
Redpill me about 60s
Who were hippies? What was CIA doing at that time? What was going on in Warsaw Pact countries and in USSR at that time

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Destroying the world
Corn. A lot of it

Hippies were a very small minority and were despised by most boomers. The idea that boomers were ultra progressive in their youth and then became conservative later is a total falsehood. They have always been extremely reactionary.

Inventing hippies.


Where have gone all the yippies?

Hippies were ok, most of the people around that time were scum compared to them.

yes boiling down all of the class/race struggle of the era down to "muh sexual revolution muh pacifism :DDDDD" sure was good there was no such thing as the Black Panthers or the Weathermen or anybody who was actually radical to admire just the stupid fucking retarded liberals who only cared about sexual revolution (and even on that front only enough for men to basically get away with raping whoever they wanted to without repercussions)

Literally all of the hippies became neolibs or christian zionists, you're a fucking retarded idealist little shit lord john lennon beat his wife shut the fuck up and go back to reddit

edgy kids who achieved nothing at all, the same goes to baader-meinhof in germany

Hippies, like 99% of boomers, are and were complete, utter scum.


Yes user I am sure that you, with your voting for reformsists and what not, has achieved a lot to advance the world towards communism


Two legendary dudes started off strong but at the very end shit went straight downhill

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You're both right. You have both failed future generations greatly.

Extremely accurate. I mean my dad tells me about growing up the 60s and most white kids his age wore crew cuts and beat up hippies for fun, and some would drive their cars through "niggertown" [the term they used] flying Confederate flags from them. He said "take those guys who were in that march [i.e. Charlottesville] and make them 80 percent of the population. That's what it was like." It fucking sucked ass mainly.

The New Left, which was more its own thing, reminds me of the alt-right more than anything. At least in how they think about politics which is done in this very performative, self-expressive sense. "We just need to have a big rally."


Please expand on this

Sure. Something Mark Rudd said. He wasn't talking about the alt-right specifically but about the New Left, and how their praxis was built around self-expression. Like, all we really need to do, effectively, is run down the street waving NLF flags and create a big spectacle. "Yeah, man, this is way more radical than the Communist Party; those guys are conservatives compared to us. We're really gonna blow square America's minds."


Idea was to shake things up and then the masses of workers in America would rise up and join them and overthrow the system. Didn't work out though and the whole thing fractured, and in the remains you had these weird terror cells pop up like the Weather Underground, which thought "well if running down the street doesn't work, then we'll plant tiny bombs all over the place! Yeah!" Bunch of geniuses. Well, that didn't work either.

I just see parallels to the alt-right and how they think about activism. They're always trying to create a spectacle and doing this culture jamming psyop stuff. Sam Hyde actually reminds me of Abbie Hoffman in a way, who wrote "Steal This Book," and Hyde's book reminds me of that in a way.

I actually had a copy of Steal This Book, which I stole from a friend, which he stole from a bookstore. Then someone stole it from me. Well it's what Abbie would've wanted.

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More pics.

Maybe instead of the Yippies you have the Pepes. A lot of playing with irony and "are they serious?" etc.

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What does cointelpro have to do with Baader-Meinhof?

Oh last note on this. I think in retrospect this kind of left-wing politics emerged as the traditional institutions on the left were collapsing from the Communist Party (decimated in the 50s) to the labor unions, which went into sharp decline starting in the 60s. (Though the rot there was already underway starting with the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act.) Meanwhile, the right was disciplining itself and building up the institutions that would take power with Reagan and reorient American politics for decades to come.

If there's anything that gives me a sense of optimism, is the possibility that the right – despite its energy – is actually in a state of disintegration. Some of the traditional institutions of the right in the U.S. (the Religious Right) have imploded, and now they're trying to go for this white nationalism thing but I don't know if it'll work out.

CIA was dealing drugs pretty heavily
look into the Laotian civil war and heroin trade in that region

Interesting, really makes sense.

if only these idiots had just read Lenin

They were usually extremely anti-stalinist but were pro-Mao because during the 70s he was the "good" communist according to the US state department. American leftism has mostly been a joke since the 50s.

I have Steal this Book
Very childish tbh

look at those knockers

Hippies were (/are) mostly apolitical. Wanting to just drop out of society to smoke drugs, listen to psychedelic music and fuck as much as possible definitely does not make you a leftist, but it doesn't make you a liberal by default either. To most commies "liberal" is just an insult completely devoid of any meaning and it's fucking stupid.

This. The same applies to "fascist" and "tankie".

It's like how Communist is an insult devoid of all meaning for most burgers.


That's all that matters to me being a fan of anarchy

Hippies if nothing else showed just How Fragile Zig Forumss idealized version of 40s-50s living and Society really was
Think about it for a Sec
This Cultural state that Zig Forums shills constantly claiming it to be the peak of American (And all) civilization was Destroyed in a couple of years by a bunch of RadLibs / SocDems who didnt like to shower and spent all day getting high and having orgies

Let that sink in

The 50s almost seem like a hangover from World War II.

Was at an aviation museum and there was an exhibit on flight attendant uniforms. Sounds boring but I found it actually pretty fascinating since you'd see the early pre-war stuff, then the 50s, and it's all rather bland and militaristic nuclear-age gray like Starship Troopers, then the 60s rolled around and kablammo – orange miniskirts like Star Trek cadets.

