Yurp vs USA standard of living

So we hosted some American academic partners a few days ago, and talking with one of them was quite interesting. He's a tenured professor at the University of Hawaii - he's also the head of an institute at the Uni. While I'm not at a university or jobs are somewhat similar and his salary is around 3,5 times higher (before taxes) and after taxes the difference is even bigger.
One third of his salary goes for his two kids' college who are studying around 5000 kilometers away. Around one fifth of his salary goes for his family's health insurance and another fifth for rent for the house they live in - which is a whole lot smaller than the (old) house I live in. Day to day expenses are around 2,5 times higher than mine and he is unable to save any money. And his quality of life was highest among the visiting group. People from California and NYC have even higher day2day expenses.
His job is almost a Darwinian struggle and if he gets seriously sick or injured, he'd lose his position as the head of the institute and his family would most likely hit rock bottom. He was in awe of us Yurpoorans who can send our kids to tuition free universities, pay a much smaller chunk of our salaries for health insurance. He believes that we live in a decent political system where the politicians actually care for us folks … When we explained that we also live in a neoliberal hellhole, he was even more surprised …

I am sorry Amerifats ….

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Hahahaha fucking ameripoors :DDDDDDDD

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why is colorado so slim, lads?

And you have only seen the people who are “relatively” well off. If you go to the Midwest it is like a goddamn third world country. Us Americans get fucked hard everyday by Porky, but the people here are too ignorant to realize it. People blame immigrants or people on welfare for their problems, and they deride any effort to make things better as “Communism”. I honestly think we are fucked.

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Though I'm not some sort of European imperialist, I nonetheless believe Europe is undeniably the most civilized region in the world right now. It would be a great good if the EU got its shit together and established a proper presence in international politics.

Yes that was the most astonishing realization. These were folks with respectable jobs and social positions in the bourgeoisie society, making more than 100 K per year. I cannot imagine how regular "middle class" and working class folk with salaries between 50-100k per year even live.
I am not even sure what a leftist movement could even achieve at this point in the USA? Poor people will fight tooth and nail for their right and privilege … for their liberty to stay poor and get fucked by porky forever … I am sad about the future of the USA non-porky population :(

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The Yurpoor problem right now is that the EU was planned by neoliberals to be a neoliberal hellhole. More Corbyns need to seize power and build an actual European connection …

I hope you know that american'ts are fat because of bad quality of food, right?

yeah, lots of costs here eat away at your income that people never think about when they claim

I know several well off people that live in a two high income household and are live paycheck to paycheck

I once talked with one LDS missionary. He told me that his father earns a little over 60 thousand US dollars a year, working over 40 hours a week. Majority of his salary goes to paying numerious expensive insurances, the rest for mortgage and only small part for food, entertainment and things like that.

I do hope this thread won't become capitalist apologist by claiming that USA is not realism and European social democracy is the best thing ever. There are still numerous capitalism caused problems like pollution, ugly architecture,unemployment, inflation, low home ownership, small birth rate leading to ageing. Most importantly European welfare is paid by imperialism.

I hobe dhat yuo know dhat yuo are dhe mosd annoying prick on this board, right? :DDDDDDDD

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80% of all people live paycheck to paycheck in USA. 50% of the entire population are poor or low income. 80% of the country makes under $65k, and 50% make under $35k.

Why do Americans keep voting themselves into poverty?

I think Trump is right about the media being the biggest enemy of the people, if only he would clarify that its the mainstream (big money) and most of the time not smaller independent companies. The propaganda model works. Mainstream media should no doubt be our #1 target. Read manufacturing consent.

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nah just kidding man, you are the greatest person I've ever known :DD

10/10 thread, OP. And thank you for not simply bashing us. Most of my countrymen might be devoted bootlickers, but we're all in this boat together.

To answer your question, things are tough. I make about half of what that professor does, and I couldn't even imagine putting my future kids through college or - God forbid - saving up to buy a house. Between all my student loans, and the credit card debts my family had racked up to eke out a decent lower-middle-class lifestyle, the most I can allot myself is $10 a day for anything non-essential; things like gasoline, clothes, and entertainment. And I'm likely gonna be paying them off for over a decade. Maybe even two.

