Well leftypol, I just won the mega million jackpot. I'm looking at ~1.6 Billion before taxes...

well leftypol, I just won the mega million jackpot. I'm looking at ~1.6 Billion before taxes. what should I spend my money on before I turn into Howard Hughes/ Daniel Plainview?

Attached: previewfile_910183957.jpg (750x750, 167.44K)

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buy me some oreos

Fund a fucking cthulu cult in the forest.
Or maybe do something to help people…
Or go full porky

Go to a third world country and raise an army.

Lame thread. We both know it didn't happen, and if it did, you should have posted a picture of this wealth by the side of an anime doll so we could be sure.

Fund all the Communist paramilitaries around the world.
Give plfp tanks.
Or you could try the big game and try and to buy out a bunch of companies and make them join the IWW and form a quasi-"private" military to jumpstart the revolution in the first world.

Found a Cybernetics think tank.

Become what Zig Forums thinks George Soros is.

Make Megumin real!

I would try to buy sovereignty of the island of Tobago from Trinidad and Tobago and set up a micro-nation to serve as a center for questionable banking and cryptocurrency schemes.
They just got absolutely rekt by a hurricane, so I think this sort of deal could be a mutually beneficial.

Do a Turning Point USA but for communism, and without the cringe.

It'd be a waste of money.
Do you guys know the conditions russians were on to try that experiment?
Absolute poverty.
The average person in the early 20th century worked 70 hours per week.
The fact that the soviet union had 40 hour work week in its constitution in itself was a huge leap.
This board is good for mental masturbation but hoping a revolution will occur in your lifetime is frustrating yourselves for no reason.

Buy halfchan and delete Zig Forums

Found another Uber/Lyft/Amazon/Alibaba and help run capitalism into the ground by crashing the rate of profit

Also this

move to some piss poor african country, buy out every politician with bribes, coup the leaders,become a dictator and make afro-cybersocialism a reality.

luxury robot gay space communism can only happen in advanced economies.

Waiting for the "revolution" is just regurgitated eschatology. It's also useless navel gazing and ignores that socialism is a struggle rooted in the present conditions.
Many people are already back to 70 hours workweeks, and that doesn't include partners/spouses. In short: Socialism matters more than it has at any point in the past few decades, because the gains of organized labor are under threat worldwide.
Just because we're not in the midst of a world (and civil) war, famine and total economic collapse doesn't mean that there aren't battles to be won, and victories worth preserving.

you stop talking shit about Benin right fucking now mate

Pull my devil trigger

Create a nuclear energy company. Climate change will fuck us if we don’t go nuclear.

Give it to the Interahamwe.

And the unions, too, for good measure.

Attached: Hobo_With_A_Shotgun_Hobo_Quad_Poster.jpg (1408x1058, 537.78K)

Invest in a diversified portofolio and try to get in on the tech market.
Then use your stolen surplus value to fund communist movements.