Trump Is A Symptom Of A Larger Problem

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Dore is a succdem but he gets benefit of the doubt since he's a burger and it's already impressive how much conditioning he's overcome.

I think he's good in this vulgar Marxist way but I'm about as theoretically developed tbh

Look I just wanna see some bankers get the guillotine okay

He's not wrong. Don't know how you can even call yourself a leftist if you don't agree with that, tbh.

holy shit, that burger prison

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I love how this vid is basically against the line pushed by Junk Yogurt and TYT.

I like him. He's like a modern day Marat - crude around the edges, not all that theoretically rigorous, but by god his heart and energy are in the right place.

Brief message to any of the shitters who always come into these threads nowadays crying about "b-but jimmy's a liberal at least Sam Seder actually has radicals on his s-show": It is 100 times better to be someone who perhaps is a left-liberal out of ignorance but can speak the language of the working class and who advocates for revolution and working outside of the Democratic Party than to be a vulgar marxist and vulgar anarchist cynically working with a neoliberal who has never once advocated anything other than voting for neoliberals to boost your own social media followers and bullshit radio shows/podcasts nobody except urbanite hipsters listen to

Also Jimmy Dore memes have been a part of this board's culture for at least 3 fucking years now and they always will be no matter what stupid shit Jimmy says or how hard you newfaggot redditors try to shill cucks like Seder or Pakman or whatever the fuck so fuck you and if you don't like it leave

This has been a message from Defend Jimmy Gang

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you're kidding, right?

he's a good man, we need more guys like him, even if not big on theory, they have passion and a hatred for the capitalists that already elevates them high enough to see through the most obvious bullshit liberals try to push

They've been in the last couple of threads either about dore or making fun of Seder crying about how Seder is actually further to the Left than Dore because he has a LITERAL Marxist on his show and sometimes has the Chapo faggots on kek

i wish i had the strength to strangle all those people that need it

Relevant Zizek video

ah yes, that "communist zizek", that like seder, promoted voting for SYRIZA like they do for democrats now
he's such a faggot, seriously, it's so transparent how he's hiding his reactionary actions by desperately trying to pass as oh so radical when talking his mouth fuzzy to convince the retards that can't see through this shit facade
zizek is a joke and a shit meme
dore is the better man, not because he'd be the better communist, but because he doesn't pretend to be and still gets closer to being a genuine comrade

I mean Zizek is pretty reformist but what he said is still true tbh

Trump was mostly elected because of the issue of immigration.
Come on you guys know this…

Trump was elected because the majority of the country didn't vote and the ones who did were either upset about global trade deals, bourgeoise right wingers who wanted more tax cuts for their businesses big and small, or people who wanted revenge on the Democrats for being fucking corrupt pieces of shit and screwing them out of Bernie

all i hear there is him trying to score points by acting up as a commie while distancing himself from the same guys he more than anyone has his head stuck up their ass, fucking brown nosed spineless socdem shill that he is
he's a fraud

are you pretending to be a Zig Forumsack pretending to be a liberal or what did you mean by this?

This election will be an interesting test for your hypothesis. With the whole "caravan" business this close to the election, just on the heels of the Kavanaugh kerfuffle, we will get to see which kind of idpol animates people most: left or right idpol. Also this

With Žižek, you need to study his philosophy but throw his politics and economics in the garbage, kind of the opposite from people like Stalin.
He's clearly well-read in continental philosophy and does a cool revival of dialectical materialism, outside of that field I dislike his concessions western anti-communism.

Give me a million Jimmies and I can rustle the world.

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Trump is also a neo liberal. He's just for closed borders and for some of the more extreme freedoms to be restricted a bit. It's a neo liberal that preaches for trade protections and says no to globalisation when it doesn't benefit his country.

Just judging what he actually does, it doesn't really seem that he's changing the course or anything in regards to that of America. I guess it's expected that there should be some fake outrage, or people driven to outrage by larger corps since being against open borders & globalisation programs is kind of against international markets. Once you go against international markets you will have plenty of people who would be against you. Which I guess is why you see so much outrage over Trump compared to Clinton. Even though ideologically they are on the same kind of level I would say with just a different view on globalisation & immigration.

I've never understood how the small contingent of Jimmy critics could ever pivot to pretending like Seder or Pakman are worthwhile because everything that Jimmy is accused of they're also guilty of but just on a much more harmful scale. I get why some people on here could agree with someone else on a specific issue as it pertains to a larger communist strategy and I also get why people would shit on Jimmy for not being Communist yet but some of these people are making posts like they think we think Dore is the next Lenin or something and others still will commit massive amounts of time to arguing for people like Seder & Brooks as individuals almost like it's some kind of personality or culture war bullshit.

If some people think that some form of Electoralism could be a more viable strategy then that's fine, but explore that on it's own terms without defending people like Seder against Dore or even vice versa. Personally I think electoralism will likely be a serious part of advancing communist movements within the US (at least for the near future) but I think that's tied to caucuses within the Democrat Cops of America actually turning it into a political organization that can challenge and eventually split the Democratic Party by force, since they're the only vaguely socialist adjacent organization in the US with actual numbers. To people who are for electoralism, reformism or otherwise I ask you what exactly do expect to achieve? The problem is that the leadership of the Democrat Cops of America is all fucking succdems; if you believe that electoralism is a viable strategy, stop with the fucking Democratic party shilling, join the fucking Democrat Cops of America, and do what people did to the SDS; entryism into those Caucuses that actually want to direct the Org away from being cucks for the DNC and towards an eventual Communist Org with real political and social power in order to create space for real Third Parties in the US and an actual Worker's Party instead of the abomination that is the Democrats.

I don't think you're being fair to Zizek here, Syriza is hardly comparable with US politics and at the time there were a lot of people who thought that they wouldn't capitulate and could actually meter some form of resistance to the EU, there were actual Marxists in Syriza that dipped when they did capitulate and I've even seen criticism levied at them for doing so, which is a hell of a lot more nuanced than just equivocating about different political parties at different times under different material conditions.