Arabian horse, earliest improved breed of horse, valued for its speed, stamina (see photograph), beauty, intelligence...

>Arabian horse, earliest improved breed of horse, valued for its speed, stamina (see photograph), beauty, intelligence, and gentleness.
>prized for its stamina, intelligence, and character
is this racist? this literally implies other breeds of horse are not as well-mannered or intelligent

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Tbh it is a little stupid as i am pretty sure arabians did not breed there most clever horses with eachother
Also that has nothing to do with humans
You are not stupid right user?

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Why not?

Cause humans are not artificially breed right user?

but if genes dictate the intelligence of one animal, why would they not dictate the intelligence of another? Is horse DNA a different type of DNA than human DNA? Different base pairs or something?

DNA does dictate many things(bodytype,scizophrenia) and not other things(like hobbys,sexuality,the ability to learn math)

Have humans been selectively bred? No. The Zig Forums-tier incels go on a raping spree if their sub-human genes ger rejected. Human selective breeding can only be realized when the shitty males get butchered for food.

Does DNA dictate the temperment of horses?

Yes, it's called mating preferences. Which are also genetically linked.

Horses also have mating preferences in the wild. That is not what selective breeding is you fucking moron.

I dont think so

As an incel i am offended
Women go for the bad boys

Studies into different dog breeds have shown that our ideas of the temperate of different dog breeds are mostly complete bullshit and we just think uglier dogs are more aggresive and smaller dogs more open because we raise them that way.


that is the implication, yes

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Yeah that is what happens when humans try to breed things. It's retarded.

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So what is it, economic factors?

this is what Zig Forums actually believes, see the whole pitbull cringe compilation

nurture actually
Horses in the wild would not do that weird dances we see in the olympics if beaten by a stick
Lions also suck in captivity

The point is that if intelligence/temperment is not related to genetics, selective breeding shouldn't affect intelligence/temperment. But it does.

Literally take an intro biology class

No one has argued otherwise. If you want you can selectively breed humans into becoming even less adaptable to nature or autistic as fuck all of the time. I don't know why you would want to.

finally somebody actually gets it

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you need to consider the implications of what you've just said, and how that relates to a global 'brotherhood of man' & the shitfest open border policies ya'll so damn fond of

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Not completly but if we are talking about temperament
The most temperant speices tend to survive
Also provide me with evidence of selectivle bred clever animals

I agree. Because genetics has a direct influence on your psychology because it has a direct influence on the structure and function of your brain.

literally op

Sound true
But i dont think in a big part
But still what does that have to do with humans

I didn't know i was a neoliberal right-winger

Literally firs responce

I'm done trying to explain the genetic basis of biology to you tbh.

humans are also made from DNA

i didn't realize people on 8ch were still stuck in the contrived left/right dichotomy

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Yes but they (humans)are not selectivly bred
Also this guy just took big brains
Are you saying for hunans big brains= more clever

You obviously were you disingenuous fuck.

We have this stupid fuckin thread every day. Let's imagine for a fucking second a eugenics program was super successful a century ago. Now everyone in society has exactly the same genetics and hair and eye colour and shit ok.
Does that actually stop companies fucking people over? Does it fundimentally alter the relationship people have to the economy? Does it create a new society that interacts with the economy and production in any fundimentally way?
The awnser to all of this is NO. Why the fuck do you think actual leftists care? There's nothing of note in eugenics or selective breeding that would interact with socialism in any way.
It's got nothing to do with leftism, it's viability as a concept is not interesting in any way. You want the same as liberals, to change the colour of various ruling classes and elites, not to fundimentally change the system or analyse the issues we face today. It's a fucking shit-tier awnser to a complex problem.

