Bolsanaro Victory

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WTI Crude
Jair Bolsonaro swept to power in Brazil’s presidential election Sunday, marking a hard pivot to the right that promises to open up the resource-rich economy to private investment, strengthen ties to the U.S. and unleash an aggressive crackdown on epidemic crime.

The former army captain trounced Fernando Haddad, a leftist former Sao Paulo mayor whose Workers’ Party became synonymous with graft, winning 56 percent of the vote to Haddad’s 44 percent with almost all votes counted. His supporters thronged public places throughout the fifth-largest nation, celebrating with flags, music and fireworks.

“I make you my witnesses that this government will be a defender of the constitution, of democracy and of freedom,” Bolsonaro told a crowd of supporters in Rio de Janeiro. “This is a promise, not from a party, not the words of a man, it’s an oath to God.”

A little-known lawmaker for almost three decades, Bolsonaro, 63, drew public attention with tough talk. He promised to suppress the nation’s lawlessness by meeting violence with violence, insulted minorities and women, waxed nostalgic for Brazil’s dictatorship and expressed doubts about the electoral process itself. His unforgiving politics places him among nationalists such as Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines and Donald Trump in America.

To many, however, he’s the best hope to revive an ailing economy and streamline an inefficient state.

“The biggest risk is an erosion of democracy, though I’m not apocalyptic," said Michael Shifter, head of the Inter-American Dialogue, a Washington-based network seeking to foster democratic governance and economic development. “The opportunity is that he could stop the economic hemorrhaging.”

His supporters on Sunday weren’t concerned with the finer points of political economy. A crowd surrounding his beachside home in Rio honked horns, sang the national anthem and waved the green-and-yellow flag. The music stopped abruptly when he spoke. One woman said to her husband, "look, the Myth is talking!" and they hustled toward a screen to watch.

“Liberty is a fundamental principle,” Bolsonaro said. “Liberty to walk freely in the streets throughout this country. Political and religious freedom. Liberty to inform and have opinions.”

“As a defender of liberty, I will guide a government that defends and protects the rights of the citizens.”


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get the guns

Half of Brazil's population is going to be wiped out and/or exiled, hopefully it'll be the right wing Southerners.

This, if you're ain't a guerrilla, you ain't shit


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Soon you'll suck start a pistol?

Soon you'll be on the wall classcuck

This. Time to get the guns.

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Arm yourselves my Brazilian comrades and good luck.

Lol, no. If anything, he'll just give them guns and have them kidnap people.

fashism will win

Fuck that article. I'm just imagining all of the inevitable op eds about how he was tough but what Brazil needed at the time, and I'm fucking livid.

Honestly this is probably this worst time to go back to being America's bitch. Should be interesting to watch Brazil revert back into a shithole while China devlops the rest of South America.

Is fascism counter to human-nature?

FTFY champ

As American hegemony continues its retreat this will happen with greater frequency in its client states. This is a sign of decline and therefore hope.

But spelling will not.

Bolsonaro is the hero Brazil needs

But will they deserve it?
Or will they end up like the comrades in glorious socialist paradise Venezuela?
Selling their bodies and firstborns for rat guts?

fpbp. Otherwise, prepare for Pinochet 2.0 electric boogaloo

Good. Neither of those were productive in the slightest anyway.

Bolsonaro will turn them back into a third world country by selling the country to America and Canada. In a way that night be good. The middle class of Latin America is obscenely reactionary (pro-american) and needs to die or at least be seriously harmed.


Can someone explain to me how I am supposed to keep faith in people when they elect with full awareness a fascist piece of shit?
A majority of people are this fucking dumb and you expect them to support your socialist ideals?

The "middle class" that socdems love so much will always turn to fascism in a crisis, especially if they are chauvinist and anti-third world like they are in Brazil. It's why social democracy is a dead end.

It's hard being a socialist but also misanthropic as fuck

It's not about ideals mate, it's about material conditions.

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He is not a facist he is just another US backed NeoCon classcuck
Also a ChristCuck

Swallowing american propaganda like a slut getting her mouth full of load, right my friend?

Who would have thought that I would see my country being burned to the ground by my own people?

He was elected on the backs of the petite bourgeoisie and other reactionaries.
I know a lot of people here hate on voting (or at least did), but just showing up would have kept a lot of fascists and other reactionaries out of power.

You would know that experience. I do not.

