What I always find funny about the Nazis is the fact that they think that the evil Jews control the capitalist system, but still see it as a ideal to work for it and pay taxes to the corrupt "jewish puppets"… xD
What I always find funny about the Nazis is the fact that they think that the evil Jews control the capitalist system...
The future is here…we just don't realize it yet. You'll get lost soon out there…
It's not funny. I was a Zig Forumstard a few years ago. I feel like shit.
No one in a bourgeois country is born a socialist, my friend. I'm sure most (if not all) of us here have political histories that we are more than a little ashamed of.
But they do control it. Its a part of the jewish religion to lend money to the nations (goyim) at interest to keep jews on top of everyone.
Deuteronomy 15:6
For the LORD thy God will bless thee, as He promised thee; and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over thee.
Thats from the Torah.
White bitches be slave to the BBC
That's from Mein Kampf
put me in the screencap Zig Forums
Found the commie jew.
Zig Forums if you're going to bait an entire board at least lurk for a little while
Has a specific context within the Devarim. That the worldly values and multiplicities of the temporal contract of God with the Israelites be spread amongst brother nations and those of the strangers, but that the Israelite must never stand to borrow from others - which flows in good order with 15:11, which talks about clemency for those who cannot afford debt, which was guaranteed amongst those who keep the faith, but not necessarily so when dealing with outsiders. (needless to say, this is anachronistic in the modern world, not that you would understand that with your projections). The 'rule over many nations' is the compact of God to restore Canaan (the land of many tribes) to Israel, and the final piece is the guarantee that so long as the concordat is maintained in good faith, that never again shall the Israelite be severed from his land and carried to bondage in another.
Material exigency makes no qualms about violating the decrees of a symbolic god, however, and we're here some time later having to explain basic human faculties to some backwards quarter-wit fuck on an imageboard because he thinks in mechanistic terms and memes
also shitty bait
leaving out the most important part.
>if only you obey the LORD your God and are careful to follow all these commandments I am giving you today.
Which if you know the OT and the NT jews and how they rejected Christ, worshiped other Gods.
fuck off faggot
That's a lot of fancy talk for, "we dindu nuffin."
Don't need to explain anything, anyways. Sometimes people like you are just happier with their delusions.
You didn't explain anything. The verse is plain and simple. Jews charge interest to goyim. Why are you watching an anchored thread? Aren't you supposed to be a classless commie with a state sanctioned identity? Isnt religion is the opiate of the masses?
Your fat mothers are ugly whores, you stupid cocksuckers! I will cut you and your whole familys in little pieces, faggots!(USER WAS SENT TO BED FOR THIS POST)
what did he mean by this?
strawman faggot
I will slaughter you faggot! You Nazi-cucks are dumber than dogshit!