We already know what you’re trying to do, no need to be coy. You’re comparing an animal that was selectively bred over millennia to humans who decidedly weren’t. If humans have selectively bred for anything other than “not dying”, it has largely been for social status, which has historically been, by and at large, a completely arbitrary metric.

there are many different types of intelligence (no, not 'emotional intelligence'). you, for example, don't have a lot of the kind that makes you think of the big picture. "context" intelligence, we might call it. but you might have math puzzle intelligence (doubt it though). So, if this retarded analogy is applied to humans, and from there we decide eugenics is a good idea, what type of intelligence would we even breed? even then, all types of intelligence are a subset of all mental abilities humans have. which ones would we throw out? what if we eliminate a trait that is crucial for a balanced society? mental abilities are just a small subset of the whole gene pool, so you would also have to account for that, including that many features are mutually exclusive.
taking two steps back, why would we want eugenics in the first place? what is the purpose? to accelerate "progress"? to be smarter? if so, why is that a good thing? why do we want that?
taking two steps back, again, why would you, a brainlet, want more competition. if (big if) race realism is in fact true, there are still a great number of black and browns who are smarter than you. if you want to shame a race because "on average" they are less good at solving useless math puzzles, why not make all of society take the stupid math puzzle quiz and sort everyone by Autism Level. You would, at best, be average, eating shit from all kinds of people, especially Asian, but also blacks and browns.
I seriously don't understand how you can be so sure in your stupidity. Lack of intelligence, of course, but in what, specifically?
Lack of context at least, you have the internet, yet you can't piece the information together.
Maybe lack of self reflection as well, since you can't understand why you want eugenics in the first place.
It could also be critical thinking, this seems like an edgy opinion that is characteristic of a young person that doesn't have their frontal lobe fully developed.
Possibly it has nothing to do with intelligence, but more of a psychological problem. An inferiority complex of your ability to compete in the labor and sexual market. A kind of defense mechanism for a feeble ego. This might make more sense, because I don't understand how you see threat in people who are 'beneath you'.

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At last I truly see why Mao was right.

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you don't see Zig Forums fighting for open borders, equality, or an 'end to discrimination'.
in fact i imagine your true beliefs don't even align with this board's

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Tell me, what leftists parties support open borders? In Sweden it's their right wing moderates, in britain it's their right wing conservatives, in germany it's their right wing christians and so on and so on. It's always the capitalist liberals that want open borders.

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you're racist

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All capitalists get the gulag

But if intelligence isn't linked to genetics, then selective breeding shouldn't have any affect on intelligence. The reasons for two animals breeding is irrelevant, the point is about the relationship between genetics and intelligence.

no human population in history has been subjected to as much precise, strict and lengthy selective breeding as dogs and horses have

say, genetics amount to 1% of I.Q. or whatever, sure you could increase overall I.Q. significantly by subjecting a population to a century of totalitarian eugenics and vat cloning, but until we have the means to do so it is moot

Are you claiming the reason big bouj kids are rich is cause of Autism Level and not inheretance

You're super obsessed with the concept of selective breeding and eugenics for some reason. Neither of these things is relevant to the point I'm making. I'm not implying we should institute a eugenics program and I don't care if a horse is selectively bred or breeds naturally. I'm only making one simple point. Psychological and cognitive factors and abilities are directly related to your genetics, since the structure of your brain (largely genetically determined) is directly related to the function of your brain which is directly related to your psychological and cognitive abilities. These statements are backed by decades of neuroscietific research, with entire fields and institutions dedicated to it. The idea is not considered controversial in any biology or psychology classroom, but it sure does seem to send you spergs into a tizzy. Especially odd for a people so concerned about scientific understanding of the material reality.

Of course there’s a relationship between genetics and intelligence. However, it’s not quite the same as Zig Forumsyp genetic determinists would have you believe.

On one hand, yes, the role genetics plays is obvious, there’s a reason humans have gone to the moon and squirrels haven’t. On the other hand, you can’t grow Einsteins in vats, it takes a village to raise a child and a society to produce a genius.

Ok hinestly tho when u start memeing i think the argument has ended
Good night

humans do perform selective breeding.

