/ourgirl/ Abby's show is censored by capitalist sanctions

The Empire Files, which airs on TeleSUR throughout Latin America and on Free Speech TV and The Real News Network in the United States, has been funded through a contract with the TeleSUR network. As Abby Martin’s primary broadcast, it has released over 100 documentaries, interviews and on-the-ground exposés from battlefields in Palestine, Venezuela and beyond.
As a result of financial attacks by the US government on the primary source of TeleSUR’s funding, production was halted before the completion of Empire Files Season Two.

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So much for free speech!!

I can't for the day the american burgeoisie falls apart and gets killed in gulag torture chambers

but it's the right that gets denied free screech because there are protestors against their protests
what a bunch of fags

Leaving aside the problems with Abby Martin, I remember a few months ago I made an effortpost arguing that there was going to be a big increase in fascist censorship and repression soon, and that even Zig Forums had to worry about it. People dismissed it as a paranoid fantasy.
Now the porkies are taking down left wing media all over the place, do people really think Zig Forums won't be a target of this sooner or later? Especially on this reactionary website?

What's your problem against Abby

fuck off

i was with you back then, still am
but what can you do about it now? they'll only see it when it's too late
maybe just keep up the awareness and prepare the bunkers without expecting anyone to seek shelter before impact, i guess

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I do think that there is a difference between US economic pressure shutting someone up and a more direct sort of state repression (perhaps to stop the spoopy russians). Regardless, are you able to nuke the user logs if things get to that point?

This is not twitter or social media banning her. It's US sanction preventing money transfer from Venezuela, completely different issue

my bad, i misread something
i apologize

Pravda Media was also effectively shut down when their finances were frozen by the government.

Why did you create the board? What did you hope for? I'm not trying to be accusatory or anything, I'm just curious.

Opportunism, Prysner, and lousy video editing/narration. The last point makes her videos basically unwatchable for me.

If economic pressure is more subtle and effective, isn't that worse? In any case, Twitter has been shadowbanning and shutting down many leftist and anti-imperialist twitter users lately. It is a many-pronged attack that is escalating.

I see. I guess wearing a velvet glove as you choke dissenters stops people from hearing calls for help.

I've mentioned this previously, but I was totally clueless about Marxism and socialist history when I made the board. I basically just thought it was a fun idea and could promote "leftism," whatever that is.
There have been some good outcomes, post quality on Zig Forums has been pretty good lately. Still its use is limited, and its good aspects might get Zig Forums shut down some day.

Deep down, we should have all known this was coming.
As BO pointed out, I believe there's going to be concerted effort by liberals to crack down on "fake news". Free speech is one of the greatest bourgeois propaganda lies ever invented.

That's like your opinion man. So no criticism of substance regarding policy?

I think that pointing out that they're opportunists is a policy criticism.

I don't have an in-depth criticism of Martin because I don't pay much attention to leftist internet celebrities. I've seen objectionable stances and rhetoric from her, but I don't remember them. The Prysner thing is bad enough for me. That's why I wasn't making it the main point of my post, I don't think it's really relevant here. Sorry if you wanted to get in a big debate about it.

First 2 are criticisms that should be pushed extensively but that last one is just not true at all and furthermore I doubt they had the budget in the first place to be able to edit to the highest possible standard, I'm pretty sure it's just her and 1 other guy who were full time working on the project.

here we go…

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I think their video production would be better if they put less budget into it actually. The ominous music is the worst part, followed by the CGI intro. Martin talks like a Valley Girl or something, her speech is just irritating. But that could just be me.

Where are the free speech bandwagoners when we need them? Nowhere to be seen. When Alex Jones got censored many lefties like Glenn Greenwald, etc come to his defense.

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Why is it that many "right-wing" conspiracies almost get to the truth but they mess up on the victims and the intention so often?

This is why

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Facebook Kills "Inauthentic" Foreign News Accounts - U.S. Propaganda Stays Alive

I dont know who Prysner is. Seems like from wiki reading he's a former vet who became occupy and anti war activist. Don't see anything wrong with him, but again this is from a 3 minute wikipedia reading. TLDR what did he do wrong?

>This operation is leveraging a network of inauthentic news sites and clusters of associated accounts across multiple social media platforms to promote political narratives in line with Iranian interests. These narratives include anti-Saudi, anti-Israeli, and pro-Palestinian themes, as well as support for specific U.S. policies favorable to Iran, such as the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA).

They want to kill any anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist media by calling it "foreign influence" and "inauthentic". Fuck this shit.

That article reads like an attempt to poison the well of "Sorry to Bother You" as potential CIA propaganda.


I knew this is exactly what Facebook was going to target. This Alex Jones shit is going to be used to now remove everything that goes against the grain of "American Values". CIA/FBI are working directly with Facebook. I wouldn't be surprised if Zucccc runs for president since he's a good lil alphabet soup boy.

