
This is a Lenin thread. We should all admit that, even if one is an anarchist or a Leftcom, they must have at least a basic knowledge of Lenin and his ideas and leadership of Russia. Here you will post all your favorite quotes, writings, criticisms of other Marxists and other Marxists criticisms of, fun facts, of Lenin.

And of course the big ones:

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Is it just me or do we have Lenin threads oftenly

Favorite critique of Lenin is Hermann Gorter's response to An Infantile Disorder. Reluctant favorite work of Lenin is The State and Revolution.

Not much tbh, probably an expansion of the NEP for a couple more years, and then a gradual removal of it instead of the abrupt abolishment it had under Stalin. I imagine besides that not much would've happened, maybe no Great Purge but that's just speculation.

Tbh they both would've probably been very similar. Who was the "legitimate" successor, probably neither, since Lenin's testament was faked so I don't think Lenin ever said who was the legitimate one, just his own preference of who would be a better leader. That being said though, if ⛏️rotsky would've been elected instead of Stalin, it would've probably been like neocon socialism, as in a far more expansionist and intervening in foreign conflicts USSR. Idk what ⛏️rotsky's position on the NEP was, so can't comment on that.

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So why didn't Lenin implement the programs he advocated for in S&R? Did the circumstances of the war or Russian society not allow it?

Both, yes. The war drove Russia's economic base to ruins and the programs in the S&R assume an at least somewhat healthy economic base. Additionally, Russian society was incredibly backward (remember, approximately 80% of the popular were illiterate peasants) so the massive cultural changes required for the kind of 'workers' paradise' envisioned in Lenin's pre-revolutionary work simply weren't in the cards.

Lenin was a hero. There has never and will never be a leader as good as he was.

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He truly was one of the most important and influencing revolutionaries that history has seen. I doubt any revolutionary will ever again come close to the relevance and prestige Lenin achieved.



The roots of what would later be called revisionism was present to some extent in Lenin's time. Dude was pivotal, no doubt, but to act like he was handed down by God is pretty delusional.

I'm actually for iconoclasm but you're still retarded.

That's like asking French Nationalists why they like Napoleon my guy

man I love that guy

Like I said, not defending him. He clearly didn't believe what he wrote in S&R for very long.

Of course he believed it. But if belief was enough to change the world, we would be living in paradise right now. As much as Ancoms try to deny it, reality does exist and it cannot bend to our whims so easily.

If "reality exists" equals "we must adopt state capitalism" maybe you should just be fash, bruh :^)

It is necessary for capitalism to exist in some form before the creation of socialism can be possible. This is basic stuff. Lenin cannot be blamed for the failure of his "successors" to follow through.

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Why did the new york bankers finance the bolsheviks, specifically t.rotsky and l.enin? Was it tribal or ideological or both?

"Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution - Professor Antony Sutton"

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Fuck off with this shit, Sutton was a neocon who believed "America is secretly communist" tier garbage. Only nazis and Amerimutt conservatives shill for that guy.

Please, be polite, we are not on /b/ or Zig Forums, this is a place of liberté, égalité, fraternité. My good friend, do not use your speech for evil.

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Russia was ruined and didn't regain pre-WWI industry levels until about 1927, productive forces had to be rebuilt and developed. How do you think the Soviets were going to get the funding for the 5 year plans?

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Not the guy you were talking to but obviously it isn't necessary in most countries nowadays because of how industrialized the world is now but in early 20th century Russia it was most definitely necessary.


That wasn't the point (the Bolsheviks even rejected the stageist interpretation of Marxism). The point of the NEP was to build the worker-peasant alliance, and from there educate the peasants and slowly switch over to collective farms. From this point of view, Bukharin should've been Lenin's successor.

Aight fellas recommend me a short essay or two by Lenin

Here are some good ones from near the end of his life.


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Lenin wasn’t even Jewish by Nazi standards you cunt.

Imo I think that you can draw a direct line from some of Lenin’s actions to later revisionism. Not to say that what Lenin was doing was revisionist, rather some of his policies would later allow revisionism to flourish, particularly the ban on factions and other repressive measures. These, as well as those brought in by Stalin, basically created a set of repressive tools that fell into revisionist hands, and prevented them from being dislodged once they had taken power.

