Why does this board have its head in the ground when it comes to Africa?
It's a cancer to the world.
Try to blame this on whites (other than the ones doing international aid, which on worsens the situation).
Why does this board have its head in the ground when it comes to Africa?
It's a cancer to the world.
Try to blame this on whites (other than the ones doing international aid, which on worsens the situation).
Other urls found in this thread:
Oy vey goy, you have to accept the diverse africans and their rich cultural heritage!
Op the eternal fagot, like always is a fagot.
It's fucked because of first world cappies is constantly killing it fuck off
It's no lie when we say THE LEFT CAN'T FUCKING MEME.
You know, when Zig Forums says the left can't meme, they really aren't fibbing are they?
How does this explain the fertility rates?
So many african governments are so disorganized and in constant state of violence that they let foreigners pillage their country, be it by fucking up or blatant corruption and selling out their country to finance they warlording.
Fuck corporations and countries that fuck Africa, but they have themselves to blame for letting it happen.
People have the government they deserve, and I say it knowing we deserve the shitty government we have in my country.
pwnd with facts and logic
Ehy the fertility rates though?
I knew Zig Forums was full of niggers. That Zig Forums meme is true as well, who could have guessed.
not a nog country
that was not OP
Just leaving this here.
Poverty means you have no access to family planning, in the more extreme cases like Subsaharan Africa many still lead traditional lifestyles where you pump out as many kids as possible to ensure that at least some don't die of malaria and help you work the fields.
Facts are not memes, they're useful information. Rightists are childish losers who haven't read a single book other than alphabet book in their lives and have attenton span so low that you only understand equally childish memes. Being able to "meme" is not something to be proud of
how about you condense yourself into a torso with a head you simple fuck
also nazbol gang and its spiritual successor gang weed is the best meme to come out of chans in the last years, and it originated here
Its ok sweetie, not being able to meme is completely ok, accept yourself for what you are
The picture you got offended from is short. That's the size of a fucking poet. I know reading is hard according to you, that's why you became right wing but that's pathetic. Politics is not memes child
I didn't get offended. What picture are you even referring to?
Can you provide me with a good rightist meme plz?
Are you Twelve
Except in the most severe cases the over population meme in Africa is quite overblown
The real issue is making use of Africas Arable land which has been stiffled by western food aid and imperialism to a multitude of degrees
I derive all of my information and understanding about the world from image macros and rage comix and somehow that's your fault
All hail the grorious asian master race
This is not a meme but an ok pamplent inspired by old leftist ones(pic related)
Be free to provide a better one
It's shit. I can get the basic message "HURR I DON LIEK CHRISTIANITY" but it's not funny at all. It's not even funny in the sense of being so bad it's actually funny. It's just boring.
Try again, leftyfag.
It's because they were never capable of becoming fully civilized due to the way they evolved.
Every single civilization which has touched Africa became immediately successful even if it was only for a short period due to the land's immense wealth. If there's a holy place in the world it would likely be in Africa.
Niggers didn't pervert Africa though, if nothing else had touched Africa they'd still be in their mudhuts sure but would they rake the land of its worth until it was used up? Would you blame indigenous animals for the state of the forest when it burns?
No, you'd blame the real person at fault: Jews.
that's not the message at all retard
You are not correct
Its actually created by christians
Its cute like yours but still not a meme
Are you claiming that leftist are bad at pamphlets or memes
Yes. Yes I am, indeed.
So provide a meme or a (a not so cliché ) pamphlet that expresses your ideas
i am trully intrested
IOBTW is uncontestedly the best propaganda meme produced over the past few years.
Fight me, leftyfags
Kek at you people thinking would ever evolve out of mud huts and spearchucking without Europeans.
what is Axum, Ethiopia, Mali, Ashanti etc
We're not liberals user. Imperialism and Capitalism have been major causes as to why Africa as a continent doesn't follow up to your standards.