Seems curious that the Caravan is going past that wonderful puddle of plenty and into the despicable US though.

Is it just me or are the mods kind of slow today?

At last I truly see

Do you know anything about Latin America? Capitalism has failed there and will continue to fail. The default state of a country in South America under capitalism is poverty courtesy of the US.

To see how much the west is salavating over this news, just look at r/wallstreetbets. Those fuckers want to rape your country, those memelord autists wants to make you their paypigs so that they can get an extra 5000$ to buy on cheap trafficked women and booze while your country slowly turns into a dustbowl with nobody having anything outside of the richest in that country.
But go ahead, continue to support fascism. You will certainly benefit from it.

You have five seconds to name a socialist policy that Venezuela has implemented that is responsible for the current economic situation, that hasn't been implemented by some basic socdem North European state.

hey christcom (if you're the real one), please check out the OC I made for you

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If Germany's descent into fascism was a tragedy then this recent far right "surge" is most definitely the farce. I mean what are they fighting for? It's not like there's a big global leftist movement like there was back in the 1920s. There is no soviet union. There is only American hegemony and international capitalism. And yet these reactionary liberals thrash and scream about muh commies and muh leftists. What does it mean? I think it really is just a sign of decline. The old order is fading away and is unlikely to be replaced by a 1:1 chinese/russian/etc copy. The American elites are terrified and so are their dependents. Basically what I mean is that America is dying and that although things will get much worse ultimately the death of American hegemony and the forced retreat of its empire are fantastic things for global socialism. So in the end this will get better and in the end those who profited the most from these schemes will be painfully disposed of in a brutal explosion of terror that will shatter history itself.

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Turnout for these elections was pretty high, nearly 80%. It wasn't "people staying in." It was a mix of Lula being jailed, intense PSYOPS, utter retardation, and VERY LIKELY some good old vote rigging.

I absolutely refuse to vote in our Yank elections, but the PT is a real worker's party, even if it is weak. The proof is in the fact that the CIA saw fit to fuck it over constantly. Any serious socialist should have turned out for Haddad.

They're preparing for the effects of global warming and the final market crisis.

Daily reminder that when things get worse, leftists should be ready to swoop in and get recruiting.

first they should be able to protect themselves and practice proper security, and not get other people killed. not the time for accelerationist opportunism, people are going to die dude.


he's a literal fascist you retarded anarkiddie

Fuck off incel

Read Palme Dutt again, you clearly have zero comprehension. And read Dimitrov.

pick one

the neocon/fascist anglo ZOG Occupied Government empire just scored a new vassal and this vassal is the world's 5th largest market by population size, the world's 8th largest economy by nominal gdp, the world's 5th largest country by area size, the dominant political local power in south america and rich of natural resources. this is important, because brasil used to be part of a rather powerful rival alliance in world politics called brics.
i highly doubt that the empire and crapitalism itself is going to die soon, therefore the term late stage capitalism does not apply to the current era. if anything, both are stronger than ever, because right now i see no powerful opposition such as the ussr on world stage or a strong political left inside the empire itself that can tackle the further rise of fascism/crapitalism. the state of the political left has been worse over the last 30 years though, Zig Forums itself is proof that a regeneration process might be on the way :3
marx' analysis of crapitalism-imperialism was and still is brilliant and true for the most part, however he was wrong in believing that crapitalism will eventually eat itself. he did not foresaw the rise of mussolini, hitler and the like, because he believed that time and society work in relation either like a linear or quadratic function. if there is order at all it would probably look more like a sine function though.

I love it. Saved.

Are the Atlantic writers /ourguys/?

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Brazil needs a Shining Path.

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If Venezuela manages to attain stability then in 5 years they'll prosper while Brazil becomes a shithole.

I have trouble with this too honestly. These people are just so fucking stupid, to the point where I'm convinced they don't have a single original thought in their head. They're mindless.

That would be an interesting turn of events. Too bad that is unlikely for an array of reasons.

good, the country is poor so it direly needs this

debatable, depends on what get signed

could be good, could be bad, depends.

very good, and why leftists are idiotic to coddle criminals as doing so only feeds their right wing competition.