That said though, this is still incredibly liberating compared to the life I led before. Back then, every single transaction - even buying a bag of chips - had to be weighted against my bank account. I remember some ten years ago, me and my mother were scrounging for pennies just to buy cheeseburgers from McDonald's, and almost everything we owned was secondhand.

We've come a long way since then, but it's a fragile existence. Our entire lives hinge upon our jobs. One disfavorable word from a senior employee, or one unfortunate accident that leaves us crippled, and we lose our income, our healthcare, and everything else the developed world takes for granted. And that's not even getting into the working conditions themselves. I'm lucky in that I work as a codemonkey in the government, but I've heard horror stories from my friends of literal sweatshop conditions and managers that forbade them from even talking to their co-workers.

Please, help us. My countrymen might be dumb and spooked to high hell, but the American proletariat never asked for this.

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I read and watched manufacturing consent. I do understand why they would vote against themselves, but I don't get it, why they do it again and again. They still suffer the consequences afterwards - hard to see a doctor specialist, hard to send kids to college, hard to afford car repairs etc. I mean, rich people just got billions of dollars in their pockets from Trump's tax cut. Do they go "YES, RICH PEOPLE GOT MORE MONEY TNX TO TRUMP, GOTTA VOTE FOR HIM AGAIN, SO HE'LL FUCK ME OVER EVEN MORE" ?????

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A lot of people simply live in an alternate reality. In their world everything bad that happens is because of non-whites or the “Deep State” or Communists, and anything good that happens is because of Trump. I know for a non-American it might sound silly, but it’s the truth. Just look at how many people believe this “qanon” shit. They are completely disconnected from reality and live in their Fox News/Boomer Facebook bubble. They don’t realize that it is the people they look up towards and vote for that are fucking them over.

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Because every time they get screwed they are told that it wasn't real capitalism, there are still taxes to cut, and the gubbermint is still doing things, so in fact they live in crypto-communism :^)

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The American government was literally designed from the ground up to protect private property holders first and everything else second. It doesn't really even have a single government but several. Also Americans would never go for leftists anyways. As long as they have their fucking empire America and it's citizens will continue to be obscenely reactionary. If you want to help Americans you just work to dissolve the American world order.

dis :DD

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Other states post bourg revolution were built the same way. But there a leftist politics was still kept alive even until this day (When it is at its lowest)

This is one of the saddest things really. 50 years ago it was possible for a guy in his 20s to support a wife and kids with a mediocre salary; now you need the woman working as well and you have to delay the kids by 10 years. And this is sold as 'liberating'.

And then when they do have kids they are autistic which makes them even more of a burden on the family since the state doesn't give a shit.

I see a lot of glorifying of EU states ITT and I should tell you to be careful. In most EU states pensions are going down like hell, causing most pensioners to collect bottles and shit like that. Housing prices and rents are terminally high causing many people to live like a college student despite them having worked their entire lives.

At least in the US you can get a house or some sort of living space for cheap if you don't live in one of the big cities. In Europe you can live in bumfuck-nowhere and pay two third of your wage for your rent. And in the US you get muh freeze peach while in Europe the police fucking raids your apartment if you post the flag of the USSR on Facebook.

Yep, I have mentioned low home ownership and ugly architecture which feature small flats

In which country tovarish? I can only think of Hungary or Poland that would raid someone's place for posting USSR stuff online.

In Germany the police has raided people's apartment for posting a news article about Rójava online that showed the Y.P.G. flag in the thumbnail because they didn't want to upset Erdogan.

Also, let the add the following: the good thing about Europe is that you can fuck up and still be able to live your live like a normal human being. I've been to the US and dated an American girl and I realized that the US has a "you fucked up for live" mentality. Means, you get caught with an open beer can and it's posted at your local gas station causing your landlord to evict you and you can never get an apartment again because they demand your record. That causes you to be jobless etc. - this is just unnecessarily cruel. In Europe people are still able to live decent lives even when they are pretty much borderline petty criminals.

Nah tovarish, I do not believe you.


Lower working class American user here.

