Doxxing 101?

i want to start naming and shaming local fascists via photos of them at rallies, etc, but i'm a sheltered dumbass who doesn't have much in the way of sleuthing ability.

does anyone have some starting material on how to ID people from images?

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Other urls found in this thread:,

Just beat them up

i'd much rather start by calling their employers and getting them fired, i'm a noodly armed weakling who wouldn't be wise to start a fight

If you want people to stop being fascist, don't doxx them. Retard.

i don't want them to stop being fascists, i want them to lose everything they hold dear. i want them cold. i want them starving. i want them bruised, battered and broken. i want them dead.

Whose fault is that?

Ask your local open society foundation or other Soros ngo

it's my genetics no bully

mine, obviously. but i can't exactly get ripped overnight. what i can do overnight, however, is learn how to dox.

Fuck off. The practice of doxxing people to discredit them in front of their employers is anti-Left

it means handing over political power to the bosses and strengthens the dictatorship of capital

Fuck off, retard. If it hurts fascists it’s worth doing. Unless you like fascists being able to earn money in their comfy labor aristocrat jobs?

no, it puts political power in the hands of those who know how to manipulate power structures

oops, replied to the wrong person

I've always viewed this as non-productive punching down. Liberal NGOs and journos already do this comrade. Reminder Propublica is worth 40 million dollars of mostly wall street money.

Hey OP:

Yeah a good start is starting with your local area. But don't start with necessarily ID'ing people at rallies but on social media. Then connect the two. Think of what you're doing as social network analysis because fash groups are friendship networks, and groups overlap.

Also, tap into resources that are already there, like articles about arrests of neo-Nazis for drugs in the past few years in the press, articles by anti-fascist groups, etc. Then start building an org chart with names and faces (like what the feds make of drug cartels). Once you have names you can start looking for social media profiles, and you then you can start to see their friendship networks. Then you start looking at rallies and will notice that the whole friend group is there. Then you see unknown people. Then you work on the unknowns. Sometimes you can figure out who people are through the process of elimination. The Discord leaks at Unicorn Riot have been an enormous boon because there is a shitload of personal info in there on Nazis all over the country and their usernames which you can cross-reference in other places.

Also create a map. Every time there's a banner, flyer, rally, Wednesday-night-fascist-bar crawl, etc. then you record it on your map with a date and location. You can even create a custom Google Map with icons for different groups. Then share it with friends, and then they share stuff with you. The ADL has a "heat map" which tracks a whole bunch of stuff, but they miss things. You also have to filter out some stuff because the ADL includes anti-Israel rallies on there (yeah I know, but if they have good information on Nazis I'll take it). They also miss fascist stuff that is not of the Nazi orientation, like the Proud Boys and other groups. So I would focus on your metropolitan area or state, go there, and copy everything from the ADL heat map onto your own map, and then start adding the stuff they miss because you're better at this than them ;-)

I don't view it that way. In my neck of the woods these fascist groups started showing up at left-wing events like May Day and would pull knives on people. They would go in groups using radios to communicate and would try to jump people out of sight lines from the cops. They show up at meetings and try to intimidate. Figuring out their networks and then putting them under pressure (and leaking info to sympathetic press is one way to do it) causes them to back off in a lot of cases.

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wow, that's pretty comprehensive. thanks

Also keep in mind that the reason these Proud Boys and 211 Bootboys were doxxed so fast is that they were already in anti-fascist databases. These guys are mostly well-known and have popped up again and again, and they're all blabbing online about what they do. So the antifas in town could immediately recognize most of them just by memory.

I don't know that for a fact since I don't know these New York peeps but I can almost guarantee that's why. Normally people don't care but eventually the fash screw up and womp womp: all of their names are right there ready to go on Twitter and It's Going Down for anyone who wants to see. And the fash love taking group pictures of themselves (fascism is meant to be photogenic) which is a great resource. The doxxes are not just dumped en masse but timed strategically for effect.

