I have created a board called >>>/ecopol/ for the discussion of environmental politics...

I have created a board called >>>/ecopol/ for the discussion of environmental politics. It has become completely overrun by Zig Forums

If you are anprim, communalist, ecosocialist, or just interested in environmental politics, please stop by and post so that this thing doesn't become complete shit even before it gets off the ground

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Imagine my shawck

Fucking stop you moron. Overthrowing capitalism is literally the only option to potentially reverse and prepare for climate disaster. We aren't interested in debating nazis on this topic.

environmentalism is reactionary




so what? some reaction to events or nature itself is necessary in any society, as long as it's not an overreaction

Anti-capitalist environmentalism is a reaction to the profit motive knowing no bounds and wishing to defile the environment for the sake of making money.

Nature is adversary to humans, us valuing nature shows how fucked up capitalist society is. We want to retreat to nature because it offers a respite from spaces transformed by alienated labor. A socialist seeks to use and transform nature to benefit the working class, it has no intrinsic value to him. Fascists are obsessed with nature because it has a mystical meaning to them, it's their prerogative.

(This of course doesn't mean that we shouldn't combat global warming, toxic emissions or what-have-you, but purely on a humanistic basis and not because we feel for the trees)

Fuck your utilitarian logic tbh

Environmentalists often want to view and/or return nature to some primeval state, and view human interaction with nature as wholly negative and, dare I say it, sinful. This leads to different sorts of pathological and reactionary political expressions such as blanket anti-nuclear energy stances, anarcho-primitivism, environmental anti-nativism, "return-to-nature" agorism, Malthusian racism, etc. etc.

A Marxist materialist stance would be that we have already turned the world into a garden, there is no primeval forest state to return to, and there is no going back. What a Marxist must seek is to turn this extremely dysfunctional garden under threat of dying into a functional, sustainable, and beautiful garden that can feed and shelter us for thousands of years to come.

That's not utilitarianism. That's pretty much a marxist take.

consider the following

Attached: b5a7bb44e2e6e4d69d35eaa3c6fe889f96162ffe.jpg (1280x800, 150.93K)

These are the facts.

These too. Smart user is intelligent.

Are you sincerely implying we are coldly calculating the happiness of humans over the happiness of trees?

This is important. Socialists need to make sure that their political goals are, at their core, anti-capitalist, so they do not get split through libbullshit. Why would liberal environmentalists side with us when Tesla is going """save""" the world?

Some nazis have already been purged.


Not only do you continue to make this thread, but you bump it while it's still on the front page?
You are worse than climate disaster tbh.

Environmentalism often is babby's first leftpill but it really shouldn't be the last one user.

Wtf, no

Is Green the new Red?

Attached: tUQlsPrVjlLM2OypNSGZNeoINCEPBHxUpVm_oBjUc4A.jpg (460x675, 34.34K)

Is this implying Peppa Pig is sexy?

