Zig Forums I have to ask, why are there so many Micropatries, of many tendencies, present all over the overall Radical Left. Aside from ideological sectarianism, what hinders a large org from being born? I know one issue is the lack of capital, but how did Communist Organizers in the past get capital they needed to organize?
Many myriad of tactics I heard people do to get funding involve: making left-liberal front groups to get donations, infiltrating other orgs to steal members and money, etc. The works of Lenin best apply in a situation of untold suffering for the people as the economy collapses and the masses desire bread, right now is not that time.
For that first question, because socialists are really that fucking filled with that "my type of socialism is perfect" horseshit. I mean for ffs, if there's a really fucking necessary time to not be sectarian it's right fucking now. For the second question, I think the only big issue that hinders a big org from being born is just that, sectarianism. Obviously it'd be harder to organize a bigger org than a smaller one but besides all that technical shit, sectarianism is really the main factor.
Juan Rivera
The answer starts with C and ends in IA.
Brayden Davis
This is literally idealism. Everyone, I would avoid this thinking for your health. Ask yourself, "Am I supposing people do something for an outside reason or am I supposing they do it because of some inner flaw?". If it is the latter, you are almost certainly wrong.
Communism has been obliterated by gigantic government action. I think the sectarianism we see is the reaction of an ideology attempting to piece itself back together for a new world. And, I want to point out, differentiating between ideologies/actions and then rejecting some isn't bad. A lack of that killed the USSR via corrupt, stupid, and/or bourgeois fucks. Being a socialist is 1000% meaningless outside of action, and we should all be twice as critical of someone claiming to be on our side than we should be of any enemy.
Lincoln Robinson
How the fuck is that idealism?
Evan Taylor
Personals problems, especially when it happens among the leaders.
Adam Fisher
Because the left has yet to leave the 20th century. We're stuck bickering over a long dead country or some other failed project when it's time to look forward. Take what worked and move on already.
When I was an ML and in a party they still distributed newspapers in 2018 for fucks sake.
Jack Scott
you can sell newspapers and it's relatively easy to have one what else do you want them to do? youtube videos? some do that, it's just not a big thing people would take notice of and a paper still has its own advantages for example reading it can peak interest by others, you can easily share it and talk about it even leave it at some place where someone bored might pick it up and look into
Jack Smith
You can simply give out a little paper with a link to your website or something. Very few people even read the news nowadays, let alone fucking newspapers.
Angel Cruz
you mean a flyer?
Luis Ward
The radical left, especially in America, has no labour movement to back it up. Without this association, communists will always be the outsiders, representing only themselves and a fringe ideology separte from the now. The present. The current state of things. We must do whatever we can to revive the international labour movement and then and only then will our politcal parties will gain politcal power.
Jacob Sullivan
I suppose so, yeah. Or just give people a way to access your site or something like that, that'd be way more efficient and likely to be seen and read than a newspaper imo.
Andrew Bennett
To have a big Marxist party, you have to have a lot of Marxists. You have to start with at least a handful of cadres who are educated or willing to learn about Marxism by actually reading the primary texts. And when they recruit people, those people need to read the texts as well.
Problems: So you have a bunch of parties that people join out of the need to "do something," and then these candidate cadres never develop. Since very few of them can actually make substantial arguments based on Marxist theory, they instead draw lines around social groups, leader worship, action, and discrete stances.
Jayden Foster
So how do we solve this? Should we have people just give the basics of Marxism to people so that way they won't need to read so much? It's hard to think of another way to do it.
Cooper Gray
You have to get people to actually read the material and do research. "No investigation, no right to speak." - Mao There's no easy way out of it. You just have to educate people, explain the basics or what's relevant to their conditions, and then encourage them to read Marx. Start a reading group. Start a publication. Do counterpropaganda.
Jonathan Green
Well for starters reform Marxism because 19th century Marxism and 20th century M-L or M-L-M aren't going to stick
Justin Butler
afaik the KPD and similar parties makes it mandatory to study
Landon Walker
Revolutionary action without idealism is pointless.
Becoming mired in pragmatic realpolitik can lead to revolutionary goals being compromised and one dictator replacing another.
Beware of anyone who asks you to forget your ideals.
Alphabet organizations Socdem ""socialism"" placating the masses who then go onto think if the radical Bernie gets enough votes world communism will be established Anti-communist/anti ML propaganda ie Stalin killed 90 million kulaks and ate the children and was a dictator who was basically Hitler. So don't ever defend anything the Soviets did none of it's victories,healthcare,education etc. Infact just disavow everything Cuba,USSR none of it matters cause their all evil dictators and they weren't real Socialism like based Bernie Guttered or socdem loving unions with a liberal face. Make the IWW great again Lack of funds
I've been thinking a lot about this myself. It's probably different in different countries but in much of the left at least the modern party (sect from here on out) has a different makeup and function from the IIint workers' parties and the IIIint communist parties. Hal Draper has a piece on this but it's mostly a partial diagnosis of our situation, no suggestions on *why* it is the case just that it is the case. Sects I think have become something more like social clubs for like-minded people rather than organizations for deliberate coordinated action against the capitalist class. They appeal to people not on the basis of their current and immediate interests as workers (ex: you want to strike against your boss/ protest a state policy/ keep cops out of your neighborhood we can help you do that more effectively) but instead on a coherent "worldview" you buy into (to what extent was the USSR socialist/ what was the best policy toward the peasants at that point in time (this was unironically an active debate in the PSL iirc)). Grounds for a split have nothing to do with practice and everything to do with disagreement between competing worldviews. It is not surprising that this "worldview" centered party would be more attractive to students than workers. The modern sect is a tendency you pay dues to rather than an organ of collective action. That's not to say that a party should not concern itself with what socialism is/defending its viability etc. But its notable that the modern sect thinks of its own expansion less as an expansion of proletarian practical coordination and proletarian power against the capitalist and more as "convincing people" of a tendency. The sect is not a weapon in the hands of a class and does not see itself as a weapon in the hands of a class but as "convincing" that class of a worldview and of the need to take up the class struggle against the capitalist. Workers struggle against the capitalist on their own accord, a true class party's job is not to conjure these struggles into existence but give them direction, exacerbate crises of social control etc. Take existing struggles as one's basis and exacerbate them. This is what sects fail to do and that is why they remain sects.
You are absolutely right. We honestly need a new International based on the way the First International operated. They were involved in real labor struggles, and I think that a new International modeled off them would be highly effective.
Robert Hall
Capitalism, obviously.
Dylan White
this article is rotting my brain.
Tyler Price
Wrong. The USSR was a source of funds for revolutionary organizations.