what's Zig Forums's take on this ugly motherfucker?
what's Zig Forums's take on this ugly motherfucker?
What's Zig Forums's take on this ugly motherfucker?
the worst french hack of them all and that's saying something
This thread got the anchor too?
You guys have gone overboard with the censorship stuff.
This is why more people are moving to leftpol.
Terrible. Althusser BTFOd him more than once.
Can we unbumplock this thread? He's an influential leftist intellectual, even if he's a hack.
I haven't read his work. His idea of "radical freedom" does work for me though. It's more a personal ethics thing than social morality. There are legitimate reasons to excuse people doing something bad, but it's never true that you have no choice. Everything is your responsibility. I'd even go as far as saying that things you have no control over are your responsibility. It's very Stirnerite. Don't like something? It's your universe. Do something about it.
Being and Nothing = mind-body dualism of the Cartesian variety
it takes a special kind of charlatan to get btfo'd by althusser
I'm pretty much a hard determinist so it's hard to get over the assumptions.
I'm a "hard" determinist too haha
The best french philosopher and a total cutie. This guy beats all those "marxist" french hacks like Foucault and all those other cocksuckers.
i'll fucking fight you irl
he completely misunderstood marx and heidegger, his two main influences, which lead him to postulate the meaninglessness of being as eternal truth which is a contradiction in itself but very fashionable among edgy nihilist teens, the female specimen of which he got to bang.
How the fuck is Bataille a bad writer/philosopher?
There's nothing you can get from reading Sartre that you can't get from reading Heidegger or Althusser
Camus was a decent novelist at least, that alone puts him above Sartre
alright what yalll think of this sexy motherfucker then?
Nihilism is nothing to me
Bourdieu said something like "intellectuals in a capitalist society are a ruled fraction of the ruling class". Enough said.
His support of Castro means nothing to you?
Tell me what was so awful about Lacan.
I'm fairly certain I can defend any misconceptions levied against him.
Camus supported colonialism in Algeria.
I support those trips
Simone de Beauvoir did some very good historical analysis in "The Second Sex,"
but don't let me stop you from hating her without reading her.
Give a source for this.
Algeria is the whitest place I've ever seen, there was nothing left to colonize since white people have been invading since ancient times.
How does forced de-veiling of women fit into Camus' philosophy?
That's not what colonization is. Those Muslims were already white.