I would also get a hot pot of coffee going because it's going to be a long night. And anti-fascists who do this work for months and years. This is why these doxxes "stick" in a way, and the right has a lot of problems for a variety of reasons. They are still sharing some "antifa list" which was really counter-protesters at Charlottesville more than a year ago – but the people they were sharing were normies and liberal clergy and such, just the people who signed up as "going" on Facebook. It was a screw-up to have the list of people going as public, yes, but they have not been able to make use of it.

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It's true though. Weaponizing capitalism against your enemies is really poor praxis.

your face is poor praxis

How, exactly?
Because we're required to take the moral high ground? I don't think so buddy.

They will use any means they can against us so we will return the favor. A tanktard of all people should understand that

This is the second time I've posted this today but I'm posting it again:

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glad to hear people cheer at the mention of killing capitalists. i'm sick of the disgusting hand-wringing of my local, so-called socialist organisations who fail, even now, to understand that violence and brutality are the only way to secure a path out of oppression.

FBI tier thread and politically useless hobby.

Nothing I'm doing is illegal.

Sure thing, mr. "anarchist"

this is why we had the krondstadt

you couldn't write this shit

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America is a diverse country. Criminal gangs are therefore much more likely to have all kinds of lumpen retards in them.

its just hilarious that all the antifa nerds i see are all

in college
look like general faggots

while proud boys actually look like proper proles that antifa supposedly represents

We are not liberals who attempt to obsfucate the contradictions of capitalism through identity politics. You have no reason for smugness, we are actually against the status quo.

They aren't proles. They are criminals who work for reactionaries (usually for money or other favors.) They don't care about worker rights because they don't need them, much like the suburban right wing NEETs on Zig Forums. If they aren't lumpen then they are usually petit bourg. Either way they usually aren't proles. Also antifa isn't a movement so optics aren't important.

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I wonder whos behind this post

it is important. it shows how utterly disconnected US lefties are from the working class. In fact most working class people see antifa/college kids as a different class altogether. They are parasite-bourg faggots, sucking off the tit of the working class for useless degrees that no one will pay them for.

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The proud boys aren't working class. The working class doesn't support the republicans (or democrats really since most working class people here don't even vote.) Proud boys are just lumpen, plain and simple.

i didn't say they did m8. but im sure the working class gets a few chuckles when they see you get fucked up once again.

The working class is more concerned about affording healthcare and schooling for their children (something that the proud boys oppose.) Again this is one of those things NEETs, 14 year olds, and lumpen won't really understand. It's OK. The point of antifa is to frustrate reactionary organizing efforts and so far they have done a pretty good job. America must not be allowed to go full fash before it goes under.

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Your hate makes us stronger. Gives us more resolve. Pushes us to become more courageous. Have your kind learned nothing from the Versailles treaty? The more lives you ruin, the more impetus and legitimization you give to their movement. It seems your mind is as noodly and weak as your arms, soyboy.

This is you right now.

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lmao I bet you're not even german you LARPer

Pride leads to downfall. Enjoy your soroscoins while it lasts until then. Once your use is spent, you will be placed in the for-profit prisons, charged as local terrorists. Your corporate owners will use and abandon you, as they have done to many others.

Until then, enjoy becoming the fascist you so vehemently claim to hate.

Ha, it was the Versailles treaty that gave the original Nazis such strength. You're the one who's mad that it wasn't enough to break the pride of the German people. Keep repeating your own mistakes, because your kind are too proud to admit to your own flaws. And above all - keep on alienating the masses, soyboy.

or we'll just shoot you in the fucking face, fascist scum

in your dreams

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Yes. Let your anger flow through you. Become the fascist you so vehemently claim to hate. Destroy your country and your people for the sake of trying to achieve a moral high ground. All you're doing is proving those 'evil nazis' right. I won't stop you.

You're an idiot. Marginalized any group to a point of desperation and you get desperate results. they might become pliable to a benefactor that is much worse than what you started out with, or you'll just end up with them adapting and militarizing their tactics, and strategies.