You are no a real fun if you haven't read his best work

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Stop embarrassing yourself

I like this one on religion: marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1905/dec/03.htm
And this one, because it's always entertaining to see Lenin go all out at his political opponents: marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1914/mar/11.htm

Can someone direct me to texts where Lenin talks about the "commanding heights" of the economy? Thank you in advance

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inb4 propaganda. He actually said that. He was a psychopath like the rest of you.

what about synagogue property?

You forgot the 900,000,000 White Christian Russians that died in the hands of Satanic Judeo-Bolsheviks


Nice cherry-picked quote there. Are you aware that he was talking about the Black Hundreds clergy, a far right ultra-reactionary group who regularly enacted pogroms? Lenin is talking about crushing them in this letter because they are preventing the seizing of Church property in order to help feed people during a famine. That is why he talks about the people that are starving. Anyway, I don't even know why I bother, clearly you aren't here for a good faith argument.

Makes sense, the Neolithic Revolution was the worst thing that ever happened so of course Wall Street funded it.

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Prove it. Post the full context.


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Zig Forums btfo again

How can one man be so based?

Lenin had a very rare quality for a leader, he was extremely pragmatic, but not opportunistic. He was willing to go to any lengths for the sake of achieving Communism, but he never used this as an excuse to back down from hard decisions like many other communists at the time. Without his decisive actions, the Soviet Union would have likely never even got off the ground.

So he sold church property to who? How could there have been a famine if he had shekels to buy food for the peasants after the sales of the church properties?

Were the people starving before or after the quotas Lenin implementated?

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That's some psychopathic psychology Lenin was using. Make the people so desperate they see the Bolsheviks as their saviors.

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Famines were fairly common in Russia though before the Communists took over The most the czar did to stop them was get himself and his family killed so their bodies could be used as fertilizer and that took decades. Stalin ultimately ended all famine in the USSR.

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tfw Lenin single handedly burned down all the crops and killed all the livestock

State and revolution, imperialism.
Basically no

Basically NEP 4 longer, than collectiveisation. Would have allowed 4 the world socialist republic prob

Basically stalin could have done shit way better. He should have taken the post 50/50 with thotsky.

Inb4 revisionist cuck reeeeeeee

A good moment to share one of my favourite pics:

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Lenin didn’t deliberately start the famine dipshit. The war caused it, he just recognized that with the famine in place, they would have the public support they needed to seize the church’s wealth and use it to help famine victims.

Which he started. the quotas did starve people to death.

Lenin was a jew that hated Slavic people, introduced himself as Jewish to people he did not know and never identified as Russian.

If you want to use that logic then capitalism is responsible for hundreds of millions more deaths than any socialist group. Porkies started both world wars, that's 75 million dead right there. Add another 17 million for what's happening in Yemen, another 11 million from famine in KMT ruled China, another 7 million from famine in British India. Then that's not including the 3 million children that starve to death annually, primarily in capitalist countries. Shall I continue?
They certainly didn't help, but grain requisitions were not unique to the Bolsheviks. Both the Red and White armies did it, as well as the Anarchists and separatist forces.

Anti-Bolsheviks started the war. Prodrazvyorstka was implemented to feed workers in the city, not just to kill peasants because Lenin was mean. Without quotas there would be even more casualties

Do you have a single fact to back this up? Or it's just the schizophrenic ramblings of a delusional boomer?

That's not true. He wasn't even Jewish by the standards of Nazi racial laws. He had one Jewish grandparent, which would have made him a "2nd degree mischling". Not even an oven for him.

What language did he write and speak in dumbass? Esperanto?

Kerensky refused to pull out of the war with Germany and Austria, which literally everyone except maybe the black hundreds wanted, he forced everyone's hands.

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He hated slavs because the state executed his brother for attempting to stage a coup.

All those millions dead because muh fee-feez.

He was a Slav. Lenin was not Jewish.

