Zig Forumstard rants about 'Day of Reckoning' against non-whites in California

What do we do about the increasingly bold Zig Forumstards declaring their genocidal ideas openly?

Keep in mind this was in San Francisco of all places, and this wasn't just some homeless junkie rant either.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Subconsciously, they understand something is horribly amiss in society, but their upbringing acts as barrier to realize the culprit is capitalism rather than brown peeps.

Stonecold stunners. Their ideology is inherently violent.

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i'm not surprised in the slightest
of course you have to raise awareness amongst your comrades, warm yourself, tell them to do so too and train some basics to defend yourself
there's really not much else you can do but kill them in self defense when they go on their retard rampage again
seriously if you're a genuine leftist in the US and you don't have a gun there's something wrong with you

Beat them. To death if necessary. Fear will keep them in line.

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arm, not warm
that was a weird typo

When is whitey going to take a chill pill? Do e need to stop white immigration to find out what the hell is going on?

What the fuck? Does he think his language is being appropriated or something?

The left can't meme

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Read it again.
I thought you were so educated and smart. Seems like that's just a facade.

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lmao what a fucking nigger freaking out because he got kicked off since he didn't have a ticket

and he has the nerve to act like he's superior to anybody hahahaha oh wow

I wasn't reading it, but okay I get it. Also when did I claim to be educated and smart?

35 or something % of Americans think that their constitution says that English is the official language of the U.S.A.

I read a great article about why Americans are so fucking stupid (written by an amerimutt guy)

Is not a word you nigger

Like 19 % don't know anything about the 1st amendment (except muh speech). 25 % don't know the three legislative branches of the US gobberment etc.

I don't have smug anime girls to post. Do you mind if I use yours?

It is now. Fight me.

35% of Americans aren't white.
Coincidence? I think not.

Go back to lainchan, you fucking nazi.


Clean your room bucko

Attached: jason kessler clean room.webm (1280x720, 3.66M)

why larp they have guns, if you live in america get a gun, if you live somewhere else get a gun anyways

Oh, a fellow Peterson supporter I see. I have indeeds already cleaninged my room! My room is absolutemently spotlessing. But I thought this was the /r/LEFTYPOL subreddit, and Peterson isn't allowed, so you might want to tone down your racism kind sir!

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White privilege is not the right word, but a white Burgerland "mentality" I think. These guys think the law serves to protect them but not constrain them. For others, they think law should constrain them, not protect them.

Way ahead of you buddy.

But for carry self-defense I just have some really, really nasty pepper spray. Not really a spray but like a device that fires a wad of really painful gunk that will blind the person within seconds and keep them blind for 15 minutes. Wouldn't suggest using it unless you are actually in danger, but the last guy who had a racist meltdown on a train on the West Coast ended up pulling out a knife and stabbing two people to death.


I guarantee it

when someone tries to murder you there's no need to keep them alive tbh

Wait, why does a news agency actually report about such things? There are everyday stupid people yelling in the public, what is so special about?

Views. Hate clicks. Anything they can milk. I don't understand why we need these threads

Baby steps. Not inclined to pack heat when going out for tendies quite yet. Down the street a guy accidentally shot himself in the leg while handling his gun in his truck before his planned night out at Applebee's. Guns are a bit dangerous, you know?

only really if you're a dumbass that doesn't do safety instructions and training or use one of those shit ones without safety
like i said in just having a gun does nothing and yeah it likely gets yourself, family or a comrade hurt
and just going on a shooting range doesn't do shit for that
you really need to understand the basics on how to handle a pistol before you go swing it around like a tard and put a bullet in yourself

How do I learn about guns? Also since I "look" dangerous due to my skin color, how do I get one safely and prevent myself from getting killed by the cops when I carry it?

i only know from basic military training
always tread a gun as if loaded, dont point it at others, dont point it at yourself, don't look into the fucking barrel, don't check the chamber and point it up while turning it around like a tard
i sadly cant get my hands on one so it's not like i know how to carry privately in public


Probably not possible. You carrying a gun will just mean the cops wont be fired when they kill you.

Well I know about basic gun safety and there are courses about that but I mean learning about different types of guns and which models and accessories are better

Get used to it. California’s demographics are a decade ahead of the national trends. Whites are now a non majority and will soon be a minority in Cali. Studies shows that increases in multiculturalism and diversity is correlated to skyrocketing rates of alienation anddrops in social cohesion. No amount of social engineering will change human nature. In fact, even liberal Whites become more conservative and tribalistic as diversity increases. Leftyfags and liberals can’t seem to realise how much of a role they’re playing in the rise of white identity politics. It’s why I think we are going to see more Trumps in the future. You have only yourself to blame

It's difficult to understand simple, basic concepts if you're a burger.

Oh fuck off or lurk some more.

1.How is this a problem
2. It's not our fault retards care about race

One of the most comprehensive studies in the role of diversity in social cohesion.

Race and ethnicity affects a lot of things, like political affiliation, willingness to have a system of wealth destribution, socioeconomic status and trust within a community. Why do you think successful social welfare states tend to be ethnically homogenous? If youre politics can’t take account of the limits of human nature, than you’re just waiting to fail.