Or I could hypothetically be a fascist, under what ever yard stick you measure that by, and archive this thread:, then find them myself warn them and instead figure out who their enemies are.

You're pretty bad at this.

When you tear out a man's tongue, you're not proving him a liar. It only proves that you cannot defeat his argument and must descend to base, extra-judicial killing to keep your position of imagined superiority.

It speaks volumes about how weak and fragile your ideology is.

That picture is from Germany. But they look fine. Reactionaries have a weird thing where they only see "workers = manual labor." Or like electricians and such. Basically stuff lower down the value chain. But working in a coffee shop still means you're a "worker." Reactionaries fetishize particular industries and I don't quite know why that is.

Yeah. Most people who make below $30k per year in the United States will never vote in their lifetimes.

Also attached a pic of some workers who were literally driving to work in their work-truck earlier this month and saw a Nazi banner. They tore it down and stood on it. A fuckton of ordinary dudes will not play with Nazis in the U.S. and will fuck with them, which is why these guys tend to creep around at night, or drop a banner then run away.

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Read Lloyd George's "The Truth About the Peace Treaties" sometime.

Oh wait, my bad. You commies can't read.

we're not interested in reading your propaganda, much the same way you aren't interested in reading ours. one has to find it amusing that the party of book-burners demands that we read.

because it's the A E S T H E T I C

anything that can't be generalised into an aesthetic, instinctual concept is too complicated for their perfectly smooth brains


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mfw commies think Post-WWI Britain's representatives write fascist propaganda. Stop projecting, soyboy. See, I have read books of all ideologies. In fact, I have studied your ideology carefully, in fact. And your ideology is a crude combination of 'gibs muh dat' and 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine too.'

Just like a corrupt super-capitalist bank forcing people into debt, but you? You do it for free. And you pretend to be a rebel while doing it. Ain't that funny?

Not that you kept slaves will be allowed to handle firearms. And even if you do kill some poor guy you justify as a nazi, you'll only alienate the people more. Good job, property of the shadow state.

Ah that makes sense.

Well I will tell you that if you want to see manual labor workers then I'll point out that headline translates to "Angry workers remove sign in Fort Worth." A lot of working-class guys are like that in that city who listen to music like this:

They're not in antifa groups though but will wreck shit.

My inclination is to do the exact opposite of what you say. Reactionaries love to warn of dire consequences for doing the thing they don't want you to do; so I'll do that thing.

The Bolsheviks also used the hammer and sickle to unite the two predominate industries in Russia at the time: industrial workers and peasants because that's who most people were and that's how the relations of productions operated. Spain was mostly farmers and some urban workers. In the U.S. today the fastest-growing industries are in things like at-home elderly care, nursing and ehh why am I even bothering?

Might also shock you to learn the USSR celebrated scientists, engineers, and doctors. As does Cuba.

North Korea even made a song celebrating the computer numerical control machine:

Attached: soviet.png (877x420, 870.44K)

me ne frego

While I'm at it, the Workers Party of Korea includes urban intellectuals as one of its key constituencies along with industrial workers and peasants, symbolized by the party symbol of a hammer, sickle and traditional Korean calligraphy brush.

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Get a new meme you fashy dork

AnCap is literally just a rebrand of Fascism, the same way NutSac was a rebrand of Fascism

Sorry no centrists libs here. You shout your fascist nonsense at me, youre gonna get popped.

tearing out fascist toungues is pretty inspirational tbh. maybe we should add it to the NKVD handbook. thanks for the tip, fascist scum!

They also have that hipster fascination with organic and "artisinal" stuff. I was watching some Nazi channel on YouTube and they had a show called the "Blonde Buttermaker" with this methed-out Nazi chick talking about how to make raw, pure Aryan butter.

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those dudes arent ancaps they're probably just libertarians . my point was that most of the people in the military are righties, and will fuck noodle arm lefties up in any sort of fight

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God youre such an annoying bootlicker

no u

Looks like you touched a nerve, OP

nah, we don't bother having you lick our boots. we just shove them through your face by force.