Did you even read my post? Man, I swear these people respond like bots with pre-configured answers

Daily reminder that the USSR ended all famine in Russia.

All hail messiah Lenin!

Not defending revisionism or anything, but this idea IS like fundamental to Marx’s theory of historical development. The whole reason communism is possible is because the bourgeois revolutions of the 18th century did away with the old monarchs and ushered in republicanism, nurturing a “progressive bourgeoisie”. The industrial revolution made it possible to produce common goods quickly and in unprecedented abundance. The main contradiction is that in a world of abundance, would-be common goods are bought and sold as commodities as if they were scarce, rather than being freely distributed amongst the populace, which becomes a conflict of interest between workers. Whether this “common good” is toothpaste or your apartment, it’s ours for the taking, but the fact still stands that none of this shit could’ve existed with the rapid development that took place under capitalism.

sorry drunk typos

lets get it

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That's only assuming that the scissor's crisis didn't happen. Lenin couldn't have predicted the economic crises that spurred the rejection of the NEP.

October was a revolution against Capital. It was only after October that Marx was reinterpreted as against stageism. This doesn't mean that Marx wouldn't have been opposed to stageism, but that the Marx of Marxism shouldn't be separated from how he is interpreted, and the historical conditions that define interpretation.

>The danger of a great catastrophe and of famine is imminent. All the newspapers have written about this time and again. A tremendous number of resolutions have been adopted by the parties and by the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies – resolutions which admit that a catastrophe is unavoidable, that it is very close, that extreme measures are necessary to combat it, that "heroic efforts" by the people are necessary to avert ruin, and so on.
And the famine that occurred in the aftermath of the Civil War Lenin, in contrast to Stalin, begged for foreign aid and the government not only openly discussed the matter, it actively promoted propaganda to encourage people to participate in alleviating the suffering.

Lenin never mentioned his brother Alexander in his writings, and the breadth to which the Soviets collected basically everything extant that Lenin could have possibly wrote, undermines the idea that Alexander Ulyanov's death was what compelled Lenin to become a Marxist. For Lenin and patriotism, to quote Lenin himself, "Is a sense of national pride alien to us, Great-Russian class-conscious proletarians? Certainly not! We love our language and our country." So, no, Lenin did not hate slavs.

Lenin's grandfather whom he never knew and was only ever discovered to have existed after Lenin had died was a Jewish-Orthodox convert, and was a virulent anti-Semite who so hated the Jewish community so much that he believed that Jews should be forcibly converted to Christianity.


is it just me or is that completely justified

Lenin Moreno is a traitor


Any leftypol approved documentaries on lenin for a brainlet?

le feel when no socialism

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Have you ever played 7 degrees of Lenin on Wikipedia, you hit the random article button and try to make it to the page on Lenin in seven links or less.

A practical side benefit of this is that you will broaden your general knowledge at the same time as you play this game.

Instead of playing that you should read the man's works


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Why doesn't he just take a fat shit on Lenin's corpse with God Bless Burgerville blasting in the background, while both Shillary and Dolan nod approvingly?

All the Russian oligarchs already did that in the 90s


What did he mean by this

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Putin literally is the Trump of Russia. That's why it's so incredible that both liberals and the Right think he's some sort of fucking genius or evil mastermind or whatever. He's literally like if Trump or Berlusconi was SLIGHTLY smarter, had like 5 more Autism Level points. I know the Russian commies are dogshit dengoids but I hope they BTFO Putin in the next couple of elections just so to see Putin squirm

It was then the kind union met the practical improvement.

Alt right?

Recently I've read Lenin's "The Basic Thesis Against the Socialist-Revolutionaries".

I recommend it.



Exactly. The civil war was started by the entente because a Russia with food would have feed the Reich, driving so the war to a stalemate and making Versailles not possible, Poland not possible, Hitler not possible. Lenin was trying to save Europe and the white race.

Yeah the true ideological consideration would have been cuck to the wast and die in the war for Mother Britain.

What was so great about Bukharin?

That's a pretty hot take, the Russian economy was already too fucked to feed the German army