True we fuck selectivly but not really to produce a good offspring

lol I can't believe the left still clings to lyenkoism like this

yes i agree

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of course they do/did. realistically the selection pressures humans have been subjected to was more severe than even the most inbred of horses.

why is this board so silly?

meant for

gimme gets

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mediocre get


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Pretty much all of them. SPD for one. Pic will probably get me banned but that's them.
Merkel is left socially.
I don't think so. Sweden is full left, they're told there are a billion genders or however many there are this week since preschool. Their "right" isn't what anyone else would call right.
It doesn't have to be only one or the other. Capitalists and leftists want open borders for different reasons, one gets rich the other gets to feel good about himself.

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No one here would argue genetics do not influence intelligence you spastic, they just do in a relatively minor way. We'd need to implement the same eugenics programs we did over centuries to turn feral wolves into chihuahuas, to humans, to see a noticeable difference in I.Q compared to humans who hadn't underwent such.

Google Flynn effect. Material conditions >>> muh genetics

"Leftism is when there are many genders, and also immigrants"
~Karl Marx, Das Kapital volume 2

Marx is dead. Language isn't.

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Merkel is right-wing as fuck you fucking imbecile. Sweden is moving further right than ever before and the supposed left of sweden is leving their social democratic roots to get further right and their right wing is still right wing as fuck. Always when it comes to immigration is has been the right-wing pushing for it with the only resistance coming from the left before populism was on the rise. You don't know fuck all about the political situation in europe if you think otherwise.

Well we can go by retarded 21th century American definitions where anyone slightly more moderate than Murray Rothbard is "leftist" I suppose, but those parties still act in the interest of capitalists and we do not support them nor does any actual socialist


intelligence in general, and that includes humans, is almost wholly genetic in origin


Anyone even remotely to the right socially would've stopped the whole thing with one dead body at the border. She didn't and kept asking for more, meaning she's clearly left in the social axis.
Funny how you never see these mythic leftist parties that aren't for more and more unskilled migration. They seem to accidentally flip their opinions even in their own propaganda.

dickriding psychometrics (lmao) as a unimodal system for intelligence doesn't make your racialist delusions any more reality than your pathetic NutSac mythology.

there isn't such a thing as left or right "socially", the right protects the interests of the bourgeoisie and the left that of the workers, and that's how it goes

baboоn is not pleased with this baboоnposter, wants other baboоnposter back or babоon will glorious uprising

Merkel is only left on the social axis because she is right on the economic axis. The political parties all over europe that are the most in favor immigration and implemented it are the right wing/conservative and center(i.e the most capitalist parties in europe). The only flip we have seen are from some of the right wing conservatives being slightly against immigration despite the fact that they sat on the same governments that approved it and they are still soley responsible for doing it. The most you see from the left is some people showing solidarity with the immigrants as both victims of a major conflict and that is seen as some grand scheme of global domination.

Tell me, who was it that opened Swedens borders? It was their right-wing coalition government. The left-coalition voted against them.

Ok then.

Finally some sense, yes I agree those are pro-invasion as well.

Can't you see that it's an obvious fucking capitalist move? What the fuck do you think we're about here? What you think Socialism is bullshit. Fucking read Marx for once and see that is not what you think it is.

why chide psychometrics? it's the only aspect of the entire discipline of psychology that actually produces repeatable results.

don't like psychometrics that's fine look up cranial volumes by race instead it's exactly what you'd expect

It's done by both left and anyone who isn't far right, hardly only capitalists. Capitalists I can understand since at least they make shekels from it, which I hear are worth more than facebook likes.
Not really, only socialists.
I know what it is. I know Marx didn't say "kill all White people! Wakanda 4eva! Raep!" but that doesn't change the fact that's what marxists want.

What? How? Why? Thats some fucking selt-termenating thought right there to make you stop thinking.

literally and unironically this


How ironic


And besides, just fucking face it that blacks have been shown over and over to be less intelligent even if they're rich. I don't even need to dig up some shitty chart because if this isn't your first day on the Internet you've seen them already. You probably just don't want to admit it because being racist makes you feel guilty and hurts your fee fees

Why did you post a picture of a capitalist regime then?