Have you read any rightist theory lately and found how weak the argumentation is?
I just read "the use of knowledge in society", a short essay by Hayek, and it's complete bunk. His argument against central planning is that central planning always involves some bureaucrat detached from the actual production process and it should instead be left up to the "man on the spot". How is this not an argument in favor of socialism against capitalism? Let the worker run things instead of the capitalist.
It's a short read, and if you keep cybernetics in mind you will see how retarded it is. He also completely denies the nature of capitalism as it actually functions and instead presents an idealized version where the "man on the spot" NEVER makes use of any statistic aggregates, it's all spontaneous and decentralized and no one knows or can know everything.
Actually reading rightist theorists
Why are you reading Jewish libertarian capitalist apologia? There is nothing right wing about it.
Read "The Rising Tide of Color: The Threat Against White World-Supremacy" (1920) by lothrop stoddard instead.
That book sounds pretty gay.
Yes, I did read a bit of The Doctrine of Fascism, some parts are really memeable and hilarious but I ended up getting bored and didn't finish it.
I've read the better part of Human Action by von Mises. It was pretty terrible. He would repeatedly assert something then dismiss any counter-arguments without actually addressing the substance of the argument, and then proceed onto something else.
I've actually read Mein Kampf cover to cover. It was an interesting work from a historical perspective… I guess. Most people hate the writing style but it bears repeating that Hitler dictated the content to his friend Hess who then transcribed it.
u dumb commies, the only book you need to read is basic economic
I tried to read The Road to Serfdom, but could barely get a few pages in when it became apparent that Hayek literally thinks that socialism is when the government does stuff.
Pic related is my experience with book in pic related
Road to Serfdom is a pletora of anticommunist cliches, I couldn't make it past half. And what's worse is that it is among the most respected and popular works in the right wing
For a tl; dr on "rightist theory".
Philosemitism has no advantages, only disadvantages for actual human nations.
Antisemitism has no disadvantages, only advantages.
"Racism" is similarily advantageous. Even the most brainlet hollywood neonazi skinhead is more beneficial than letting jews live in a nation.
killing all leftists would translate to not a single decrease in evolutionary fitness in actually white (European and European descent) nations and people.
That's all any sane human needs to know and realize.
If all of you died, the world would become not worse, but very likely better for everyone else.
If all jews disappeared it would definetely be better for everyone else, there wouldn't even be a power vacuum since jews have no power, only control over nations that take language, law and "oath" seriously, which jews do not at all.
Kol nidre, kapparot, taschlich, etc all absolve jews from "wrongdoings" if they so chose, it is not required since humans are cattle in their eyes.
So yeah, you all are hindrances, not boons, thankfully you kill yourselves all the time and very rarely breed, that's the only good thing about you, really.
Sure, you might disagree or be upset at this, but I reckon that even your parents alone would be enriched by your collective deaths.
You can cite a billion things, a billion books, etc, but the essence of everything right and correct and true I have just showed you.(USER WAS ENLIGHTENED BY HIS OWN INTELLIGENCE)
I used to be Zig Forums before Zig Forums even existed so I read a few books on rightist "theory" including Austrians and shit like Evola. Austrian economics are literally capitalist theology, they postulate that economics are unknowable and can only be determined through a priori axioms. They all say shit like "socialism is when da gubbermand does stuff, the US is socialistic" and argumentate using abstract isolated hypotheticals. And the less is said about fascist """theory""" the better, it's literally nothing but feels>reals and born in le wrong generation. I can't imagine I used to read and believe this brain-melting shit.
Reminds me of everything my economics class in highschool was about.
I sure made the teacher mad always stamping his hypothetical toy models into the ground. But hey, I always for exactly a 6/10 so he couldnt do shit.
Congrats, I award you the regal title of 'Retard Plenipotentiary', wear it proudly when you make your grandiose and asinine proclamations.
Is the key in your post, amerimutt
This is my experience as well. Their books involve a lot of gesturing that they're going to prove something important, and very few actually interesting arguments.
I've read Rothbard and was both shocked and amused.
From a Libertarian perspective, that's true.
Coincidentally, Hayek is respected among libertarians.
Moreso, he isn't respected amongst fascists, Not Socialists, or really anyone else aside from a few hard free-marketeers on the edge of the conservative movement.
type in sage faggot
That was not how historical socialism worked.
of course
That's a deep truth about right-wing thinking. This is one of their fundamental beliefs.
…which I suspect would include many of the economists who, when one peels back the 'human face' which they try to glue onto capitalism, sincerely believe in such bullshit about markets being so efficient and useful.