I work 2 jobs, one bussing tables with tip sharing that i do at night and a carpentry job where i build cabinets during the day. I get up at 5am, drive to work, work from 6-2:30pm. I arrive home at 3, have an hour to freshen up eat and change cloths for my bussing job, and then work from 5-10. I get home just in time to force feed, shower, and immediately go to sleep so i can get a maximum of 6 hours of rest.

I get paid 12.50 for my carpentry job plus $250 a month from them for insurance, thankfully i am still on my parent insurance. And tip sharing. An yorld results anywhere between $1600 in two weeks to $500 in two weeks, usually lower than higher.

My body hurts constantly and i can barely afford to keep myself alive.

I have no mouth and i must scream.

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Oh yeah thats roughly 12-15 hours working every day not counting my commute and breaks.

Tnx tovarish and apologies for doubting what you wrote.
This sounds insane: "This ban against the PKK also extends to the Kurdish People's Defense Units over a dozen US military bases in Syria and their symbols.According to a decree of the Federal Government of 2 March, the display of symbols of organizations and institutions subject to proximity to the PKK should also be prosecuted."

read "vineland". people want fascism. they want a daddy to tell them what to do, they crave a boot to lick. there's no saving the usa.

How does your body not simply collapse? I am at a loss for words :(

Just start a business dude.

Tnx for the book suggestion, will read as soon as possible.
Have you seen the British documentary series The Century of the Self? It is also about 60s "rebels" that later became the most consumerist of them all …

I know this is a shitpost but i still hate you for it because i actually have people tell me this and when i explain that i have no time or money they tell me to go into debt with high interest loans while im still paying off useless student debt.

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Pull yourself up by your bootstraps :^)

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My hatred for capitalism and the idea that someday i will be able to participate in some kind of revolutionay activity keeps me alive.

I just wish there was a chance i could do that here but ill almost certainly have to go abroad.

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I used to work 8am to 5pm, go home for 30 minutes, then go to my second job from 6pm to 12pm.

At my first job we didn't take breaks. There simply wasn't enough time and we were shorthanded due to how stupid the manager / company was. I usually ate lunch while working and frequently had to stay until 5:20 or 5:30 waiting for someone to pick up our shipments.

At my second job I was working part-time in the lumber department of a home improvement store. Since I worked the evening shift I was stuck doing the nightly cleaning and straightening up the place. It wasn't uncommon for me to load up 3-4 carts of trash (much of it broken bags of concrete) and then physically throw them into the trash compactor. On a good night I'd have a coworker on the same shift, but there were nights where it was basically just me working alone for 6 hours having to clean up a large space and throw out trash.

Pay was low at both jobs. When I told the first place I was quitting they offered me a twenty-five cent raise an hour.

Anyone who says the first-world proletariat is just a big labor aristocracy living off of the exploitation of the third-world is full of shit.

Hey, there was a Farmer-Labour party successful in the 30's, especially in Minnesota, where the party had like 2 governors and 3 or something senators and some lesser accomplishments elsewhere. People like you must be plentiful in the USA and sooner or later people will get pissed? But yeah, they do love the fascist preachers :(


Also, never let your hatred for porky fade away.

Couldn't resist.

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Those classcucks deserve to be shot tbh

dog bless :DD

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That is why it is helpful to divide American proles into two separate groups. The first would be the precariat who work shit near-minimum wage jobs and have no benefits or even set hours. The second is the digsuting "professionals" who are all various flavors of reactionary. They work jobs that pay well enough for at least one person to live and have set hours. These people not only benefit from imperialism they also promote it and even help to carry it out. Both groups benefit from imperialism though in the end though.

I have plenty of coworkers who are super precarious and are also super right wing.

The closer they are to boomers the more reactionary they are. And then suddenly (if they arent religious) you get the greatest and silent generation and they are left as all get out.

Also sorry for all the spelling errors i have to use leftypol in the bathroom and on my 10 minute breaks because thats the only time i have free to use it.

Most people don't even know why they call it the Silent Generation. I'm guessing because they don't talk about how retarded their kids ended up being.

Because no president came from that generation or some shit.




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Proof? Evidence? Facts?


