Now would be a good time to consider Florence, which looks like it'll crash into the Carolinas. Is it gonna be a disaster to rival Irma and Maria? Will it be more of the same? How might this be exploited by the porcine shits?
Major Hurricane Florence Thread
usually they use it as an excuse to kick out tenants in low rent neighborhoods and build luxury housing in their place
Document shows Trump admin took $10 million from FEMA, gave it to ICE for detentions, ahead of 2018 hurricane season.
So what the fuck happened in PR?
Severe bungling of the Relief efforts by FEMA / Territorial / Federal goverment
Some towns in the Hinterlands STILL havent had power restored and the death toll is now unofficially in the thousands
The Atlantic hurricane season's quietness for the last few months besides a single TS that hit the US mainland cannot be an excuse for this diversion of funding. Of course, matters are being made worse by the encroachment of hurricanes on Hawaii in the Pacific, where there's been a lot more going on. Hector, Lane and now Olivia have all tracked nearby, with Olivia about to cut its way through the archipelago as a weakening but still concerning tropical storm.
Just fucking nuke me, please. I’d rather go out in a fucking instant than this fucking godawfulness
Oh you know having the Poor Counties die, Lumberton in NC still hasn't recovered from Matthew from 2016, and still hadn't seen funding. Now you got this Hurricane that is going to make the damages worse, and you know what the state be like "Oh we still can't get money for you to repair" so some of the poorer counties will suffer.
But the good thing about Lumberton is there is an Electric Company Co-op that actually gets their shit together and can restore power a lot more quickly than the shitty Monopoly of Duke Energy Has on the rest of the state.
But I am concerned that the quiteness of the Atlantic Hurricanes is because I feel that the storms are only going to be a lot worse. We already seen what Maria did to the country, now imagine that but with several more hurricanes crashing into the South Eastern US.
worst case scenario is my basement floods because i live in the western part of virginia
but my old friends might die sadly
Sucks to be you
This year hasn't seen many so far, at least compared with the deluge that came last year. The ENSO was at a stage where the Atlantic was looking less conducive for development and the Pacific much more so unlike last year but the big ones in the former basin are coming. Few places are safe; the UK looks set to get sideswiped by the remnants of Helene after it caused flooding in West Africa.
I live in fucking TENNESSEE which is almost 1000 miles inland and i remmeber when katrina came through we lost trees in our yard. Thats how powerful the storm system was.
you should thank the hurricane for breaking up your mind-bogglingly boring tennessee life
It wont change anything by itself, but maybe next Puerto Rico blunder in he mainland will have some effects.
Support Our Troops
Not him, but Tennessee was fucking boring as shit to live in.
Tennessee is what you make of it:
Activiate the dialectic.
i swear to god if this hurricane hits florida i'm going to be pissed.
i already had to evacuate for the complete lie that was hurricane irma, i'm not evacuating again for no reason whatsoever. fuck hurricanes
americans ruin everything
even antiamericanism
Georgian North """Florida""" impostor detected
We're not worth it.
Trust me.
Considering how bad things are going down in Europe. The US is the only nation that has any chance of actually becoming socialist.
Jesus Christ.
if it makes you feel better, I'll try to stand in the center of the blast radius when the nukes are launched, so I'll have a painless death
This will be Trump’s Katrina if it’s really bad, considering how he said Puerto Rico with 3000 deaths was a “success”
way more than 3000 have died in Puerto Rico, and hundreds of thousands have fled to mainland USA.
Puerto Rico is still Trump's Katrina. The media wont cover it that way though. They're as forgotten as Haiti
There's pockets of good and bad everywhere.
Here's to the breaking up of states
Actually youre completely wrong Tennessee is the greatest state in the Union and Nashville, the city i grew up in and still live in, is a never ending party filled with buscuits, gravy, good times, guitars, and big fat titties.
Btw Georgia and Alabama are both objectively worse.
Nah, Alabama is great around Bham. Also has nice beaches.