Color television just came out as well. Think about what Americans were watching in the 50s. It was stuff like Bonanza and The Honeymooners. I'll sometimes watch old Star Trek with my dad (who grew up on that stuff) over the holidays and he'll just go "look at the colors!" It looks like multi-colored cheeseball psychedelia by today's standards but at the time it was cutting-edge stuff.

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Everything about reactionaries is fragile, it feeds off stupidity and ignorance.

Everything is also a spook, and your lives are all lies.

Required reading on Hoffman, Yippies, and how its individualist positions lead to fascist thought


the hippies were dumb stupid reactionaries who fell for the "evil soviet union man, all government is evil, free love man" bullshit.

hippies are responsible for the death of socialism/communism in america, instead of being class conscious and fighting for the workers owning the means of production they just shrugged at mcarthy era shit and turned to FREE LOVE MAN which became the counter culture. no one gave a shit about communism anymore and neoliberals did whatever they want in the gov.

then the american right did the war on drugs to lock up all hippies and black people.

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worst decade ever, except for the music.

Mao sucked. Pol Pot and Stalin were the real deal. I noticed most hippies loved North Vietnam but had no idea who Pol Pot was (he was hated then and still now for no good goddamn reason) Ho Chih Minh was the rootless cosmopolitan favorite, the hippie favorite. though esoterically I saw Pol Pot as an American hero considering most Vietnam soldiers were poor/lumpenprole men sent to die in a war they didn't want to fight in and if they made it back all those filthy hippies spit on them for what they did. ipso facto, I see him as the rural/downhome counterpart to Ho Chih Minh.

You’re not fooling anyone, Zig Forums

You cannot be “outside” ideology. To have any concept of society and how it function requires a logical framework to analyse it, ideology.

It’s accurate to say that hippies weren’t a specifically political movement, but most hippies tended to be liberals, utopian idealists or reactionaries attracted to the drug culture of the day.

A CIA psy-op to neuter the left and anti-intervention activists and also test out the use of drugs as a tool of authoritarian control of the people.

Slightly related: I find it fucking hilarious that the only reason that Americans embraced anti-interventionism during the 70s was because the state started drafted middle class boys to fight in imperialist wars. Am I the only person that feels this way? God damn this fucking country.

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Just look at how mad they were when Muhammad Ali refused to participate in the slaughter of the Vietnamese. And whenever they spoke about the tragedy of Vietnam, they only meant what happened to the Americans there.

Even if most hippie stuff bullshit the fact that people would want to take off their clothes and go live in the woods together shows how much people are starved of a sense community and belonging under capitalism.

take your meds

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As several other anons have said the hippies were largely an aimless, idealistic bunch who were for the most part co-opted, coerced, bought out, infiltrated, and otherwise absorbed by the State and American capitalist culture with ease and even gusto. However, I think to merely reference the origins of certain members of the counterculture in the CIA or Public Relations and their eventual degeneration into neoliberals, neoconservatives and Evangelical Zionists during the Reagan years, doesn't go deep enough into the soul of the movement to really understand it, despite being factually correct.

Hunter S. Thompson once wrote that the counterculture of the 60s was like a great big wave that finally rolled back. In my opinion, this is lacking. We should really that there were two waves-one consisting of what is usually thought of as a "hippie" IE a white, middle class young person who decided to drop out and rebel against the conservative culture of the 40s and 50s while the other was what we could call a resurgent "real" Leftism, consisting of Martin Luther King Jr's later focus on anti-imperialism and socialism in addition his civil rights struggles, the Black Panther Party's organizing and arming of black and poor people, the Weather Underground's attempts to attack the State directly, the Chicano Movement, and so on and so forth.

It's my opinion that aim of the first wave, the hippies, yippies, and otherwise liberal wing of the counterculture, while somewhat cynical, at least in the beginning had a project of its own. The reason it ultimately became reactionary was because instead of seeking to overthrow capitalism through seizing the means of production and installing a DotP or even trying to build a network of worker's communes, it perceived the nation's government as not fulfilling and taking to the end the promises of the CONSTITUTION of the USA. Essentially, while the second wave was Leftist, the first was a radical liberal wave whose demands were simply to allow for all to do what they wanted so long as it didn't hurt anyone else and to abide by the Constitution, which is the peak of Enlightenment liberalism consolidated into an institutional document.

Therefore, the hippies were doomed to become neoliberals, neocons, lolberts and whatever else because while liberal, they were carrying out an inherently reactionary process, in the sense that attempting to create a utopian liberal society is reactionary and not progressive, as Marx and Engels would outline. Thus, before crashing, the hippies, aided by the very institutions they claimed were limiting their freedom, swallowed the second wave of the real Left, and then crashed.

Watch these two scenes from the film adaptation of Fear and Loathing to get a better understanding of my point:



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Your boomer parents who like to complain about you smoking weed and constantly say things like "if you toke your brain'll fry" were probably hippies in the 60s.
MKULTRA. Google it sometime.
Revisionism. The seeds of revisionism were planted.

I liked the brash use of color in 60s fashion tbh

Also, what the fuck was up with the beats and hipsters?

You hate us cause you anus!

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