very religious government. She isnt very smart
Bernie bernie bernie bernie bernie bernie bernie bernie
Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie
Hanging out in some loony bin, last I've heard. Irrelevant.
Fuck Drumpf & fuck Republicans. Ignorant when it comes to politics.
I still could go for that student loan forgiveness though in the short term….
OP here just wanted to add talking about your extended family is perfectly fine
From burkina faso and loves the shit out of sankara and loathes the shit out of compete and french neo colonialism got into heated debate with my brainlet of an older brother about western imperialism in africa
Communist since she was like 14 and joined the Communist youth, still active member of ML party
Not much into politics anymore, does not even vote
you're doing it wrong
but your mom a milf
the fact that we use our military to fight is ridiculous we should just nuke all our enemies, its good that the election system is rigged in favor of republicans/ democrats because it prevents extremism, who cares about lower classes suffering as long as i'm well off.
Im not exagerating any of these statements slightly he openly admits all of this verbatim. Also even worse he has trained police officers, and is now a local manager in the department of homeland security
all US soldiers deserve blow jobs, everyone who lives in the inner city is disgusting and has aids, immigrants shouldn't come in the country unless they speak fluent English
Lol sorry I, thought this was just a family ideology thread
Also don't call my mother a MILF
It really surprises me peoples responses, like were I live if you are a Communist there is actually a huge chance your parents are too, or at least left leaning
almost forgot
Jews control the media, Canada can fuck itself because she doesn't want to pledge allegiance to another country despite moving there, once voted for the communist party of Canada because she thought they were going to win the election.
sorry, was just kidding. you weren't the only getting the thread wrong, your mom just really caught my attention
as for the responses, probably mostly just americans replying is my guess, their ideological allignments are often a huge clusterfuck in my experience
Was not the DDR like the most vamguardist state in terms of women rights at it't time?
Were I leave lots of radfems kinda like it
Lol, she seems fun
"Tito was like based because he whopped the GERMans but still Muh dictator still doe…" moved to Aus in 70s cuz of this
"Tito and Yugoslavia were based but the Christ / Islam cucks and the west fucked it all up!"
Acceptable view
Most of my older relatives are so detached from reality that it's impossible to have any conversation with them. Grandma would tell me with a straight face that Iraq and Iran were united and ruled by a king. Same with my mother, who also believed Clinton and Obama were actually good for the economy and reducing the deficit. (She was not fond of Hillary though, and never really said anything one way or another about Bernie.)
Interesting way to spell Romania
My entire family are politically insane and schizophrenic due to them all having weird religious beliefs which are a strange spinoff from Christianity. I don't even know where to start with describing it
Oh right
Entire family:
Easy, explain labour vouchers to him and shill Cockshott.
About all I know is that my dad has mixed feelings about unions thinking that while they do provide well-paying jobs, they protect lazy and shit workers from getting fired. Also, he once defended socialism from the Venezuela argument, saying that he thinks the problems there aren't really problems of socialism though he did call Maduro a dictator. The rest of my family is a wild card though.
third world facist, who would support any and all politicians if they are right wing enough, belives in suppresion of the left, and killing of insurrectionists, he also wants less taxes to the rich, and more expending in the military, despite all these things fucking him over he doesn't care, he still supports them
terf, belives communists are a danger aand should die, also doesn't know what a communist is, and just thinks that it's everyone to left of pinochet
heavily anti communist succdem, belives the state should be the biggest employer, and hates the IMF, but at the same hates every single communist, beliving them to be proped up by jews, but still likes mao for some reason, , loves the sha, and hates chavez, fidel, and every single us president, has decades and decades of brainworms
Left Nationalist, thinks that Stalin was a good guy overall and that neoliberals and rightwingers are the worst thing ever. He believes that everything that goes wrong in Latin America can be traced to the US and financial elites fucking everyone. He also have a boner for Mandela(he lived for a time in South Africa and worked allover Africa), said that people who think that Mandela wasn't left enough have no idea of the geopolitics of the time and that Thabo Mbeki is a cunt for being a filthy neoliberal and ruining the ANC. Right now he is kinda entranced by a book called "The New Way of the World" and is even more angry at neoliberals.
More or less same as my father, had an unironical discussion on the streets with some rightists protesters after they said that North Korea was bad, she went to them and argued that North Korea is, in fact, a decent place.
Some sort of liberal feminist, with a heavy emphasis on the feminist side. Hates right wingers due to personal experience in college, she's trying to become an engineer and many of her colleagues dismiss her for being a woman and having vaguely left views.
None of them are exactly radical, they vote for a reformist party and want something similar to what the scandis have, although they wouldn't oppose socialism.
