What is the ☭TANKIE☭ response to the John Hunt incident?
What is the ☭TANKIE☭ response to the John Hunt incident?
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based soyboy
Oh yeah that makes it better
But a ☭TANKIE☭ and other lefties would say free abortions for everyone I guess
100% unironically support.
I'm not up to date on Zig Forums ideology, is being a soyboy a good thing or a bad thing?
You sure about that?
do americans really do this?
fine with it
Honestly that was pretty cool.
Not the response I would have expected from a Christian Commie, but whatever.
I enjoy watching petit bourg amerifats get slapped around. Americans have no right to cry about muh dead babies due to abortion when they slaughter millions more abroad via imperialism.
I'm a hardcore ☭TANKIE☭ and whatever on Stalin's abortion laws, but pro-lifers in current society should be hunted down like animals and aborted postnatally
So are you pro-life or pro-choice then?
They might kill him for free and everyone will be okay with Judge Dredd doing it.
While I have a captive audience, I have another question. I read that the nazbol meme (I know it was a political party, I'm referring to its memetic reincarnation specifically) originated on Zig Forums. I have a hard time believing that Zig Forums would be pro-nazbol, as it seems to conflict with the prevailing ideology of the board. Can I get a quick rundown on this?
Retarded liberal spectacle focused on events rather then the issue which unfortunately in itself has turned into people debating abortion rather then why it happens.
From the multiple abortion threads we've had here, opinons on abortion are mostly divided among the lines of
A ☭TANKIE☭ would most likely take Lenin's view on it which was abortion should be allowed but services should be provided which cure the ills that cause it into the first place.
He's being ironic
What do you think the prevailing ideology of the board is?
I would guess a sort of trotskyism.
Nazbol gang is just that, a joke. It wasn't made to proselytize like Zig Forums memes are, it just made fun of the inherent insanity of nazbol. Not our fault some people started taking it seriously
Abortion should be illegal
Cool, that makes a lot of sense, thanks for the reply.
I'm just saying what the official leftist position is
They probably legalized abortions after Stalin
How would you ever make this mistake. Out of all the communist tendencies, you picked literally the most hated one here. Hell, even the few anarchists still here hate Trotsky.
I'm sorry, did I miss something? Did the International or the USSR get back together recently?
This is the only correct answer youtu.be
Its just the ideologically consistent position to have.
Communists were the first feminists after all.
I'm honestly surprised, and would love an explanation as to why that is. I know people here hate nationalism, and whenever I bring up the right-wing stuff that Stalin did people try to deny it or say that he was a progressive anyway. Based on that, I would have thought that people here would like Trotsky, so I'd love to hear why you don't.
I'm not a ☭TANKIE☭, I just come here to learn about how they think. I find them fascinating.
I am Zig Forums
that's hilarious, what a weird guy
Depends what you mean by this
Pic related
literally lurk for five minutes you stupid faggot
Pics as well
I think this guy was canadian
Zig Forumstard feels he can take based Jordan
That picture right there proves that karl marx was a man of that was concerned with the problems of the working class MEN and not with petty identity politics BULLSHIT
Ban abortion, criminalize homosexuality, emphasize the role of the mother in the household, ethnic population transfers, and his alleged plan to deport the Jews to Siberia.
Also pic related.
He did the right thing putting the woman in her place.
How is this anti-feminist? Btw women were encouraged to hold jobs and not be stay at home housewives. Hardly trad-fam utopia by the standards of the time.
Done as a result of war-time pressure/collaboration by certain nationalities. Not a typical policy of Stalin's time or the USSR in general.
Alleged. Anti-communists have been using this line of attack for a while but there's nothing to support it. Birdozhan was an attempt to grant cultural autonomy to Jews. Most Jews didn't care about it though for the reasons Stalin laid out in his work on the national question.
I know that this is the typical Zig Forums response to these issues, I was only bringing this stuff up in response to a question. Also, what is Birdozhan? Google didn't pull anything up.
How do those things quality as left or right? Being a leftist isn't a social position.
Relating to the image on Trotsky, the only ideological critique that I picked up on was, "thought that the conditions were not yet ripe for building socialism and who promoted social-democracy." Aside from this, does Zig Forums have any ideological critiques of Trotsky (I get that you are saying he was a traitor, but I mean ideological critiques)?
Sorry, I misspelled:
I suspect that many of your comrades here would disagree with you. I've had conversations on here before that go something like this:
me: What do you guys think about the Greek communist party saying that same-sex marriage is revisionist?
leftyanon: They're wrong. Being against same sex marriage is revisionist.
leftyanon: Stalin was a progressive.
me: Really? He criminalized homosexuality.
leftyanon: You have to look at his overall contributions, that was just one thing he did.
It was funny af.
Nuclear take there
Well, yeah, you have to be pretty myopic to think that one negative outweighs a ton of positive. Imo the Greek communist being against gay marriage would not make it a revisionist party.
I think a good argument could be made for gay marriage but thats really not an essential aspect of Marxist line. Most of the people actually prosecuted under the sodomy laws were pedophiles btw
The KPD was also pretty tolerant of homosexuality in the 30s.
Come on man, do you honestly think the average person on the street would say that that is progressive? That's the problem with marxists, they expect everyone to already know the definitions of the words they use, which are different than the common, standard definitions.
When will the 'stalin criminalised homosexuality' meme die?
I've effortposted several times now explaining the legal status of consent and homosexuality and the enforcement of relevant laws in the ussr and this dumb liberal meme still persists.