Go clean your room

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maybe in your RP you faggot.

my room is already clean

yeah, and i bet your daddy fucks the maid who cleans it for you too. you know it's your fault they broke up?

my dad is ded ;'(

yeah, i can understand why you'd off yourself after realising you'd raised an AnCap

Yeah. I'm going to bed. I'm going to sixflags tomorrow.

careful. you never know who might be working those rides. a loosed nut here, a squeeze of the bolt cutters there…

hi Zig Forums

Nah its safer than driving. I bought the season pass. I've been there 5 times this year.

and you know why it's so safe compared to other theme parks?


try taking that away and see how safe the rides stay.

Family trip, eh?

I'm not against unions. I'm in a union myself.

Yeah I'm taking my nieces

Stay proud of your boy

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Uh oh…, should someone call the police?

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real version of thread picture

name, shame, bash

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antifa overwhelmingly wins the rallies they get to, you cucks duck out after 30 minutes and go back to your hidey holes. Literally no one likes you fags.


holy fuck you commies can't do anything right lmaooooooooooooooooooooo

Unless you're doxxing a moderator don't even bother.

Oh you sure showed the fascists catering to an even more prevalent bourgeois element. Just admit you're not a leftist and you're just butt mad. We all get butt mad.

eat and lift

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So much edgy larping on this thread. On both sides. lmao.

Doxxing doesn't do much to people who don't give a fuck. You'd have to come and get yourself put in a coma for anything real to happen. Right cunt?

Lmao at the feminist cunts who subvert both sides with their sexuality. Whore.

facebook-tier drama posts. Why are Zig Forumsfags always such underage newfags?

I agree, how dare people be guilty of wrong think.

Ask Zig Forums or halfchan Zig Forums, they're pretty good at it.

webm related

%99 of companies don't give a fuck what their employees political views are, so telling them that their employee is a fascist won't actually do anything.

…and also a coward, don't forget that part.

I can relate, I feel the same way about leftist like yourself. The difference between me an you is that I would rather come here into the "lions den" and debate people who I disagree with instead of causing the harm for having different political outlooks than myself.

lol, hard ass manual labor is what made me start leaning towards fascism in the first place.

Daily reminder that retail workers, waiters and college students aren't part of the proletariat.

…and you wonder why we historically keep throwing you fags in concentration camps.

It is pretty fucking funny though.

Forgot pics.

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Don't make posts this autistic in such a fucking stupid thread.
If you want serious debate go to >>>/marx/

Either they are PMC or God exists and he has a sense of humor

Of course porky doesn't care if you're a fascist useful idiot. But you cowardly neckbeards will kill yourselves anyway when you realize that your retarded LARPing can and will have RL consequences.

Press P to piss on grave

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Why are you people always so intimidated by kids who go to higher education?

What laws have they broken?

Like pottery.

Yes, get government the fuck out of it.

Yes, quit funding common core.

You can clearly tell all the leftists that push for government controlled healthcare or spending more money on public schools don't make enough money to actually pay taxes.

If by good job you mean creating the same environment that lead to world war 2, then yeah great job.

Hopefully it doesn't have to go that far, if only the left would fuck off and quit trying to turn the United States into a failed socialist shit hole.

I've got a loaded WASR10 next to my computer that is begging you to try. Also %75 of gun owners are right-wing.

…because these industries hold the economy up.

You can live without coffee shops, you can't live without electricians, welders, plumbers, truckers, warehouse workers, factory workers Police, Fire Fighters, E.M.T.s, etc.

Yes except a large portion of "coffee shop" workers require a government subsidy to live. I work as an order selector for a logistics company and make just under $50K a year and pay a surplus of just under $10k in taxes where a part-time coffee shop work makes $15k a year and receives at least $9k in government assistance. Claiming that the part-time coffee shop worker holds just as much importance as full-time warehouse worker is disingenuous.