Capitalism doesnt seem to take into consideration aesthetics.
Its all about whats most efficient.
The beatiful parts of europe seem to have been done during monarchy rule.
How can we recreate that.
Capitalism is ugly
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Guess we have to revert to feudalism, right fellow communists?
Meh. I live in Dallas which is hardly a world-class beauty in the aesthetics department but the first wave of buildings was in the 1920s and 1930s so it has this jazzy art deco vibe to it in parts. I'd like to recapture that tbh and importing some European faux-medievalism is what gave us the McMansion which… no thanks.
You need avant-gardes similar to the late XIX-XXth century art movements, Cubism, Futurism, the Pre-Raphaelites, Vienna Secession… A group of people with specific aesthetics that they somehow developed individually, band together if their tastes are similar, and set out to produce things based on these tastes/ideals.
A bunch of people love Gothic architecture? Let them study it, gain skills, then have them build some buildings or make furniture with their distinct style, honed through passion and practice. If they're based in say Manchester, they're the "Manchester School" or whatever. Later on they can create a school and pass on their passion.
Or just make shit up from scratch.
The point is people have interests, passions and aesthetics naturally. Let them develop them.
Not exactly exclusive to capitalism is it? The USSR basically just copy/pasted so-called "commieblocks" across the whole country for pure functionality.
This, aesthetics are secondary.
But that is wrong.
Not for housing.
inb4 muh commiebloc-
It is though. Are you the commieblock fag from the other week?
It may be less because Soviet architecture lacks any aesthetic appeal, but that the brutalist style came to be associated in the West with nuggets like "under communism, you'll be forced to be the same as everyone else and live in houses that look the same, apartments that look the same, etc." That's partially how it became unappealing, in addition to high modernism in architecture becoming associated with office buildings rather than housing.
Again with the commieblocks? They were build post-WW2 *becouse* of WW2. East Europe was the frontline of most destructive conflict in human history.
No, what did he say?
Brutalist blocks were built on the outskirts and in industrial districts, the Soviets preserved and renovated a lot of pretty Tsarist architecture in historical centres and added a lot of Avant-Garde and Neoclassical buildings, monumental Stalinist architecture etc. Saying the USSR was nothing but blocky human hives is like saying that America is nothing but a flat plane of pic 2 from ocean to ocean.
Forgot pic 2
Living in an apartment is literally slavery and relinquishing responsibility to daddy state, Russian peasants were better off in straw huts and yurts before they were forced to move into totalitarian commieblocks (which they couldn't leave or they were shot)
suburbia is what karl marx referred to when he said houses would be put on the basis of speculation instead of use.
Yes it's much better now under capitalism when I have nowhere to live!
thank yuo mista gobashof!
There's a white one, and a grey one, and a whiter one and a greyer one, and they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.
In my opinion, thought, Laos has the best looking capital.
Well to be fair the ussr was trying to industrilize as quickly as possible.
So they went for the quickest route.
But ML is not known tp care for the comfort of the end consumer.
In cuba they dont gave commie blocks.
They have the same housing that it did on the 50s.
But its decaying.
Theres hardly any new constructions or renovations.
Yes. All Soviet people lived in grey human hives and have never seen sunlight. Elevators took them out of their crowded communal flats into vast underground factories and brought them back, and sometimes along the way they were randomly shot by commissars to boost morale. In those factories wrong-thinkers were broken down into soylent which was sold to the US in exchange for everything the USSR needed to industrialize. The only amenities in those horrid barracks were beds (only for the nomenklatura though) and portraits of the Dear Leader, with singing songs to the Dear Leader being the only form of recreation.
That's fucking awful, how could anyone support communism then?!
He's being sarcastic.
The USSR had a 40 hour work week on their constitution,peoples work was laid post Stalin(I think), vacations, free healthcare, food stamps,vodka, a vibrant collection of books…
It wasn't all bad.
They think communism gives everyone free stuff because they are brainwashed by Jewish Marxist academia…but let me tell you…my family actually lived in the USSR and my uncle got shot for owning a cat…they then cut the cat into a hundred pieces so everyone in the communal flat could own it equally…It was awful…
Fucking deserved it.
Again incorrect. Kruschev commieblocks were result of destruction of WW2. Under Stalin war nicer buildings were build, and even in small country like Lithuania flat in Stalinist building is worth millions.