Poster you replied to was being ironic, but "soyboy" is a Zig Forumscuck insult used against "feminized men"/ "numales" who are assumed to consume too much soy, because Zig Forumscucks are so illuiterate and uneducated on everything, including nutrition and chemistry, they think that since xenoestrogen contained in soy products and estrogen produced by females are the exact same thing. So they make the connection that soy = "turn into girl.", "makes you gay", "reduces cum count." Fucking idiots. Away from Zig Forums retardation and back in reality, all three of the major isoflavones in soy protein are phytoestrogens. This means they are structurally similar to, but not identical to, the actual estrogens produced inside the female body. Current evidence suggests that these isoflavones activate some estrogen receptors (like real estrogen does), but block other estrogen receptors.
Messina et al. 2010 performed a review of the literature and found that "Isoflavone exposure at levels even greatly exceeding reasonable dietary intakes does not affect blood T or estrogen levels in men or sperm and semen parameters". They conclude that "men can feel confident that making soy a part of their diet will not compromise their virility or reproductive health."
Hamilton-Reeves et al. 2008 conducted a meta-analysis of the literature in Fertility and Sterility. They conclude that soy-based phytoestrogens do not increase the estrogen level or decrease the testosterone level in men.
Mitchell et al. 2001 found that when daily isoflavone supplements were given to healthy males over a 2 month period, they had "no observable effect on endocrine measurements, testicular volume or semen parameters over the study period."
Allen et al. 2000 found that
vegan men have significantly higher testosterone than vegetarian or meat-eating men — despite "soy" being nearly synonymous with tofu (and thus vegan/vegetarianism).
The study controlled for "age, smoking status, vigorous exercise, time of day of venipuncture, time since last eaten at venipuncture and time between venipuncture and blood processing".
Leftists once again embarrassing themselves
FDR didn't legalize homosexuality but most liberals see him as a progressive. Neither did Lincoln or Grant either. Why do you find it difficult to accept that certain things are context dependent and historically determined.
Engels even argued that slavery was historically progressive in the Ancient world. You can call that edgy or whatever but there is a certain argument for it
Shut the fuck up soyboi
Just linking to a post to clarify the Oblast because Zig Forumsyps will conflate it with the USSR being ok with a Jewish ethnostate when it was the opposite.
liberals aren't leftists, faggot
Ran along now, cuckboi
>>>Zig Forums
back to your shithole you go
That's total bullshit. You missed the point of this post here:>>2685345
Homosexuality was LEGAL, and Stalin CRIMINALIZED it. What the fuck does that have to do with "context dependent?"
Maybe it won't die because there was literally a law that said you would go to jail for 5 years for committing a homosexual act.
We're Marxists so we're going to use Marxist definitions, you should have known that coming here. Saying Marxists should use liberal definitions of things is self-defeating and allows for both lazy and plainly incorrect interpretations. What, should liberal capitalists now use the definitions of traditionalist monarchists?
This is related
It was legal because Lenin struck down the entirety of the Tsarist code of law. Not because everyone was pro-gay or whatever… you know the sodomy laws in the non-Russian republics where sodomy was seen as a problem like in the muslim lands were left in place right?
The vast majority of the people prosecuted under those laws were pedophiles.
meant for:
Homosexuality wasn't "legal", it was decriminalized because the entire old tsarist code was abolished in 1917. People who were gay were typically deemed mentally ill, as in the rest of the fucking world.
the average person, like yourself, are just NPC's taking to whatever programming is fed to them by dominant ideology through its glowing screens
you are literally an NPC
Citation fucking needed
Get this hatespeech off our campus!
This is almost as cringey as white people who make pretend to hate the police and care about black people.
Under stalin;
1. Performing a non legal abortion (it was legal for medical reasons) by a doctor was 2 years prison
2. By a non doctor was 3 years prison
3. Anyone encouraging a female to seek such an abortion: 2 years prison
4. Female getting an abortion: public shaming and a fine
I enjoy looking at the criminal code under stalin to see the balances of punishments to better absorb his wisdom.
From the above we can gather:
1. It was illegal and so performing one was a prison sentence
2. Endangering the life of the female (by not knowing what you were doing) was additional prison sentencing, however. This shows even when the female in this instance is essentually breaking the laws, her well being is still considered by comrade stalin.
3. Encouraging a thing to be done is the same as doing it, in stalins view.
4. Perhaps the harshest punishment of all, but also the softest, for the female. This amounts into a firm scolding and disaproval. The shame and embarrassment would likely be immense. Imagine, knowing stalin, the supreme father figure, who does nothing but care for you, has discovered your misbehavior. He has not physically punished you at all, he is just very disappointed. In orthodox christian dogma this is essentially what hell is, the fire is your own shame, you are actually there with god like everyone else. One can accept a formal punishment and its over, the debt is paid, the soul is cured, but something like this is harder to shake off.
NPC meme is classic projection, funny isn't it?
Nice. Good luck finding a single Marxist (or broadly left wing, even) organization or movement that thinks that way though.
america is a very litigious country, people are averse to doing things that could get them sued
that's one of the reasons people record incidents like this
If I was him,well for once I wouldn't be a soyboy I wouldn't apologize
*teleports behind you*
clean your room kiddo heh
You're truly a treasure to the cause.
read the spoliered text
It was pretty cool seeing a roastie get kicked, conservative women are actually some of the most hypergamous cunts around actually.
He never apologized that seems to have been a troll account on twitter.
What is it with 14 year olds and Zig Forums?
For his sake, I hope he isn't an adult…