Are you Iranian?
Are you chilean by any chance?
Revolutionary redditism
That's some stirner level shit right there.
Your dad is right, my guy.
My family as a whole seems to drift economically towards the left, although my father and sister lean neoliberal but are more "enlightened" about gender politics, while my brother and mother are more reactionary when it comes to that sort of topic but don't really argue with me when it comes to my ranting about capitalism being shit. My brother is a full on bernie bro, and my mom is largely just a centrist though.
One time she read a sensationalist book about how Lenin killed everyone and every time communism comes up in conversation she starts talking about how Lenin put the best and smartest people in Russia on philosopher boats and ruined everything. Otherwise she is an apolitical pseudo-intellectual who only believes whatever she reads on One day she screeches at opposition liberals, the other day she bashes Putin, all depending on what is trending among her friends currently.
Pretty much completely apolitical. Just a very chill dude. Not really a fan of the USSR though. His passion is tourism and Asia so one time I suggested he should see the DPRK and he responded "No thanks I've already lived under communism"
Believes whatever's on the TV, so Putin good, Russia stronk and in Yurop the refugees are turning frogs gay. Somewhat nostalgic about the USSR but thinks Putinism is better
The only actually political person in the family. In the 90s he left a lucrative job with the state (was a naval engineer under socialism) to join the right-liberal party Yabloko. Refused to embezzle money, accomplished nothing and ended up on the street. Hates Putin with a passion and constantly links me liberal news and conspiracy theories. Rants about random political personalities he used to know because he is butthurt they became more successful than him. Also believes Lenin put the best and the smartest people in Russia on philosopher boats and ruined everything
Nope neither, colombian
Oops forgot shitposting flag
why do you think your dad is a piece of shit?
Peaceful and humanist
believes the right wing isn't political ideologies nor theories.he believes we shouldn't waste time arguing with them since they're a bunch of organized crime lords that must be jailed or killed.
Your dad is based.
haha Burgina Baso :—DDDD
Maybe she is refering to Mohammad or the Persian empire?
Is this a word filter?
No it's not. Just what people believe here
What's wrong with attacking Germany first, though?
"""moderate centrist""" that seems to change views on things just to disagree with me. recognises problems with society but whenever i tell him about socialism he just says "well that's cool bucko but where are ur sources???" and thinks that capitalism is fine and no one is forcing you to work (despite me explaining to him that unless we wanna starve than we are being forced). full on class cuck that is getting fucked over everyday and is completely oblivious. he literally talks about how he and my mum wont be able to retire until they're in their 70s/80s all the time but still can't put his finger on why this is.
default leftist-type. doesn't care about politics but is progressive and shit.
doesn't care, basically the same as my mum. dad
big surprise there
normal people would be reluctant to berate their families to strangers, and you're not half as smart as you think you are. your first post reeks of self gratification.
"you kids just dont get it… i've been alive for 50 years and believe me back when i was your age i thought i was the smartest guy in town but i grew up and realised that yep… things aren't as simple as it seems. you probably think you know better than an old guy but trust me kid you got a long way to go."
Some sort of weird Utopian socialist? Seems to agree with everything bad I say about capitalism except but doesn't think violent revolution could work and hates the USSR. Also supports Hillary and Obama because of lesser evilism and muh women/black president.
Full on boomer who's only interest in politics is fishing related stuff. Votes primarily because my mother wants him to.
Both Fox News watching conservative borugie boomers, voted for Trump, always disagrees with "Leftists", even though the Democrats aren't leftists. Thinks that Socialism is "When teh Govnment does stuff". Hates Unions.
Typical younger conservitive, listens to Jordan Peterson. Typically makes fun of "Teh Libruals" on Fakebook, thinks they are communists.
Same are previous two, but becoming a bit more liberal.
God, I feel like I'm the only real leftist in the family. Don't bother trying to debate with them, usually gets to shouting matches and they are set in their ways.
Tell him fuck his chosen pronouns.
She's a liberal.
Nyet, she (both of them) were trying to justify the war over there and honestly believed the propaganda that Saddam = Al Qaeda.
My experiences growing up showed me that fascist propaganda has run deep and that a good part of the population will easily buy into another Hitler (although my mother was officially liberal and tried to rebel against the conditioning, she never really did and the idpol/corruption of certain minority groups and liberal idpol pushed her away bit).
Mother and grandfather (basically a symapthizer of George Wallace) are dead now, and my grandma appears to be going full MAGA after one my cousins got her ear and has been telling her what to think about basically everything.
