The more people came to the west the least incentive they have to integrate now that the west has big enought comunities of mexicans asians muslims , africans… they dont need to cooperate anymore
Every ethnic group is isolated with their own and the relation with the rest are of indifiference at best and deaf hate at worst
The income of every ethnic group is well marked too
Writing after being in canada indians living with indians muslims with muslim , africans with africans…. at every one has rspecialized in some economical activity
It seem we have sustituted external wars for a never ending internal one
Are we heading to a racial caste system?
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The intermarriage in the most diverse cities in canada is nearly inexistant now when 10 ago was the norm
I dont know what to expect to be honest but this doent look good at all
Despite race relations being shit, no for the US at least
Canada has became a meme nation , so how gonna inmigrant respect it and feel canadians when you dont even respect yourself
the new generation are openly embracing their home granfathers nations much more that their actual granfathers did
Indians only marry with equal caste indian , chinese put their home comunist flag in the garden , muslim woman live excluded of any comunal canadian activity , jews live in thrir own gates comunity , europeans has retired to the countriside
Its a total failure
Fuck Canada. Vancouver is the flagship diverse city and it makes me want to neck myself.
Whoa there, humble worker, you do enjoy multiculturalism, don't you? You wouldn't agitate against increasing my labor force would you? Wouldn't want profit to decline!
Toronto is too far gone too
You only have one answer for everything?
exactly the point of globalization, lower market barriers along with individualization of the working class, deregulating labor laws on the economic side and pitting identity groups against each other on the cultural side
Humanity's natural state is a racial caste system. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, we just need to make sure it leans towards socialism
Support for immigration is actually going up in the US too. Despite this idea of a nativist surge the numbers within the GOP have been fairly stable for 20 years; the trend is actually on the upswing.
Yeah but you can't really believe that, can you? Like if you go into Koreatown are you expecting to get shot in the dome by Roof Koreans? Nah. One of my tennis buddies is a Korean dude in his 50s who works in a factory making aircraft components. He barely speaks English but we ended up bonding over tennis. He's also a socdem Thomas Piketty fan turns out. It can get a little awkward at times but it's fine.
the horror
Its a problem when people feel the presure of being a second class citicen even if in a socialist country would have all their economic necesities fullfilled, the status has much more importance now that all the biological necesities are covered in the west at least
we are not living in the 19 century anymore
Immigration into rich Western countries is undeniably part of global capitalism. Article related is almost as relevant as it was over a century ago
No one denies this. The question is who to blame.
Let me guess, you think Jews are behind it. Yawn
No, the opposite.
Rip canada and the rest if the west too
So the lesson I'm gleaning here is that all this shit about the right being against race-mixing or whatever is just LARP and that they actually don't give a fuck?
we are heading to unironic ra.ce war
we don't want boons to society
I highly recommend you listen to this speech
there still is the 25% that view it as bad and they are the ones that are convinced it is destroying the nation and their livelyhood and thus are dedicating their lives to fighting it
so the problem is that the 75% that are okay with it are okay with it but don't give that many fucks
How heavy is the rock you live under?
wtf i love being divided by nationality now
The closest episode to American worker class conscious might be Bacon's Rebellion back in 1676. After he died of dysentery the rebellion fell apart. The wealthy Virginia tobacco planter class then turned away from indentured white servants and instead bought more and more African slaves. The emergent free white yeomanry then took to the freedom of the frontier hills. Class conciseness has always existed on the frontier.
At this point, racial diversity has been pushed to the very limit in order to impose tyranny on the general population. California is the most extreme case of this fact. Racial animosity is a necessary feature of their system. Animosity is a convenient cover for the outsourcing of manufacturing. As the inner cities fell apart, blacks were baited by the media into attacking Korean immigrants. All so that the mayor and governor get to play the roles of peacemaker. Make no mistake, diversity exists by design to enable tyranny. Class consciousness requires a population that can't be fooled or baited easily.
The USA was gonna become a post-racial nation if it wasn't for King Nigger Obama. He caused all the Racial problems, Qaddafi getting killed so Europeans have Racial problems, and etc.
Marx literally talked about this btw.
BTW it's gonna get worse.The problem that Japan is experiencing is that robots never make a profit, only people's labor actually creates profit. If you look at the rate of profit over time in Japan you can see it continuing to fall and fall and fall.
The western capitalist know this and fear a society without a large workforce that they can exploit so they import a ton of laborers which directly means more profit. A few bombs, the death of their culture, violent gang rapes mean absolutely nothing to the mega-rich capitalist. All their care about is themselves and their bottom line and they know this will work out in their favor.
That's your brain on Capitalism
Right now, all the capitalist countries are competing to see who can squeeze the most enriching Africans into their countries just so wages won't rise an extra fifty cents per hour.
Its so fucking glorious. This was what you fought for; this is what the Cold War was all about.
No because it's not divided by race but class. The lowest classes have the lowest class mobility so the poorest are the closest we have to a caste but it's not a true caste system because no law explicitly stops them from moving up. The inequal distribution of races within the classes is not caused by race but class mobility.
This just doesn't make sense. There's nothing special about human labor.
Did you mean to say that you can't make profit without proles to buy your shit?
read marx for fucks sake. profit originates in production, not on the market. human labor is the source of value in commodities.