I would call it a campaign and not a meme (you call everything a meme) but i dont think many people cared about it
Just saying is "its ok to be white" does not give enough information (it’s at best a show of power)
Look the anarchist pamphlet i posted, it’s a lot better (way more information, eye-catching , touching peoples religious feeling)
the entire we wuz kangz meme pisses me off, not because I care so much about niggers, but because it is literal historical revisionism on par with the "ancient egypt was 100% black and had ufos" crowd they are making fun of
Some Nations in Africa like Rwanda Mauritania Seychelles etc have managed to create a Moderately developed society by becoming porky Tax Havens
Socialist states in Africa like Burkina Faso Angola Mozambique Madagascar Ethiopia Benin DR-Congo and Somalia likely would have been able to bring about the high standard of living common in socialist states if not for Capitalist powers like the US and france constantly backing Terrorists (Not to say some of these states were unable to provide higher standards of living anyhow)
The whole " muh egypt was\was'nt black" is a show of stupidity and thinking that the only empire in africa was egypt
not to mention it went through various ethnic changes. It also was an ethnically diverse place. But Zig Forums giving into historical revisionism (calling Egyptians European because king tut was a ginger or some shit) is beyond brainlet.
saying africa didn't have actual "kangs" and was all mud huts and spear chuckers before the white man came is either total ignorance of history or blatant revisionism, no matter what your political beliefs are
Most ceo's are not jewish(outside israel)
ITT: A Burger atrocity of a "human" shits on the ground and struts around like a genius
Why are threads about blacks consistently the worst threads on here? Not one proper post.
I fucking wonder why
This one should be more to your liking
I know, it's the k-r theory
What I said still stands, they are a cancer and foreign aid should stop
No it's not. Those fertility rates are retarded for countries that make the news for warlord, ebola, famine and poverty.
The whole world is overpopulated beyond carrying capacity, as understood in the long run. What the fuck do you think is going to happen in a hundred years at the current consumption and polution rate?
And wait for those fertility rates to go on for decades.
k-theory doesnt really work when all your food is imported and the WHO is on standby vaccinating all your kids
this lack of contextual awareness hurts
it thinks its smart because it depicts Christ as an outlaw in the eyes of the authorities of his day
I wouldn't call it historic revisionism.
nobody denies there were African kings, but saying a nation had a king is not even an accomplishment. King is just a word for the leader of a large nation. The mockery is about appropiating Egyptian culture specially, and in general talking as if it gave them some sort of empowerment that their ancesters in Africa were organized under kingdoms. I'm of euro descent and I don't go saying I wuz a kang.
Had they lived in Africa still they would have been most likely been petty peasants living under a kang, which was basically a less warry warlord.
apart from the Mali Empire and its derivatives, or the various kingdoms of Ethiopia there were no "African kingdoms" until the 15th century and those "kingdoms" were just warlords profiting from Arab/European trade monopolies
Strictly speaking, it does
The theory aims at explaining reproductive behaviour as a reaction of environmental factors.
That behaviour is present and fits the explanation.
What happens is a mismatch between the behaviour and the population control mechanisms that are implicitely expected to happen, but it's not like "k-theory doesnt really work", because it refers to he behavioural part.
i meant like its not a self-fulfilling thing under those conditions, its broken
with k theory the species breeds in times of plenty because when the conditions become harsh again the population will reduce and die off
in this case they're continuing their traditional breeding pattern, have many children because some will inevitably die
but these people have been receiving food aid and free medicine for nigh on 40 -50 years now
the population of Africa is over 1 billion and thats a population being supported by food grown in and imported by Europe as "Aid"
it stopped being aid a very long time ago at this point its continuing to feed a growing population that surpassed its environmental equilibrium about 3 generations ago
I thought you were full of shit, but you are right.
Older kingdoms are 90% on Northern Africa, and the the few subsaharan ones were mostly shitty empires
Belive it or not it's just fucking americans who consider us non white.