Good animu

I am poor af, seasonally employed, homeless and American. I've spent a lot of time among people much much worse off than me: people who have been homeless since childhood, people with addictions, people with serious disabilities mental and physical.

The truth is that these people do survive, and their population grows by the year. But it is a harrowing, dehumanized sort of existence. By the standards of some European countries or countries like the USSR, it might be surprising that people actually exist like this, though I've never left the USA so I don't know. Whatever the rhetoric of neoliberals, most of America has no safety nets. We have what is, admittedly, the most gargantuan and developed economy in the world, and this has done nothing to alleviate the fact that:

-people without work cannot get healthcare: the ACA did something to alleviate this, but is currently being dismantled. I once watched a video from some liberal talk show where conservative voters told interviewers how much they hated "obamacare", and when asked about their opinion on the affordable care act, they universally praised it for literally saving their lives and their families
-people without work cannot get housing: programs exist but cities and home owners associations do everything in their power to make sure affordable housing/section 9 is eliminated entirely
-food, thankfully, is available in *most* of the country. The republicans are trying their damned hardest to reduce that (with the rhetoric that they will be encouraged to work if they are left to starve, conveniently ignoring the fact that they've systematically undermined every attempt to create full employment)
-people without work cannot travel: if you are in a country that isn't run by giant automobile manufacturers like GM, you probably don't know just how fucking awful it is trying to get around a country this big with no public transport outside major cities. In fact even in major cities there have been repeated attempts by the bankers running city councils to privatize transit, which of course ends in disaster because massive city transit like the CTA absolutely CANNOT turn profit while still allowing the fucking economy to function, the minimum wage workers who use transit cannot absorb any more price hikes without higher wages, which the bankers will never allow. Some towns basically can't be accessed AT ALL except by car or a several day hike with no water.
-Hygeine, of course, is not accessible to the homeless, which is the source of most of your problems if you don't have a disability or dependents. People won't let you into places, you can't get a job, you can't even get on a damn bus to try the next town over. It's fucking HARD to not stink if you've spent a couple days walking around a city in the same clothes. You get pretty good at "showering" in public libraries without alarming staff.

And the worst part is that a lot of this actually just gets WORSE if you are working. I can almost guarantee that if you work minimum wage and aren't provided food and board, you probably can't afford more than one, maybe two of the things I listed above. Just try getting to your fast food job on time and clean every day if you don't have a home with running water. Not to mention in most states if you are working at all you get practically nothing in food stamps. This is the reason most of the people I've met who have frequently gone a day or more without food are actually employed full time.

This is why – and I'm very serious about this – I hate this country. Hate. I want the union dissolved. I want america to be forgotten. This place is shit to live in, it makes life shit for everyone else, it is objectively shit.

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Tnx for your answer. How do you sleep and where do you eat? Do you sometimes have enough money to rent a place, at least a room?

The one good thing about this country is that it is very big and actually surprisingly underpopulated. Dispersed campsites – places where you can camp for free usually without even checking in – are very frequent in the western half. The disadvantage is that this can make it very hard to get to most jobs or services. I was lucky enough to work in a conservation corps (which actually paid BELOW minimum wage for the state I was in since it was technically "paid volunteering" or some shit) last season which complimented that lifestyle well. I had to rent a motel room every week to get cleaned up though and it became pretty much impossible to save money during that time. I was on food stamps, but unless I just wanted to eat chips and chicharrones all the time I was eating a diet (and I know this pretty much confirms every burger cliche) of fast food. It's hard or impossible to cook when you're homeless. There was a pretty tough month and a half where the campsite was actually closed because of fire restrictions and I had to alternate between a shelter (not really a place anyone wants to be in) and motels, which sapped my entire paycheck.

I could have stated with some coworkers (the handful that weren't in the same situation as me) but I turned them down since depending on other people that you aren't very very close with is a sure way to get on their bad side. I've seen A LOT of nasty falling outs because of that.

