Tfw no jewish booj gf

A while ago I started dating someone I really like as a person, but who is apparently a jewish casual zionist with an extremely wealthy bourgeoise family and a deep seated hatred of the poor. I think it may just be the upbringing, since she concedes of most points when pressed. How can I build a relationship with someone I'm ideologically opposed to? Does bad influences and general ignorance justify certain beliefs? Should I take it upon myself to convert her to the immortal science of marxism-leninism? Help me Zig Forums, what should I do?

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becoming labour aristocracy is many times more prefferable than preserving your "honour" to some red retards on the internet.

basically what I am saying is that you should impregnate her.

Go marry some poor, jaded person who will wallow in hatred of the rich with you, and leave the ziobourg to rot in their castles

I dated a japanese heiress, she was reactionary as all hell because her family were primarily bankers and landowners. She flew me around the place and loved giving me gifts. Her politics was so bizarre in its ideological fixture to the mainstream, she was literally telling me about Putin ruining american democracy and controlling Trump like he was a movie villain and saying that refugees were destroying Europe. Whenever I pressed her on these issues she would either go silent or her eyes would glaze over. I learned to never discuss politics with her.

Huh just fuck her in the ass and milk her for her daddie's cummies, why you making this all serious. Juice the shit out of her my man, and then take the money and use it to support the political endeavours of communism

I'd really love a MLM Gonzalo Thought gf, that'd be hella tight.

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Engels was rich and used his money to support his fellow commie Marx. Do the same as him, user.


lmao true, ok OP just fuck her in the ass

OP here. So I should milk her, both literally and figuratively, and use her wealth for supporting some communist cause? I actually like her, so how would you go about converting people with reactionary ideas ingrained in them?

Why bother?
She does not try to convert you.
Stop being autistic

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why are zionists so fucking rich?

i've never met a poor zionist in my entire life

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thank you jesus/muhammad/buddha/whatever for letting this shit happen.

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has anyone else ever noticed jewish people tend to be rich in america? i don't know how it is with the rest of the world but in america every jew i know is very well off .

why is that

I'm friends with a family of Jews who are poor but they're ultra-Orthodox Jews who are a group that to my knowledge tend to be poor.

Ok so, rich jews tend to be super insular and the conjunction of them being rich so they care about inheritances and property rights along with them being jewish so they care about marraiges given how the lineage of the faith works means that they tend to stay rich and jewish. Because unless your mother is Jewish you're not considered a Jew the vast Majority of Working Class Jews who migrated to America throughout the 19th&20th Centuries tend to lose their Jewish Lineage through marrying other Ethnic & Religious groups (Sort of like how a large majority of Whites in the deep south have a bunch of Black family members if you look far back enough). There are also some other things like you not noticing poor jews as much because only really the rich jews in America are super Zionist; in fact a lot of Rich Israelis are American Jews who hold dual citizenship. In London where I'm from the vast majority of jews are Working Class.

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Which is?

I hope you're memeing lad, sure there are a lot of rich jews but the vast majority of them are still working class. By your logic we should be talking about the Hindu-Jewish Conspiracy to destroy the white race.

Well obviously most Jews aren't bourgeois, and you can be live a perfectly comfortable lifestyle as a proletarian in the first world. But yeah Jews are definitely significantly wealthier than average and are overrepresented among the bourgeoisie, though of course that doesn't mean they're conspiring against Gentiles.

florida is pretty bad

hindus BTFO