Soo I'm assuming you don't speak Swedish and just assumed that whatever study done on social cohesion MUST speak in your favor, because why wouldn't it? Brown people are bad after all.
Try using the translate feature and actually read the article. Fucking retard.

Soviet Union: Could only be maintained by authoritarian means. When the USSR collapsed, Eastern Europe was gripped by interethnic conflicts, and reactionary hyper nationalism.

Yugoslavia: same thing.

Democratic republic of Ethiopia/various African shitholes : authoritarianism shitholes

Literally not an arguement as to why these places were bad / shitholes


Well these states can only be maintained by force, which isn’t a great barometer of how social welfare states with democratic traditions will fair with increased ethnic diversity. And when those autocrats relaxed their grip on power, like Yugoslavia and the USSR, people in these countries reverted back to their ethnic identities and ethnic tensions and distrust began to fester again.

These quotes are not from the article you linked me. Despite your intellectual dishonesty, I will still partly agree with you. I don't think multiculturalism is good for social cohesion. The reason I want you to fuck off or lurk more is because no one here claims that it is.

Soviet union and yugoslavia weren't authoritarian nor welfare states

Why has this thread devolded into "respect my spooks" and "we should seperate everyone according to skin colour"?

d-day of the rope one day!

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so Zig Forums are you going to enact ethnic cleansing and create a facist ethnostate democratically?

You kid but you have to remember that many on there unironically support anarchocapitalism and there's something called anarchofascism which was once a joke but is now being propagated by some on Zig Forums.

harley davidson bikes are shit anyways

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uggghhh I want that brown goddess to step on me and sit on my face

jeez man she's not even that good looking

And I want that neon jacket guy to be the censor for such a lewd act.

bruh I mean, you're entitled to your opinion but she's smoking.

I'm not usually attracted to brown girls but heah she is pretty fucking cute, not gonna lie. 8/10 would give foot massages daily.

Reminder that Serbia as a country didn't even directly take part in the civil war, it was local Serb population that tried stay in Yugoslavia that did the fighting.

Was that fat guy in the background nodding with him when he said the "white man with guns" part?

I want to believe he was just listening to some banging tunes.

So this is the power of white nationalism…..



Multiculturalism only alienates the populace further. Ethnically homogeneous countries will have a far easier time of implementing communism. Therefore ethno-communism is the best system.

Culture=/=ethnicity. I'll take a black person of my culture over a white American any day.

O really? Why does Chimpcago have such a high murder rate? Why Detroit such a fucking complete shithole? Capitalism? No. GROIDS!
That's why.

3/10, way too melodramatic. Also:

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Full video is even funnie.

Attached: racist rant 1.mp4 (224x400, 8.69M)


Yugoslavia was doomed to collapse.
Tito himself contributed to it's future collapse in 1966.

This is interesting, the retard blames his situation on foreigners and not on the exploiters.

He looks so impotent in full context. Just barking shit and no one caring to give a reaction.

He's a good example of a lumpenprole. His own exploiters tell him who to blame and he follows their word to the T.

this is just so pathetic and sad i feel genuinly bad for him
he's just all bark, no bite
trying so hard to be tough and i just know he wants to cry and be told that he's a good boy

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It's sad when workers like him get exploited due to capitalism and then the capitalists utilize his ignorance of his situation to fight against other members of the proletariat.

Old mate is sooo spooked. He must've dreamed of being a ticket inspector all his life. Took the train to the job interview, didn't get the job because his resume said:
Took the train home and saw someone with his dream job approach and say
Old mate

From the thumbnail I thought he was carrying a spiderman costume.

I think he talks shit about Trump in the video too, or maybe I'm just bad at understanding his English

He was saying that people like the asian who asked him for his ticket make him agree with Donald Trump.

Truly pathetic

He's like an adult version of Sammy Classic Sonic Fan.

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right wingers being violent retards, what's new

say it with me, comrades. Right wing = mental illness.

That's actually pretty sad. Honestly, I pity him just a little bit.
He seems so deeply angered, yet doesn't seem to be sure what to shout and to whom. So he just stands there for a good while, hanging his head, thinking what to do and what to say before barking once more.

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We're all suffering under capitalism. The true tragedy is that it degrades the intelligence so they can't see their true enemies, the bourgs. Pity him.
Still not an excuse for him to go off like that, however.

he's just pink wojak irl

Man the comments in this thread are great

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t. International brown man

Even after watching that guy cry for being exploited you are still


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The ABSOLUTE STATE of Zig Forumsniggers

You know it’s true Muhammad
Your shithole was shit before “imperialism” and it will continue to be after it

It's funny how stupid you guys present yourselves and then you have the gall to consider yourselves the "top of the gene pool".

I thought we were still talking about America/California? What do Muslims have to do with this conversations? Also I just realized that someone edited that to say "white countries" instead of "Europe" which is what it originally said. Pretty funny how America (and only American) benefits from this fake "white" idpol when they aren't even really white anymore.

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There it is
The non-white inferiority complex. why do you always have to compare yourself to whites? White supremacy must be true

There it is
Paradox Muhammad

Yeah it's important to destroy false doctrines user. Are you even christian? Stop walking with demons. There is still time for you to save yourself. Just turn around and embrace the truth. You are only 16 after all. You have your whole life ahead of your.

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