If you're a leftist why aren't you using a GNU/Linux distro? If you use Windows or Mac why are you even here?
If you're a leftist why aren't you using a GNU/Linux distro? If you use Windows or Mac why are you even here?
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because it's gay lol
If you're a leftist why are you using homosexuality as an attempted insult?
They're crap
Cuz I'm a leftist
lol what a fag
I can't be fucked tbh.
Linux is too difficult to use plus the community is crawling with crypto alt right chuds
For general desktop usage, it is a hassle. For anything server/network-related it is a requirement.
Linux is very easy to use if you pick the right distro. The Linux community also has a ton of leftists. Whatever shitty proprietary software you're using has tons of alt-right faggots using it too.
I found it pretty easy to set up and use. I am just some scrub that never ever opens the terminal and uses xubuntu. it really feels idiot proof these days.
I do dual boot for games and I am posting this from windows 10 though. Maybe should try WINE soon.
I use Void. It's easy to use if you have used Linux before. voidlinux.org
If you've never used Linux before install Debian with XFCE. debian.org
Linux is easy to use and set up. It is especially easy if all you are doing is browsing the internet. Just buy 2 computers if you need to play vidya or run PS.
My essence radiates in harmony with this post OP. Quantum entanglement, intertwined yet far across the internet.
Because my computer is ten years old
Not if you don’t know shit about codeing.
Lies, install Ubuntu and hit next.
My computer is 14 years old. Feel young now?
This, the set up process is literally pressing next in a series of menus.
Install Mint.
It's Ubuntu without Amazon botnet.
What's wrong with it? I know some people far smarter than me who have used it. Sure centOS is better but Mint seems like a perfectly serviceable OS.
Modern distros are more idiot proof than Windows is, especially since they tend to retain the traditional desktop.
Wrong. Windows is the ultimate idiot proof software. It's why I use it. For safety and convenience and because I'm not a pedo scared of the government looking at my files.
Windows. It just works.
Just use Deepin, Redstar or Canaima OS, hell even centos 7 is fine: the cuban government said so
Because I'm not autistic enough.
yet you have that flag, don't hate urself bro
Frick off Porky
But I am.
How do I install linux on pc, secure boot makes it pretty cancer.
just give this a read should answer all your questions
You can either disable UEFI from BIOS or if that's no an option, most Linux distros have support for UEFI, so it should just werk™
You need to up your b8 game.
Because we live in a Windows society.
but some linux distros use far less resources than windows does
Two of my three laptops, the two non-work ones I own, are running Linux (Arch on one, Gentoo on the other).
I run Windows on my other one because I have to test Windows builds.
Even the "hardcore" distros are piss easy to install (just follow the readme.txt in Arch's root). Windows, with it's constant blue screens due to some random driver fucking up your whole system, is objectively way harder to install and maintain.
My main issue with the GNU/Linux leftist community (Richard Stallman and such) are that they're mostly ☭TANKIE☭s and socdem neets pretending they're leftists, and a huge load of them desire to feel superior, not to spread leftist ideals. You're a great example, OP. Instead of using this as a chance to reach out to Mac and Windows users by giving them an alternative and showing them that they're fucked over by their OS of choice, you attach Windows and Mac to their identities and try to get them to defend it. You do more harm than good.
It just doesn't work.
The only people offended by OP are people who attach Windows and Mac along with the whole corporate aesthetic appeal to their identity though.
I was through that phase once. Then I installed gentoo. gang. And I became apathetic to the aesthetic and became obsessed with compiling and configuring all my software.
I'll try again in the near future though, hopefully I can now go and setup my autistic vidya emulators without too much hassle.
Almost every distro requires less resources than Windows, especially if you don't go for a bloated desktop enviroment and instead install a light-weight one. Unix based operating systems are the most resource efficient OS, because Unix comes from a time when it cost a million dollars to manufacture a megabyte worth of memory.
The NPCs can't let go of their corporate identity, because their programming doesn't allow it. They hate Linux for the same reason, because they are programs, not programmers are incapable of creation.
They are Petit-Bourgeois.
Either way, the whole argument stinks of the same old shit "why do you use iPhone, if you don't like Capitalism?"
Nah. It was somewhat true (for regular users) when WinXP was around. By the time of Vista things started to become about equal. Today you got to be a dedicated gamer to have any reason to keep using Win10. And even then most games are linux-compatible today.
Get Ubuntu.
What Amazon botnet?
We need auto-replace of "NPC" with "Zig Forumsyp".
As someone who has started off with Slackware in 2005, I can tell you Linux has come a long way since '08.
Some Ubuntu distros send your search terms to Amazon for datamining and reselling. Steer clear of Canonical's *Ubuntum, it's the ugly, shady cousin of the Linux family.
Searches where? In web browsers?
Tilda and xfce terminal are less bloated than guake have the same functions and don't require gnome to run.
Using Linux/BSD over Winders/Mac is as important as owning a gun in current day and age.
Not doing so makes one complicit in the status quo.
No, i think it's only passed on when you use the Ubuntu search bar.
Ubuntu also dumbs everything down for normies and beginners, which makes it difficult to switch distros later. You don't learn anything and you acquire no skills when you use Ubuntu, It is like a dumbphone in that respect: Easy to use, but very shallow.
Who ion earth is that immense autist in your webm?
Terry A. Davis himself, the schizophrenic creator of TempleOS.
Who the fuck even uses windows… like… how do you even sudo apt-get there?
The absolute state of the modern left.
