Fuck off, retard. If it hurts fascists it’s worth doing. Unless you like fascists being able to earn money in their comfy labor aristocrat jobs?
Doxxing 101?
no, it puts political power in the hands of those who know how to manipulate power structures
oops, replied to the wrong person
I've always viewed this as non-productive punching down. Liberal NGOs and journos already do this comrade. Reminder Propublica is worth 40 million dollars of mostly wall street money.
Hey OP:
Yeah a good start is starting with your local area. But don't start with necessarily ID'ing people at rallies but on social media. Then connect the two. Think of what you're doing as social network analysis because fash groups are friendship networks, and groups overlap.
Also, tap into resources that are already there, like articles about arrests of neo-Nazis for drugs in the past few years in the press, articles by anti-fascist groups, etc. Then start building an org chart with names and faces (like what the feds make of drug cartels). Once you have names you can start looking for social media profiles, and you then you can start to see their friendship networks. Then you start looking at rallies and will notice that the whole friend group is there. Then you see unknown people. Then you work on the unknowns. Sometimes you can figure out who people are through the process of elimination. The Discord leaks at Unicorn Riot have been an enormous boon because there is a shitload of personal info in there on Nazis all over the country and their usernames which you can cross-reference in other places.
Also create a map. Every time there's a banner, flyer, rally, Wednesday-night-fascist-bar crawl, etc. then you record it on your map with a date and location. You can even create a custom Google Map with icons for different groups. Then share it with friends, and then they share stuff with you. The ADL has a "heat map" which tracks a whole bunch of stuff, but they miss things. You also have to filter out some stuff because the ADL includes anti-Israel rallies on there (yeah I know, but if they have good information on Nazis I'll take it). They also miss fascist stuff that is not of the Nazi orientation, like the Proud Boys and other groups. So I would focus on your metropolitan area or state, go there, and copy everything from the ADL heat map onto your own map, and then start adding the stuff they miss because you're better at this than them ;-)
I don't view it that way. In my neck of the woods these fascist groups started showing up at left-wing events like May Day and would pull knives on people. They would go in groups using radios to communicate and would try to jump people out of sight lines from the cops. They show up at meetings and try to intimidate. Figuring out their networks and then putting them under pressure (and leaking info to sympathetic press is one way to do it) causes them to back off in a lot of cases.
wow, that's pretty comprehensive. thanks
Also keep in mind that the reason these Proud Boys and 211 Bootboys were doxxed so fast is that they were already in anti-fascist databases. These guys are mostly well-known and have popped up again and again, and they're all blabbing online about what they do. So the antifas in town could immediately recognize most of them just by memory.
I don't know that for a fact since I don't know these New York peeps but I can almost guarantee that's why. Normally people don't care but eventually the fash screw up and womp womp: all of their names are right there ready to go on Twitter and It's Going Down for anyone who wants to see. And the fash love taking group pictures of themselves (fascism is meant to be photogenic) which is a great resource. The doxxes are not just dumped en masse but timed strategically for effect.
I would also get a hot pot of coffee going because it's going to be a long night. And anti-fascists who do this work for months and years. This is why these doxxes "stick" in a way, and the right has a lot of problems for a variety of reasons. They are still sharing some "antifa list" which was really counter-protesters at Charlottesville more than a year ago – but the people they were sharing were normies and liberal clergy and such, just the people who signed up as "going" on Facebook. It was a screw-up to have the list of people going as public, yes, but they have not been able to make use of it.
It's true though. Weaponizing capitalism against your enemies is really poor praxis.
your face is poor praxis