He's also being sarcastic
how come??
That big old radio looks like it's gonna fall over.
End capitalism.
the absolute state of leftcoms, they're indistinguishable from anprims at this point
you anarchists just can't help yourselves can you?
every single time…
Ignore namefags.
imagine being such a tribalist that you defend commieblocks. every family deserves a second floor and a back garden
imagine not understanding that commieblocks weren't the worst thing ever and actually helped combat housing problems in a post-war country.
yes, postwar USSR was a post-scarcity paradise that could just pull two-story houses and gardens for 300 million people out of Lenin's embalmed ass. also a lot of people had dachas.
I lmao at sheltered american kids who think living in an apartment is some sort of a prison sentence
i'd love to live in a commie block with all its features
it's no kidding living like in fucking paradise
you can get anywhere for basically free with public transport just 5 minutes down the road
low traffic on your street as there's parking space behind a beautiful little forest that's planted all around the houses
nice cooling shadow, no sun heating up the roads that in turn heat up the entire area
water fountains to relax at, it's like living in a park
shops, kiosk, entertainment with music, plays, cinema, a bar to get drunk at, all sorts of sport and events to participate in
all close by, everything you can ask for
and if you ever need time away from your annoying neighbour you get to make a reservation to spend some time in a workers sanitarium or a quaint little shack next to a beautiful lake where you can go swimming, fishing, just walk along the beach, get a boat to drive around
and it's all affordable to everyone
I live in a Brezhnev-era commieblock. The view's really nice (trees and grass everywhere), there's garages and parking right outside, bus stops and metro in a few minutes' walk, local school and kindergarten are right outside. Now this is 30 years after totalitarian terror has been overthrown so most amenities you're talking about have been decayed (there used to be a cinema nearby, sports arena behind the house etc). I considered moving out but the only new housing that's remotely affordable is located in suburban hell navigating the traffic to which takes three hours and the only amenities are parking lots and the occasional tree to hang yourself on.
So honestly it couldn't have been that bad a few decades ago, when all of this was actually developed and maintained.
How come people never post the inside of these horrible buildings? I lived in houses that look awful from the outside, but where quite comfy on the inside and vice versa.
I've never been in a commie bloc but I stayed in a brutalist concrete tower in Honolulu (a lot of them there) and it was quite nice. It was dead quiet inside because of the concrete which is certainly an improvement over the shoddy construction in many hotels and apartments.
Maybe there's no easy message there. Look, they probably vary quite a lot between comfy and uncomfy. Even if you don't cherrypick it's so easy for the other side to cherrypick (or even take pics inside some other kind of residential building) and claim *you* are the one cherrypicking.
That and taking shots of exteriors from the ground takes practically no effort.
I'm cherry-picking this one but this is apparently a dude in St. Petersburg's crib who refurbished his Stalin-era apartment to look like it would have in the 1930s.
I think the utility of apartments is more important than aesthetics
That was exactly my point in reply to OP
Rereading it, I can see that. I may have replied to the wrong post or something. My bad, comrade
ITT: the chad eastern euro bros who've actually lived the commieblock life vs virgin alienated american suburbia cucks who have never seen a tram or any store or bar in walking distance
What do you mean?
That's the kind of housing you get with strong centralized planning wizards, dictating to the masses how they're gonna live as an efficient close-knit collective, and like it. Socialism isn't "when the government does stuff" or "when the people are the party there is no capitalism"
What is this? /b/? Ugh.
But hey, some people have differing aesthetics. Some people can take city life, but a lot of those houses were shit and cramped. (and of course they exist in the west) Too each their own, and may you all get what you'd like.
Ha. Nice.
>It is all about what is most efficient profitable.
there was literally nothing wrong with brutalism
Pay artists to beautify our cities.
Capitalism creates uglyness because it wants to maximize profit instead of beauty. It's like the difference between addictions and true satisfaction. The capitalist can profit more from keeping people addicted instead of truly satisfying them. The capitalist can profit more from creating stuff that decays after a while so that it requires renewal instead of creating stuff that is perfect so that it lasts for eternity.
Apartments and public transportation is communism, cars and suburban american houses is disgusting petty-bourgeois ideology.