I get that the Nazis are our enemies, but can we drop the Holocaust thing? The one alignment I have with Zig Forums is that the Jews are the primary exploiters in society, and the Holocaust was clearly constructed by the Allies post war - INCLUDING Eastern Bloc countries that exaggerated numbers many times over throughout the following decades.
I see the value in using it as a propaganda tool and something to whip nazis in line to stop them gaining traction, but I feel it does more harm than good. Marginalizing all extreme ideologies under the banner of fascism.
The Holocaust didn't happen
you're not even trying anymore
>>>Zig Forums
hello fellow leftists!
You have to go back, the only big thing that isn't brought up about the Holocaust is that a not all of them were Jews. Slavs, Gypsies, Communists, The Disabled and general "Degenerates" also made a up a significant amount of those genocided.
Jews are truly the master race
Socialists undeniably took part in constructing the Holocaust narrative. I'm not particularly anti-fascist, no, that doesn't make me a fascist though. This board is for fringe politics. Get the fuck out if you think Nazis are our main enemy. We have common cause in allowing fringe politics to enter the mainstream, where we'll inevitably dominate over any fascists since a majority of Western Europeans are less hostile to communism than to fascism.
Communists and gypsies were persecuted without good reason. Jews deserved to be taken out of society. They're primary role is to control countries through media and financial extortion. They have no genuine political motives except to subvert genuine class war.
Slavs aren't part of the Holocaust because Hitler's racism towards the Slavs was real and the Jews don't want the millions of Slavs ethnically cleaned to take their place in the history books. Again, like true subversive rats.
If you're on Zig Forums and you're Jewish just get the fuck out of this thread.
So just like Nazis then?
Haha nice one. Demoralize people and pretend this board is pro-Jewish. You fucking newfags need to leave.
Are Zig Forumsyps reverting to step 1?
Fair enough, but nazism fought communism out in the open while Jews (true subversives) do it underhanded, clandestinely.
you said nazis are our enemies, did you not? who said anything about our "main enemy"?
But it's true, I even have the DVD to prove it.
Calling nazis enemies is accurate, but acting like they're anything close to the biggest biggest obstacle in our way is stupid. Like calling primitivists our enemy, or monarchists our enemy. It's retarded.
once again i never said that did i? you're making strawmans.
I'll just leave this here
Just open your mind, dude.
You implied I was a fascist because I'm not sufficiently anti-fascist.
I've obviously read this before. There are so many arguments it doesn't deal with, e.g., why is there no photographic evidence of the chimneys they 'reconstructed' post-war, when they had flown spy planes over the camps in question a hundred times? It's a pretty shit document, you could watch any video on youtube "debunking" holocaust deniers and it's the same information.
There is no "sufficient" or "insufficient" anti-fascism, either you're anti-fascist or not
i'm calling you a fascist because you're using fascist dogwhistles while pretending to be one of us.
Ok fuck this board. I used to like this place before the 2016 election but the newfags here are insufferable. All the epic trolls roleplaying as kikes. All the genuine retards who think this is an eceleb board, a Jimmy Dore board. All these fucking retards who hate fascists more than liberals/conservatives. Go post on soviet-empire you fucking faggots.
Ban this retard, the only good thing you useless Mods do
Again, hello fellow leftists
this board has never been your safe space retard
don't let the ERPers cum in your boipussy on the way out
the Holocaust happened and it should happen again
You mean just like MSM, the political left and capitalism itself is operating?
lol this gentile is literally seething
If I was being subversive I'd have left that part out. I'm being open. I'm not a subversive kike using Jewish tactics. Socialists played a big roll in constructing the Holocaust narrative.
Jews were rounded up and removed from society, which should have happened. But gas chambers being used to kill 6 million Jews is retarded. Fuck off nazi larper.
nazis are only less of an enemy because unlike mainstream libs they don't have power, and the solution is obviously not lending nazis more credibility and power
Then I am anti-fascist. Please don't imply I'm not.
wow nice wikipedia definition man really showed us
This is why I don’t post here anymore. You can’t talk about things like the Holocaust obviously being a hoax and Jewish bankers without being called a Zig Forumstard or some other childish deflection.
and why would socialists lie about the holocaust?
your response is where the leftist mask comes off
Well it's the official Jewish accepted definition…does the left have any objections with that?
It’s the same thing as when they framed local communists in JFKs death. Oswald was a CIA agent playing both sides while John Birch Society and the Republicans clearly helped the CIA set up the assasination. The Holocaust is another thing that is championed by both left and right when in all likelihood its a 90% fabrication.
