Why it is the undeniable imperative of western (read: Anglo) communists to uncritically support Comrade Paul Biya of...

Why it is the undeniable imperative of western (read: Anglo) communists to uncritically support Comrade Paul Biya of Cameroon, and the Based Chad National Army against imperialist balkanizer ethnonationalist clans known as "Ambazonia"

- Ambazonia is a breakaway pseudo-nation in Cameroon
- Ambazonia speaks anglo-devil-speak
- Ambazonia's military is called the Amazonia Defense Force (ADF). Sound familiar?
- Ambazonians claim to be opressed because they chose to teach their kids a shitty languages so they can never integrate
- Anglos are bums that sit around the streets of Yaounde all day and never work.

Attached: Southern_Cameroonians_We_Did.JPG (220x263 25.75 KB, 103.82K)

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Shit thread

>>>Zig Forums

Cameroon is an artificial state that’s a by-product of Anglo-French Colonialism.

right, it was cut off from greater Cameroon to keep it from being a hegemonic rival.

Lenin wrote about this. Tl;dr the bigger the better.

Can I get a rundown that isn't just

You’ve demonstrated no proof that this is an Annglo-backed movement.

The boarders of “Cameroon” have no correspondence to the actual ethnic groups in the region. It’s an artificial state create by Colonialism.

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and that's why english terrorists are killing hundreds of people to maintain their colonial pseudo borders against a united pan-cameroonist party.

At the end of 2017, the separatists declared a school boycott, and have attacked and burnt down schools that refused to shut down. Between February 2017 and May 2018, at least 42 schools were targeted.[152] Separatists consider schools to be legitimate targets because the French language is taught as a mandatory subject.[154]

ask yourself, is Cameroon is really an ebil oppressive anti anglo "regime" why do they have the support of the communist party?

Francophonie > *nglo

No first off, the separatists aren’t English, they aren’t from England, there parents aren’t English, they aren’t English.

I didn’t claim Cameroon is an evil oppressive regime. I said Cameroon is an artificial state that’s a product of Colonialism.

Whether they know it or not, people who make this argument are unwittingly justifying imperialist balkanization meme. That's why the imperialists push the idea that African nation-states are dysfunctional because they don't correspond to their ethnic make up. Breaking those states up along tribal levels would make them easier to divide and conquer.

Pan-Africanists have always said that Africa should be one country if possible and African progressive nationalists have always fought against all attempts to alter borders even if they were drawn by colonialists.

Truly, truly living in their head rent free.

How is this argument imperialist? Cameroon isn’t Socialist, so why does it matter if they lose a provence. If people want self-determination let them have it. You’re forcing people to be in a country they don’t want to be in. This is anti-Leninist.


For example, just take a look at the Sudan/South Sudan shit going on now. The West backed Sud2 independence because that's where all the oil is. Now Sudan is fucked and no one has to care because the Good Negro Sud Suds have been freed from the Bad Nigger Suds. The 'oppression' has been dealt with and now the capitalists don't have to deal with fucking up the Sudan in the first place and get all their oil to boot.

South Sudan was also a legitimate national liberation struggle, John Garang was based as fuck

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Garbage thread

anti-imperialism > Socialism.

cringe, shill your fashist country somewhere else
they genocided the local bantu people

There are 54 countries in Africa, yet 55,000 ethnicities. If one group of people wanna break away from a country of tyranny let them do it, who cares.

Why didn't those fags just join Nigeria in 1961 if they love the English language so much?

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