#HashtagI'mWithHer #HashtagPostedFromMyIPhone
What is with all the brainlet shills ITT? If you use Windows, you are not only a danger to yourself, but you are putting all of your comrades in danger of surveillance as well. You are a literal fucking COINTEL hazard if you use Windows, Facebook, or other botnets to organize.
let's see
i'll stick with pirated and modded Win7 thx
Literally every statement applies the other way around.
100% effort argument
unironic botnet
who let the fanboys in
using windows because you need legacy support is one thing, but i can guarantee you that 99% of people who think loonix is difficult have either never tried it or ragequit when they couldn't figure out package management
As a developer, I unironically enjoy MS technologies. Since MS included power shell into windows I do not see any reason why should I use linux.
Because I'm leftist
I'm never going to stand on USA's soil and I'm never going to be person worth CIA's attention for staged suicide. In fact, if I was on CIA's target list, no amount of proxies and no linux distro would save me.
If you are using mobile phone with sim card linked to your identity, your location is stored every time you send text, make a call or just when your mobile phone make connection to nearest antenna. Therefore, if you are using mobile phone when visiting your radical book reading club you are danger to your comrades.
This vulnerability is easy to fix tho, just wrap your mobile phone with several layers of aluminum foil.
Because I'm lazy and my PC is good enough for anime and masturbation.
I had issues with mint, like my computer just suddenly stopped functioning completely out of nowhere.
But I think that might have been hardware issues, not software.
I don't see what point you are trying to make, it will be absolutely necessary for a serious revolutionary party to curtail phone use during meetings and activities.
kill yourself NSA shill.
So you're a wanker who will never do anything for socialism, makes sense since you're petty bourg.
I was trying to point out that your OS choice is not, or at least not the only one thing, standing between you and fascist forces.
Why would I want bash if I have power shell?
not an argument
are you trying to imply open source software can not be installed on windows?
I came from pretty poor family which I'm trying to help financially as much as I am able to, and I do not own any property. I will get basic military training and join a party before the end of next year. What exactly are you doing which makes you morally better leftist than me?
Also, I know quite a lot petty bourgs which are in favour of socialism. Why use it as insult?
For newbies I suggest Manjaro Linux xfce version. It is an Arch derivative but much easier to install and use.
Also it is rolling release meaning you don't need to reinstall at every major update.
Windows is proprietary and Microsoft has been found meddling with user data and files in the past.
There are intentional backdoors that they(and whoever they want) have access to.
You're using literal spyware, handing all your data and the data of those foolish enough to contact you directly to the feds.
What's the point in building a castle on top of a trapdoor that literally anyone can use because the trapdoor leads into parts of your castle you don't know about or understand? Especially when only your enemy has the blueprint to said castle?
Why not just work for the FBI directly and at least get paid for it?
this is a prime criticism of mine. 5000 different distros, all of which basically identical.
Why is that a criticism? That's what happens when an OS is open source. This doesn't pose any realistic problems, you either just pick one of the popular ones, or you use virtual box to test some and pick what you like.
because i'd rather there be one or a few good versions of an OS rather than every single hipster thinking their propietry software is the ebst around.
yes, I have heard even about hardware backdoors in intel, which will not save me unless I would use some super-fancy encryption, and even then police can simply beat the shit out of you until you give them passwords.
I do not care about FBI. There is whole ocean between us. If some policeman or secret police person from my country would ask me about my political views I would, without hesitation, tell them I am marxist and I do want and will take part in the revolution to overthrow our government. Nothing about this is illegal. Why do you put yourself under so much stress?
More like
Not everyone has the spare time to want to deal with this sort of horse shit. Everything just werks on Windows.
That's not what proprietary means. Proprietary software, is software that you can't see its source code and is prohibited by law to try to.
The real choices are like 4
Ubuntu, Debian, Arch and Fedora.
Manjaro is just arch with preinstalled stuff and easy installation.
How myopic can you get
Just admit you're a lazy liberal
my mistake, I will concede that much
i've had 10 different people tell me 10 different things. which brings us back to the distros just being copy/pastes of each other
projecting much? Also, I never said that. I just know what it feels to be beaten by police, and believe me, you wouldn't last tenth as much I do with not telling anyone anything specific.
Who cares? There's tons of software with very similar functionality out there, why don't you have a problem with that?
because it's messy, inefficient and completely unecessary. why not centralise the lot of extraneous crap into a handful of high quality distros and make selecting them a piece of piss instead of having the aforementioned problem of C/P. and software ripoffs ARE a problem for the same reaosn, as it makes the actually good and useful ones more obfuscated.
LMAO just start with Linux Mint bro.
This liberated territory has 5000 different communes, all of which basically identical.
This is a prime criticism of mine.
That's not true at all. Just because someone made Justin Bieber linux doesn't at all take away from the good and useful ones, nor does it obfuscate them.
imagine being this retarded
say you have distro AN which is useful for networking (say). but some hipster makes AN1 because he thinks he can improve on it, before you know it you have 15 copy/pastes of AN, and they can all lie and say they were the original. no useful developments are made, and it's just wasted space.
fuck off you dumb fucking larper
you're putting people at risk, and you don't care because it's too much fucking trouble to learn very elementary IT concepts
oh no porky doesn't like you. this is clearly a grave crime leading to the death of leftism. we're doomed I tell you, doomed!
Why are you babbling on about the 90s? This happened a couple of years ago.
yeah, enjoy being taken in for questioning I guess
I'll just avoid your dumb ass instead of having anything to do with you.