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Lol now I know where the "Abby fuck torturer" meme comes from. I guess if that guy is a real hero he should turn himself into international tribunal on war crime in the Hague

yeah he'll never do that

She's a liberal who married a US torturer in the Iraq war

Free speech in capitalist first world countries has always been a lie. Public speech in the first world has always been extremely regulated by the bourgeoisie's government. I think this really needs to be hammered home more often.

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Oh ok, so your criticism is more levied at their production quality & aesthetic choices rather than the actual technical editing of their videos? I think that's a lot fairer of a criticism, although I'm not sure that intro is overproduced, it seems very cheap, it's not as bad as say, the one that Wolff used to have on that show he does. Tbh a lot of Telesur production values remind me of older RT aesthetics, they definitely need to modernize; for example a lot of their English language content isn't even available in High Definiton, I'm not clued in on what Broadcasting Infrastructure is like in Central & South America, I'd imagine that it's not great, but it doesn't make sense for your source files to be 480p or lower, but perhaps they need to downscale to compensate for poor upload speeds? I don't think Martin's accent sounds like a Valley Girl but I'm not a Burger so idk.

He was part of the same military division that Chelsea Manning, Spencer Rapone and IIRC a couple of other "Woke Vets" come from. Said division has VERY close links to Alphabet Soup and specialized in counterrorism & intelligence. Basically he's the worst kind of imperialist attack dog war criminal you can think of, and his entire presence and supposed "rehabilitation" by the "left" is incredibly suspicious when you take into account what him and his friends backgrounds are. People are falling for it hook line and sinker too, mainly because a lot of them are red liberals who either ignore Imperialism or are basically Social Fascists themselves, but there are genuine Socialists out there who seem to believe that these people are genuinely reformed.

Not defending him, but you can say the exact same thing with Chelsea Manning if it's true. If Chelsea can be rehabilitated then why can't he?

There are many who would argue that she cannot truly be rehabilitated either (if we're being completely honest, people give her too much credit because of the state violence enacted upon her given her situation and she's a red liberal at best), but you have to understand that Prysner & Mannings situations cannot be compared outside of their origins. Manning actually acted against Empire with her whistleblowing and was brutally punished for it; she felt some of the force directed at her that she was complicit in during her service and whilst it can be argued that she has been opportunistic since her release and isn't as educated as she should be, it's conspiratorial to suggest that she is a PSYOP given what she purportedly suffered. Prysner on the other hand, has never actually concretely acted against empire and doesn't believe that he should pay for his crimes that he admits himself, he was literally involved in torture, and his track record since leaving service doesn't actually point at him being anything other than a Social Democrat and his stances on Imperialism are Chauvanistically soft.

I agree that in an ideal world people like Prysner should implicate himself, but I'd say for practical reason woke vets are necessary in our anti Imperialism struggle. John Kiriakou the Bush era torture whistleblower also did torture, VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professional for Sanity) member like Bill Bennings, McGovern despite their past sins are valuable members of the movement.

Without vets and whistleblower, we'll just be part time barista in a ski mask throwing bricks at Starbucks

them making their slogan "democracy dies in darkness" has resulted in too many funny screencaps to count

Isn’t he in the PSL, a hardcore ☭TANKIE☭ organization?

aren't PSL trots?

I mean I guess you could say I'm being too harsh on him specifically compared to others and that I might be biased but he does have some bad takes and a spotted track record. Like I wouldn't be willing to completely dismiss the fact that he may be reformed but he literally hosts a podcast with Rapone who is an irredeemable shitter and has been involved extensively with the whole circus surrounding that unveiling of the podcast.

Nah they're technically M-L but they're not super hardcore ☭TANKIE☭ as I understand it

Can she though? Her run for office was a ridiculous farce.

Only dumb people would enlist into the sham that is the US Imperialist Army, just to get woke and whistleblow against it later. Even with >burger education you should figure out why we're in perpetual war by the time you graduate high school. tldr, Chelsea Manning isn't that bright to begin with, otherwise she'll avoid enlisting altogether

Also if she didn't have mental issues before, being locked in solitary confinement and tortured for 5 years in top security prison will do it for you. She even came out as trans in prison. I have nothing against trans people, but it seems like getting tortured fuck her up so hard that it was a very bizarre circumstances that she come out as trans.

BTW, PSL has actually issued an order to all its members not to publicly criticize Prysner. Very cultlike and suspicious.

What she purportedly suffered was MKULTRA torture and brainwashing techniques while in prison, that wouldn't really detract from the PSYOP angle. IE, one could argue that she was tortured until she agreed to do her awful political campaign, and is being led around on a tight leash by a cohort of handlers (all the creeps who have surrounded her since she got out of prison).