Oh and just to reiterate: I am not even NEARLY on the lowest rung of the ladder here. I thank fucking god (if I believed in that asshole) that I don't have a disability, or dependents, or have trouble with English or literacy etc. Things get bad for those guys, I've been friends with a lot of them and most people can't even imagine. I'm very lucky to be young, have no debt and no one that needs my support. Problem is I don't know if the rest of my life will be like that. For the past two years I've promised myself that when I save enough money I'm gonna get a vasectomy, I CANNOT bare the possibility of having a fucking child like this.

Sounds like you should be writing a blog or some shit. And you should definitely spread marxism among the people you meet and work with.
And what happens to people that are even worse off? Do they just die at some point or wtf? :S

If i may ask a question, judging by your flag (if it's not just a shitposting flag) i presume you're black, if you're or if you know some black person in your same situation, i want to ask is really racism that spread in america as it seems on the internet? Are you or someone you know ever be discriminated by the boss or the coworkers? You mentioned that people, i suppose immigrants, with bad knowledge of english seems have it worse, how much race prejudice affect people?

Thank you if you ever respond, i really hope for your life to get better.

It's mostly the blacks and illegal mexicans dragging those stats into the literal and figurative mud

Luckily we aren't a totally undeveloped country so your chances of being literally left to die are somewhat small, but essentially the options are:

1) never work, be left in constant helpless absolute poverty dependent on food banks and whatever bridge you live under until you're lucky enough to catch a disease and die.
2) get a job, live in poverty or near poverty with the constant and un preventable risk of unemployment looming over your head forever. Maybe things get better. They probably won't.

The people I described are option 1 and the better off dream of hopefully getting to option 2 some day.

And you're right, I should talk to more people about changing things. The truly poor in this country are universally shat upon and neither party nor the media give enough of a fuck to do anything but make slightly higher end white people afraid of them, so they don't have the special attachment to america or capitalism that others do. I've thought about this before: if it was the right time and the right place, all you would have to do is have a conversation with these people, give them a meal, a gun, and a purpose. You'd have a revolutionary current almost overnight. You would be surprised how many (especially black American and indigenous) people have expressed to me that they would support a revolution, as in a totally new form of government, if it happened.

nice dystopian fanfic you got there

That is the OP post. Posts grom black nationalist flag user are muc much more horrible.

This is sure to get sone replies. I'm NOT black. Very white. This flag just pisses off Naziposters so it's fun. Also I have more respect the black radical movement than any other in this country, so it made enough sense to me. I don't pretend to have special insight into black communities or black lives, though I can tell you that it's shit. Same problems as poor white people, plus being shat on constantly by poor and rich white people. Not fun. And as any demographic analysis will tell you, they are impoverished in far, far greater proportions than whites. Not a coincidence (or genetics, fags).

I'm white so it's not my place to speak for black people (god knows they've had enough of that) and I don't presume to be a "part" of any movement, but I would be in total solidarity with black/indigenous nationalist movements. That might be the only thing that could get us in the Midwest to actually fuckjng stand up for ourselves.

t. impotent brainlet

why not white nationalist movements for that matter, considering you would be discriminated against in a black nationalist society?


Give me the stats then (note that I said "stats" not "unsourced jpegs"). Also without an underclass America would crumble. Fact is your country is dying and it deserves to die. Your life will be miserable and sexless ( much like it is now) while the world grows and moves beyond you and your shit hole country.

God fucking dammit stop replying


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I'm not going to the effort of giving you anything, since you're obviously not interested in a good faith look at the numbers. You can find every statistic imaginable from government and non-profit orgs if you actually care to look at the numbers yourself.

John Brown wasn't fighting for black nationalism, he was fighting to integrate blacks into a white nationalist state.

Like I said, not worth replying. This guy would have just kept his autism to himself with his single unnoticed post if you hadn't taken the bait,

Don't you have some black people to be apologizing to?

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Looks like he was spot on about his flag triggering nazis huh

And he was successful in ultimately integrating a race of people who constitute 10% of our population, but commit over 50% of violent offenses, and impose a negative net tax contribution. Thanks, John.

Everyday I thank god I'm not an American

Huh, funny. Every day I curse God for making me a burger.

Socialist economic ideas aren't untenable for Americans, it's the fact that those ideas are the carrot on a stick carried by a globalist neoliberal political party who does everything in their power to import foreign labor to deflate wages and export domestic jobs to cut costs, all the while working to utterly destroy the native White people and culture in the US.

