The Left Will Abide the Regal Queer

She changed her profile pic! So cute!
Say something nice about her.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wanna fuck her


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Bourgeois decadence

I need that high quality estrogen

her earrings are nice

Fuck off you dumb waifuposter, there's enough of this bullshit on cuckchan.

I bet she has a nice boypussy

No, you fuck off! She's queen of Zig Forums!

This is basically just fucking Grimesposting, a thread died for this you shitposting fag.

A little bit of shitposting here and there won't do any harm, especially if it's contraposting. Besides, I've got a shitposting permit from the BO :DDD

I think she's clever. I enjoy her videos.

I hate the circle of Zero Books, Contrapoints, and Cuck Philosophy.
But since this will trigger retard this will be funny.

Zero Books and Cuck Philosophy are pretty good tho
Only criticism I’d have is a reliance on reactionary internet originated aesthetics and humor, but it’s not like we don’t do that to an even larger extent here


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she would be cuter in red desu

Contra show your fucking feet already jfc

I wouldn't fuck him even if he gets a fake pussy.

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I find it close to impossible to watch her content which is a shame, I'm always on the look out for people who can make a compelling argument for an often poorly represented side like SJW-ism and transgender/women's rights.

But her videos now often come with a 20 min unfunny comedy sketch that has actually substance hidden within it. rather then her just clearly explaining her point I have to waste my life try to understand it from "lel ebin I'm not straight" jokes

that's all I've got

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I'm not into trans people. But she's charismatic, intelligent, and insightful. Honestly, one of the best people on YouTube.


still liberal though

I can imagine the end of this freak.

Weigh that anchor pls, I don't want to go to the bottom!

Who? Me or Contra? :DDDD

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they're all decent apart from a few trash zero books podcast

cuck philosophy is good, especially enjoyed the stephen hicks one
contrapoints is a total wreck, mental illness everywhere