Rwanda isn't just a tax haven though, it's literally an imperialist power in relation to DRC
the Mali Empire and the kingdoms that sprang up in its decline are the only truly independently developing African Kingdoms
even then they started as warlords monopolizing the trade routes for their gold and salt mines
they completely devalued the worth of gold in the middle east when their king went on Haji to Mecca and gave away so much gold to people to show off how rich he was he destroyed the arabs gold based economy
quite a funny story really, and it started the myth about Timbuktu being a city of gold
because the yank mongrel with cherokee and negro in his ancestry tree has the moral high-ground to dictate anthropology to europeans
and its really not doing the international socialist movement any favours by existing because its certainly not a poster child
do you like how Djibouti is just an international cooperative of military bases using Somalia for training purposes
whats everyones views on the Derg? were they worse than the Khmer Rouge or better? at removing all the food
the mockery of Egypt turned into denialism of African civilization overall like what is going on in this thread right now
forgetting about Ashanti, Aksum, Ethiopia, Kongo, Great Zimbabwe etc aside Mali. because they aren't smack dab on the equator so they don't count, or because their buildings aren't as pretty as European cathedrals
Aksum is Ethiopia you dingbat
Aksum, Meroe and Kush are all kingdoms in the region of Ethiopia
they're all also heavily influenced by Egypt and Egyptian culture
its why you find mini pyramids in Meroe and Kush
Ashanti, Zimbabwe and Kongo were all trader kingdoms
they didnt exist until the Portugese/Arabs showed up on their doorstep and offered textiles/weapons/alcohol and drugs in return for gemstones, gold and slaves
the Great Zimbabwe hillfort was built by a slaver warlord with power he attained from the wealth he gained from selling slaves to the Portuguese and the Arabs
not since 1991.
Bumplock this obvious bait. OP is a faggot and this is the moral of the story.
I don't have a hard only for Euro architecture, but you can't deny the shit you build says a lot about your culture.
African buildings might be underrated, but even Mesoamerican temples were better than Sub-saharan African structures.
Euro renaissance art was a marvel, and don't underrate it just because it was "bourgeois shit". It showcased the capabilities of the civilization was pioneer in so much science, technology and industrialism.
I don't care if you place intelligence on genetics or socioeconomic factors, but those pretty paintings came from the minds of an intelligent society that revolutionized the way the whole world lives. No country who adopted the metric system ever left it.
uh, what? what got you so defensive? I didn't disparage western architecture at all, simply made fun of people who say that Africa never had civilization because they didn't build cool cathedrals. most of the world didn't, not even most whites
What Civilization game do you draw your politics from? IV?
Hello, newfriend. Fertility and societal development are inversely correlated. Sub-Saharan Africans have so many kids because their region is poor as shit, not because of.
fertilty rates are directly tied to economic development are directly tied to institutions are directly fucked by the fact africa's borders were drawn by autists
do you think that's maybe because their countries are ridiculous artificial creations, like throwing Afghanistan directly into the middle of America and expecting it to be a frictionless zone?
The reason Africa is constantly at war is because people who hate each other are fighting for government over the people they hate. Africa cries out for Balkanization.
You got to admit that Sudano-Sahelian architecture is pretty cool tbh. Its basically giant sandcastles
memes on the internet are for the lazy and untalented. is an infographic incorporating a meme, not a meme in and of itself, you moron.
Who cares
If you have to explain it it failed
not seeing your point, OP, unless it was just Le Overpopulation meme, in which case,
1. birthrates change with development
2. african countries also tend to have extraordinarily low life expectancies which balances out the high birthrates to some extent. i know hobsbawm wrote a little bit about the population explosion followed by the slowing of growth in developed capitalist countries in the 20c. i'm sure there are historians who are more exclusively focussed on it. the point is africa's just a bit behind the curve here but there's good reason to suspect the situation could be fixed without any racist retard shit you're probably thinking about.
Leftist theory is not simple, because reality is not simple. If your ideology can be reduced to catchy sound bites, it is a load of horseshit.
Would be good if you were born there instead.