Pre-60s Democrat Party was a hell of a lot better than anything on the political landscape now.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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Are you unironically trying to imply that US police force isn't completely out of control and will do that for even less?

Even if that were true, you make the samek mistake the SJWs & Zig Forumstards do: this isn't a choice. Being a prole is not some ascetic morality contest, you work or die. Even if low minimum wage workers "benefit" from imperialism, what do you expect them to do? Stop working? They'll starve. And by your logic, the homeless who beg for scraps from the "benefitted" minimum wage workers also benefit from that same imperialism, as a sort of trickle-down policy. How delightfully shitty of you to blame literal homeless for their "exploitation" of the third world. What do you expect them to do? Stop begging? They'll starve.

Communism is not a fucking contest.


nigga, wut?

White people are quite literally less "native" than Hispanics you fucking tard. I shouldn't blame you, your school probably couldn't even afford text books.

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id is tho :DDDDD

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i don't know who you are but this post is fantastic
good job

You know, this is something I keep seeing quite often

I really am not sure where do Zig Forumsyps get shit like that, it only goes to show that those retards have never left their room.
It feels like they all, well I don't know, think that it's their duty to protect "white people" because they are so naive and the Zig Forumsyps are some sheep herders.

I really don't care. Communism cannot happen as long as America in its current form exists. America has shown that it is insanely resistant to both reformation and revolution.Since it is apparently impervious to internal reform it must be destroyed slowly from without. The goal is not to make life better for the tiny percentage of humanity that lives within America's borders. Who cares about borders, especially those of capitalist nations who brutally exploit not only their own working class but that of third world countries? The continued pauperization and proletarianization of the American middle "class" is essential for the future of the human race, as is the ongoing decline of American influence and power in general. Only when Amerifats are forced to endure what the have for so long imposed upon the rest of the world (especially Latin America) will they abandon their vulgar, sinful, reactionary ways and join the rest of the global working class in fighting against their oppressors.

Also the homeless aren't proles. I don't consider them to be oppressors. They are actually the only true proles in all of the US. You are really stretching with this one. The difference between a silicon valley "code artisan" who makes $200k/year writing facial recognition software for the US police state and/or intelligence services is so far removed from the homeless man sleeping out in front of the god awful piece of shit building in which the code artisan works that they might as well be different species entirely.

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Shit posted the wrong image.

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While I'm not doubting your experiences, this is just homelessness in general. It's not much better in Europe. The only things that are better are public transport and maybe just less cold-heartedness when it comes to tolerate the downtrodden in public spaces, McDonald's, etc. where they can wash themselves etc. I also think there are more homeless shelters here but I could be wrong.

But what I find amazing is that things like a roof over the head, running water, a kitchen, being able to pay your bills etc. has increasibgly become a luxury for the average prole. Between 1950-1990 these things were seen as the minimum guarantee even for a construction worker etc. but not anymore. Being a full time prole does not guarantee these things anymore. Unions were busted and the main reason for this is the non-existence of the former socialist bloc. As long as it existed, the vast amount of luxuries wasn't enough to guarantee for people not to defect, they needed homes and food too. Now the luxury goods stayed, but the latter is being pulled away from the bottom half and this time you don't have a USSR to run to.

Some people were angered by christcuck, but I agree with him in that the USA must crumble if there is any hope for the proletariat to prevail. If the country stays in its current form porky will win forever.

I always get the impression from videos like this that people in the USA are actually aware of the issues at hand. They just don't understand capitalism as a system.

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Americans have a poor school system thus they are poorly functionally literate. They are unable to read any serious theory. MUH LAZY NIGGUZ is all they can come up with most of the time

They are well aware, they're just utterly brainwashed by maccarthyism so they blame those problems on insane conspiracy theories instead of the system. Why do you think conspiracy theories are so prevalent in the US compared to everywhere else?


I think it's like… 1 and 7 people can't read or something? Or maybe it was they can only read at a very, very basic level. I don't know, but I do remember a lot of people in the reading classes in my school as a teenager being unable to read sentences.

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