Think about this, something the morons on Zig Forums don’t consider is that this lie, if it is a lie, is pushed onto the Jewish people themselves the heaviest.
you didn't answer my question
I'm not gonna argue with you if you claim criticizing certain things Eastern Bloc countries did makes me somehow not a leftist.
because there is no serious discussio to be had
>I get that the Nazis are **OUR enemies .. and the Holocaust was clearly constructed by the ALLIES** post war
You're either historically illiterate or trolling.. i'm betting on the latter.
Blames all Jews for his own problems. Posts this fuckery on a leftist board. "Forgets" Lenin (one of the founders of Bolshevism) is a Jew.
get out of here nazi
all I want to know is why do you think the Soviets felt compelled to fabricate the Holocaust?
I don't know about Israel or how many people died in the Holocaust, but if I were a country with Multiple Cannibal Famines and my hands in the Middle East throughout History. I could probably lie about the camps, the number, and what actually happened, to Steal Land.
Is this guy the new Red-panels?
he /is/ redpanels
ignoring the rest of this very retarded boomer-tier post, the USSR was invaded by Nazi Germany and didn't have to invent the holocaust to demand land after it won the war
Gas gas gas
There were no gas chambers. Between 200,000-300,000 Jews died in concentration camps, not one by gas chambers. Many experts have visited the gas chamber sites and they concluded there's no way those buildings could have been used for any large scale killings. As well as that, for such a gas chamber to exist there would need to be a very tall chimney for the gas to come out so as not to poison other prisoners or prison guards. If there was a high chimney there should be shadows in the aerial photography of the camps.
Not a single Jew was gassed in a gas chamber.
Why would the winning side lie about history? What could be the motive there?!
remember the 6 gorillion fellow leftist
Stop playing video games
remember the 6 gorillion fellow leftist
hello newfag :) enjoying your stay on our board? you're right freind, we're the anti-Zig Forums board. Anti-fascists unite!
cmon user, no need to try so hard, let's hear that "COMMUNISM IS JEWISH" out
so fucking BASED
Always, thanks for being the greates ally Rabbi
*Snap* Yep, this is going in my cancer compilation
I didn't even know what you were getting at you dumb fuck. Maybe next time come straight out with it instead of waiting ten fucking replies.
So your argument is
There are other reasons other than 1-for-1 control domination. The Holocaust narrative let people turn a blind eye to the Soviet Union being paranoid and bullying other nations into submission, including Germany.
Do you have a single argument or are you going to stick with the kike roleplay epic trolling posts?
take a guess
greetings fellow leftists mk.3
I'm not Jewish though, and you're the tourist, so get the fuck off my board and go back.
Let's not forget to mention this FILTHY lie. No one here exaggerated anything.
Did you know Nazi Germany 1) forced our asskissing government to take everything from the Jews here and move them to some shitty villages or to labor camps? 2) later wanted the Jews to be SENT to Germany to the death camps until the church and people starting protesting heavily against that?
Why would Shitler want our already stripped of their property and rights Jews? What's the point of transferring them all the way to Germany if he only kept them in work camps without doing them any harm, as they were already in ones here anyways? Fucking autistic Nazis. When will you learn that 4chan is NOT a credible source of information?
Do poltards have any proof of this
Or you just naturally think most rich people are jews
it's an attempt to use Zig Forumsyp language to try and persuade them i suppose
So the next time I debate race realism I should just use "Nigger" a lot?
hey i didn't make it chief, i'm just saying what it's trying to go for
not a fan of it either
Ive been here since the beginning and the sentiment you are implying existed here in fact never existed.
This is a really pathetic attempt to subvert the board honestly.
this, but unironically
did i do it right? :DDD
did 6 million jews REALLY die?
yes, people REALLY die when the are killed
Or maybe it's made by one of those people who think the Holocaust did happen but that it was acutallly a good thing.
same bro, marx would be spinning in his grave
Bend the knee to thy overlord, you fucking faggot.
pic related and moe on this here:
Simply stating this isn't an an argument
You're undoubtedly getting this number from the supposed "red cross" documents meme, the simple answer is that those were registered deaths, the bulk of people killed were never registered, more on this here:
Names of these experts?
Nonsense; it is all a question of concentration. Once the gas is released into the atmosphere, its concentration drops and it is no longer dangerous. Also, HCN dissipates quickly. The execution gas chambers in US prisons are also ventilated directly into the atmosphere. Furthermore, if this argument would hold for the extermination chambers, it would hold for the delousing chambers as well, and one would have to conclude that no delousing chambers existed either.
I really don't give a shit if white nationalists want to deny the holocaust. The zionists just use it as an excuse to kill Palestinians anyway.