I was not rude. I just brought up the issues that men face

I was not rude. I just brought up the issues that men face.

Person who banned me called me a loser obsessed with pussy (he is clearly projecting here, as he has to be obsessed with women, to assume that anyone who brings up men's rights must be obsessed with pussy).

I suppose being concerned about circumcision, male homelessness, and employment discrimination is fascist, and makes me a Nazi.

No wonder men kill themselves 3 times more often than women do. No one gives a damn about them.

There needs to be an open dialogue about men's issues, and feminist gatekeepers need to be purged out of the left.

This group is called leftist politically Incorrect. I suppose the human rights of men are too politically incorrect for this place?

I think it is an outrage that I am being censored. I am not being rude. I am not being irrational.


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You deserved it, idpol belongs on tumblr and reddit

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first fix your reddit spacing before you expect people to read that shit

You're right, but we've had a lot more left-liberal idpol here for the last year or so, for whatever reason. It isn't being policed as aggressively as this sort of idpol, unfortunately.

tiny violin thread

I very rarely see unironic overt SJW/intersectional idpol posters, and they tend to get justifiably banned

Lol I would've banned you for at least a month


How about we just don't ban anybody you faggots?

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Being a leftist and against identity politics makes no sense. Wasn't leftism supposed to be about working-class identity?

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ah yes, what Zig Forums really needs is constant Zig Forums spam and bad-faith tedium.

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that's not us. being the working class is a productive function in the economy, not an identity. why and how even could we identify with our own alienated work? we don't want to be monopolists of labor in a social-democratic state. we want to abolish the state and the proletariat.

this poster is either against exterminating fascists or intellectually incoherent, do not trust him.

we're talking about leftism
not retarded oi-punk bullshit, isior

test: idiot

Working class is not an identity, it's an economic reality (that socialism seeks to abolish). Proletarian as "just an identity" is exactly the kind of intersectional idpol we oppose

What do you call someone who doesn't do identity politics?

A liar.

I identify as a person existing in a context. One could say a human being. Fight me aliems!


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I unironically do not care about circumcision. I mean, we should do it less probably. If we haven't done it less already, we ought to do less of it. The benefits aren't really there unless you plan on having a kid who never bathes - and even then, there are so many underlying issues that it makes no sense at all. But I actually don't care - maybe I just like butcher aesthetics.

Talk about employment discrimination before they ban you again if you want, though.

no one cares if you were rude or not. not being rude isn't an accomplishment, it's actually the easier way to behave. maybe you're correct that the moderator that banned you is a loser, though being a mod wears your wires thin and they can lash out inappropriately after dealing with the same shit over and over again.
that same shit is exactly what you are. you don't belong here. keep telling yourself it's because you hide behind Men's Rights. You haven't done anything to help men, and you never will, because your reddit absorbed beliefs are impotent, useful-idiot tier contrarianism.

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I don't fucking care about which issues you agree or disagree upon, all of you are reactionary and therefore agents of capitalism.
None of you shittters can resolve male homelessness, and you MRA shitters disgust me.

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I don't even identify with either of those things btw, I just think we live in a gynocentric society

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Sweet Jesus, what is this board becoming?

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Anyone who is a friend of mods is no friend to the revolution. OD on heroin and fucking die liberal you and your ilk are why global collapse is inevitable

It’s just Jim Profit

Fighting violent state Idpol is the REAL Idpol
t. Zig Forums since fucking forever

profit is a fucking retard mate, just ignore his shit.