Why is BO so shit?

So I thought this was leftist discussion board. I thought communists were supposed to represent the will of the people. Yet why is the BO so shit that they ban anyone for the most trivial reasons which most of the board disagrees with. Leftypol was growing at a rapid pace but the BO's shitty views single handedly destroyed it especially at a time when leftist discussion is desperately needed.

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Smh lol

There’s another board you can go to. If everyone migrated there, we would have to deal with BO anymore and he could have his little PSL circlejerk with the other FBI agents.

Mods in general are shit.
That's it, there's no in depth analysis, they're just shit especially on this board.

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Somehow the "shit mods" were better a few months ago. Your excuse is shit.

Fuck I mean, all replies are right dude. It could also be that being a tranny simply makes you a very mentally unstable person.

Image boards are the shittiest platforms for discussion in any case. Muh anonimity is actually kills it. If you really think that total anonimity can help discussion you are a fucking idiot. Muh anonymous combined with the fact that threads steam out in a couple of hours and then slouch to death in a couple of days (this only on slow boards like this btw) only incourages low effort shit, retards screaming and nerds thinking they can make/winning arguments just because they have better control and padronance over memes. Really how can you expect discussion in a place like this is beyond me. The definitive platform and format for discussion on the internet is yet to be invented imho.
Image board are the worst on everysingle front except memes, reddit is shit because of the layout and upvote system and the userbase this system cultivates.
Heavy moderation is the last of the problems


It might not be good for serious discussion, but that's besides the point. If it's really not a good place to discuss why start banning people left and right? If it's seriously just a place to fling your ideologies shit then why make it an ML torture chamber?

fucking word filters too, that shits dumb
h.ug b.ox

Based and Jim pilled

The BO's faggotry is the just the natural consequence of moderation in general, this same story has happened on countless other boards, 4/tg/ being a good example. I was thinking about making a completely unmoderated alternative to both Zig Forums and Zig Forums actually, something that would resemble a imageboard under communism. Modcucked fags might just ignore it completely though, even on Zig Forums there is very little sympathy for actually getting rid of moderation

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ML torture chamber.. lmao. This board was ALWAYS dominated by anarchists, leftcoms, and libsocs

Ideas and opinion are not equally valid, and MLs actually worked hard for theirs.

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That's not what you said in OP.
I agree BO is terrible and the was funnier in the past, but discussion here was always shit. Also anything that isn't ML dominated becomes Zig Forums tier. Not to he secretarian but BO it's the idiot here, not MLs. The place should be ML only with a better BO

Fuck off. Internet should be always heavily moderated. Go to reddit for "self moderation". Want to see your fucking board as soon as a couple of Zig Forumsyps or liberals raid the place

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I’m and ML and leftpol is a lot closer to the original leftypol than this place is. Regardless of which tendency dominates the board, the freedom of discussion was what made it good. Now legitimate criticism and red liberal nonsense get banned alike, not on their merits, but on the degree to which they conform to BO’s Marcyite idiocy.

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How the fuck is Reddit not more moderated than any chan? It is eagerly moderated into a popularity contest by everyone involved

I dont have any problem with BO's strict ban on explicit support for imperialism as the feds are definitely aware of 8chn and I would be surprised if they werent trying to subvert and manipulate it. Shit like "why shouldnt we allow the US to enforce its hegemony on reactionary weak countries to push forward the dialectic??" is useful idiot stuff that even if the feds are never responsible they would definitely appreciate.

I do have a massive problem with considering other criticisms of the DPRK or any support for over a dozen US military bases in Syria as falling into the category of explicit imperialism and then banning them. The Zig Forums split was on the BO hands almost entirely imo. Im not saying thinking it was outside interference is paranoid, its actually prudent to assume so whether or not it is really true or not, but in the face of potential subversion there should be an attempt to shore up unity in a way that can withstand subversion instead of splitting as if ideological purity will really do anything to help. Subverters dont really care whether or not the result of their efforts is "normalize imperialist apologist rhetoric among radical leftists" or "get them arguing about what constitutes imperialism so much they split their user base", both do the job of disrupting and weakening.

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I didn’t say any of that shit. Generally speaking I don’t think that BO’s line on imperialism is bad, what pisses me off is the rigid orthodoxy with which it’s enforced. Even anything that implies deviation is punished. I’ve been banned for just saying that Russia was imperialist. Not saying that American hegemony is preferable. Not saying that Russia should be our priority when fighting imperialism. Not saying that the fascist government in Kiev were gud bois. Just saying that Russia engages in imperialist relations with some countries got me a ban.

reported for suggesting that Russia is imperialist

This. Two of the biggest waves of bans came from supporting the SyDF and criticizing the policies of the Iranian government during the recent protests. People were literally getting banned for endorsing communist revolution in Iran, or for suggesting that there may be legitimate grievances fuelling the unrest. BO doesn’t just ban red liberals or closet imperialists, he bans people for nuance and actually being critical when giving critical support.

I'll you have you know Jim Profit is Jason Unruhe's brother and "taught him everything he knew"

Honestly not even red liberals should be banned, really being a communist and supporting moderators is one of the most red liberal stances you can take since moderation is predicated on private property

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Also the fact that this isn't a political party with a line to enforce, it's a discussion forum. Christ there was a time when even Zig Forumsyps, liberals, and lolberts were allowed to come here and argue their points as long as they did so in good faith and weren't just here to shitpost.

i was an anarchist till i was exposed to well thought out ☭TANKIE☭ positions, and took the time to consider them, if this has been a ☭TANKIE☭ board from the start i might never had stayed long enough to see these arguements

i honestly doubt leftypol is influential enough for them to bother shilling opinions on here, they do probably keep tabs on it thought

Yes that's most certainly why the board split.

This place was really fun when half of it was arguing with nazis and half of it was having the same leftcom v ML v narcho fights over and over. I come here for shitflinging, and lately i've been kinda disappointed.

less a tendency-specific thing more leftists in general are usually sociopaths or something. very few of them are normal enough to handle that kind of power well.

it's become more ML recently i remember when I left nearly everyone was leftcom. But yeah it's still not ML dominated

fucking typical

I'm was banned for nothing too and the repeal renected right after

No one should give a shit what the board owner thinks more or less than anyone else here. If that's what they want, they should rename the board to "my insane tranny safe space."