Whether or not whistleblowers can be helpful (they usually accomplish nothing), it's a totally different issue to invite them into socialist parties and make them leadership.

They are Marcyite Trots. They call themselves ML, but they actually do not have a public position on ⛏️rotsky or Stalin.

Supposedly the signs that she was trans were apparent before she enlisted, I'm not well-versed on that topic though.

I guess I should have worded my post more carefully, I think it's dangerous to suggest that any kind of coercion/psyop has anything to do with her being trans if you actually want to discredit her so I didn't want to imply that; it's perfectly congruent for her to be actually trans & also an asset, some might even argue beneficial because it provides not only a more inspiring story but also makes her more amenable to liberals & certain IdPol _obsessed_ communists given how much of a hot button issue LGBT shit is nowadays, but without any evidence or a cogent narrative about how exactly she's a controlled op it's just speculation.

Ideology can obscure even obvious truthes. To hear it from a good chunk of American media, America is in the forever war because it is constantly under threat by enemies from without. Even more critical left liberal sources are loathe to admit that our military’s purpose is anything less than noble and righteous. Very often, the military’s influence being anything less than absolutely benevolent is trumped up to incompetence on the part of Congress and military leadership rather than malevolence.

What’s more, the military is really the only really functioning social program left, many people join to get in on it.

It's in the chat logs if I remember correctly. She wasn't well when she handed over the documents. Thank god she was "damaged" or whatever though. Definitely helped to show that America wasn't as invulnerable as it pretended to be.


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I can't tell if this is some kind of cryptic meme or just regular botspam/viralling

there's even an email on the post
I think it's probably a bot but obscure meme still seems likely

pretty sure chelsea manning wasn't in 10th mountain


Literally in her Wikipedia article lol

I agree with Board Owner. The censorship is creeping and could get all of Zig Forums throttled.

With this recent talk of repealing net neutrality I heard about two basic ways to fight it. municipal broadband, and community broadband for those who don't want their state or districts help.

A bin?

Looks like a honeypot phishing attempt to read your IPs. I hope you niggas all have VPN

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I'm not surprised, given the state of the mainstream left. Apparently free speech is a bad thing now or something.

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can't wait for the free speech gang to start tearing facebook apart for this
oh fuck wait…

They're tanks but there is nothing hardcore about them

GoFundMe Campaign for funding the Empire Files. The site usually used to pay medical expenses for life threatening conditions of poor americans has also a different use.


that would be fucking naive but whats your plan?

hide in a bunkerchan :3

Moving to more direct ways of communication. Probably setting up a local chapter of a leftist organization, along with SSL encrypted XMPP server. For communication among each other use GnuPG encryption via the XMPP protocol.

A shitty server can run this, or a virtual one in a datacenter.

lol I didn't even see it's sonny bunches of oats at first

these aren't bad ideas, but the internet in general is pretty compromised.


This, an actual socialist organization needs to use typewriters and keep their digital presence to an absolute minimum

Yeah, something which he now openly denounced and regrets.
In what way? It’s not as if he just talks about how he feels bad about the shit he and other vets did without actually opposing it, or imperialism in general. He consistently denounces imperialism.
No remorse? Again, he clearly regrets his actions, otherwise he wouldn’t be doing what he’s doing
You don’t have to be a Marxist theorist to be an activist or be vocal against imperialism.
Of course modern US troops aren’t dealing with the same conditions that others have, but to suggest that they don’t go through hardships and deal with trauma is demonstrably false. It’s shown by their higher rates of homelessness, suicide, mental illness, etc. It’s not as if regular grunts benefit from their deployments, on the contrary they generally are worse off for them, and only line the pockets of their masters.

I’d also like to add that as far as the suffering as troops goes, the extent to which they suffer is actually beside the point. American society is extremely militaristic, and their propaganda has brainwashed them into cult like adoration of the military and veterans. So ignoring the obvious benefits of having veterans as spokespeople for our cause, casting soldiers as victims and pointing to anti-imperialism as a way of saving them from death and misery is clearly going to rally many more people to our cause.

The fact is that given the status of veterans in America, it will be far more politically expedient to get them on our side and to appear sympathetic to them while also denouncing imperialism. I see it in a way similar to denouncing capitalism without denouncing the workers that make it possible.

The one true Marxist is up in tank heaven laughing at you alongside his brother and Finbol

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I find it pretty endearing tbh.

Er… Where do you find pictures of the edgelord himself?
Polite sage.

If he's truly remorseful, he'll walk himself to the Hague, to the international tribunal of war crimes as an example for everyone. Maybe he can implicate his supervisors too.

Instead he's memeing in Jimmy Dore show as e-celeb.

I wouldn't be surprised if the BO was legitimately afraid of Jim Profit at this point

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Was harris ever a part of the free speech bandwagon? Regardless i wouldn't expect consistency from this pos anyways.