Siblings are apolitical/slightly conservative (oldest brother), liberal who thinks Clinton/Obama Democrats are bullshit and is sort of sympathetic to socdem even if he believes it won't work (older brother, also getting six figure income), me who has basically gone ☭TANKIE☭ and doesn't give a shit about booj politics (getting a little over 10k/year), and sister who is neoconservative-lite.
I don't have any familial takes that beat this specific one. Though they all blame Imperialism on muh juice and refuse to believe any other 'race' would do so.
Lmao how do you even get THAT delusional?
My grandparents are basically the boomer stereotype. My grandad unironically voted UKIP in 2015 and my grandma once said that "Jeremy Corbyn is like Hitler because he appeals to young people." That there is quite the nuclear take
What a faggot
Mother is uber liberal who thinks people are too stupid/lazy to self-manage and own co-operatives. This came up after I tried to redpill her via Mondragon/Wolf. My father, despite being a bourgeois 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧executive🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 is far more progressive than she is fundamentally. At least I have a cranky anarchist uncle.
Is your dad a soldier?
Basically convinced my mom communist did nothing wrong.
My dad: The third world war isn't going to be like previous world wars. It's going to be fought out in the streets. You'll have crazy Muslims everywhere chasing white people with knives.
My dad: Communism was a nice experiment but sadly it went desperately wrong. We should just forget about it and accept that capitalism is the only option.
My mother: The government is going to turn fascist any day now and put all of us smart people in concentration camps.
this is basically correct tho
Go away, mom
If anything it's the smart people, the accredited people, who are going to be putting everyone else in concentration camps. The millennials are perfectly primed for such a campaign and the bitterness and absolute hatred towards uneducated people is one of those things you never hear about but is impossible to miss if you, like me, are one of those uneducated louts.
Dad (oh boy here we go):
Paternal grandma:
Maternal grandma:
what the fuck??? He has to be fairly educated to even know enough to take those insane stances.
That's just how trots normally are dude. Also, as for your dad, bring up the USS Liberty incident. For people who are really patriotic about the US, that ought to make them question the Israeli government.
Ur dad sounds good
Daily reminder that this is your typical american family, especially among white/jewish americans. The zionist worship is real. It is beyond salvation. It has rejected salvation and invited complete annihilation.
I had to tell my grandma (the same one who thinks Iraq and Iran are a kingdom) that Israel has never been America's ally and actually did an act of war with the whole Liberty incident. She didn't get it.
She's gone MAGA now. :(
there's a difference between working and getting what you deserve and working for a boss and getting payed minimum wage just so you can eat.
mao was good
stalin was good
israel needs to be wiped from the face of the map and every blooduscking racist zionist fascist shit will be shot someday, inshallah.
palestinian family btw. they pray 5 times a day and fast during ramadan. they are religious and hate israel more than anything.
btw not really a nuclear take, just thought i'd share
No he’s a bureaucrat
В постсовке бидапичаль, в 'Мурике и Европе хоть на "социализм" не триггерятся.>>2620585
It was, they went on a huge spree of ushering women to work in the factories because most of the male population was dead. Since a lot of women were now relied upon to be in work previously almost exclusive to men, things like free child care and the resulting cultural emancipation of women happened almost naturally. And then you had a situation where women on the whole were happier and less stressed in the east than in the west.
yeah man you're definitely not a reactionary for wanting to kill people who didn't have a choice to be born there and have nowhere to return
Fascist states need to be burned to the ground to teach the bourg a lesson.
what does dismantling a state has to do with killing civilians?
And why do you think a Palestinian state would be any better than Israel? Maki would never gain control, and they're the only non nationalist ones.
Do you think Israelis are ignorant of the apartheid and murder they commit against the Palestinians? Many of them even promote it. Just because one is born in Israel doesn't make them reactionary or fascist but if they don't rebel against Zionism and continue to support Israeli policies, then they are complicit. And doesn't Israel have a mandatory service requirement?
Depends what you mean. 95% of people don't see it as apartheid or think about it at all. Arabs living within Israel aren't discriminated against tho, at least legally and in the less backwards areas.
There aren't at all that many or even a significant minority that would promote actual murder.
That's completely asinine. Do you know the amount of propaganda and ideology that are shoved down people's throat since childhood? Do you expect people to just start "rebelling"? And if they live up to all of your requirements, what then? Kill/exil 90% of the population?
Yes, and it's a big part of the indoctrination.
Any Israeli who would defend their oppression and occupation militantly should be killed or tried.
baldfaced lie and deceitful
That's a few millions, good luck with that. Definitely a rational decision by you.
I'll be honest that's only from what I've seen. I used to work with some Arabs and they never really mentioned mistreatment.