It's more likely Venezuela is about to be spitroasted by Trump and Bolsanaro

i think the problem isn't necessarily that they have no minds, it's that they are using the wrong parts of their brain for politics. the feely part that gets easily overwhelmed by fear. bolsanaro types always play off fear, and people fall for it because fear easily takes over the mind. just look at the hikis afraid to leave their house, for a non political example. vast majority of the time there is no actual advantage to it so it makes no fucking sense logically.

lmao enjoy your ban fag

It doesn't look good, but we'll see. There have already been a few political murders before the election, probably keep an eye out for more of those. If all he does is use the judiciary to go after the opposition, that's nothing different from what has been going on.

thanks for banning this idiot. i'm so sick of reading and hearing dumb shit like that.

He thought he could ask questions and express his opinion. Good thing he got gulaged ASAP and reaffirmed whatever preconceptions he had. The less people have incentive to have a reasonable-ish discussion about the left - the better. Nothing could be worse then winning the hearts and minds. Just gulag everyone.


He did not ask questions, and it was clear from the way that he wrote that he was not trying to engage honestly with the left, if he was, he wouldn't have used the all people paid the same definition of communism. I still do not agree with the ban but I can see the reasoning.

Nice concern trolling, bro.

The USSR moved on to a piece-rate after under Stalin, which is a movement towards the utilized system in lower stage communism described by Marx. What was missing was the introduction of a labour voucher or energy credit system in conjunction to get rid of any form of capitalist reinvestment. No one was ever paid the same or will be for the entire duration of socialism.

no. he was here as a missionary.
frankly, i don't give a fuck about his stupid right-wing "opinion", which is comprised half of lies and half of utter retardness. the internet and the liberal/reactionary mainstream press is full of bullshit like that, i don't want to read it here of all places as well. today i already had to swallow germany's biggest liberal newspaper publishing a lengthy article about "authoritarian right-wing populiust bolsonaro of brasil" stating that "chavez, the communist dictator of venezuela" and bolsonaro supposedly have/had a lot in common (hating democracy, gays, blacks and free speech) while pinochet wasn't even mentioned in it.
people who actually have that incentive wouldn't post dumb shit like that in the first place and all others aren't worth any effort responding or even listening to. i'm so fucking sick of these dumb fucks.

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The thing is, Buttefly poster just kept repeating over and over about how the USSR was actually capitalist from the start.
But the thing is, I don't think she was the usual Zig Forumsyp troll but just the usual young westerner.


Even better

Even better

This. The left must be pushed farther left and we must become militant.

Brazil seems like an interesting case. From what I understand, labor was powerful there. The social democrats, explicitly leftist and reformist in orientation, presided over a massive economic boom that only collapsed a short while ago. Lula was glorified for his achievements in raising the profile of Brazil economically and helping the lower class, and still remains very popular. However, I'm not sure to what extent the more recent economic crisis was blamed on PT or how important that was to the reactionary middle class. It sounds like they are fighting the same culture wars they do here, where there is a gesturing at the economy, but I'm not sure it is what is important to those people. In America the wall was really the centerpiece of Trump's campaign, and he really established himself in the media with his "Mexico is sending criminals" thing. Bolsonaro also seems like his main draw isn't saying the economy was tanked by PT, but rather that "cultural marxism" and social degeneration are a result of leaving the macho authoritarianism of the dictatorship behind. This all just seems very much like culture wars.

But I bring all of that up because aside from the party itself, labor seemed powerful in Brazil. Brazil is corrupt and there are feelings that unions may not always represent worker's intersts, but unions were very powerful, supported PT and opposed the neoliberals as well as Bolsonaro. Union contributions were mandatory in Brazil until last year (different from dues, if you were benefiting from a union you had to contribute even if not a member), and Brazil has more unions than any other country, I think. It also has more union lawsuits than any other country I'm aware of. Furthermore, the unions mustered the 10s of millions of people last year in a general strike to protest the change of those laws guaranteeing unions their mandatory contributions. They failed, and the law was changed. Also note that studies have shown unions are most successful when they offer a wide range of benefits outside of employment, including in unemployment, though mostly that in particular. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it is normal in Brazil for unions to offer unemployment benefits, but they do offer health insurance discounts, discounts on random shit like gym memberships, and discounts on college tuitions, among other things.

I want to read more about it to get a better idea of Brazil as a case study, but to me it looks as though this is an illustration of the challenges to organized labor, what they look like when labor has a lot of things going for it. I don't think it is a coincidence that the rise of Bolsonaro occurred with the recession, but more in the sense that PT was given a critical blow when what you might call the conservatives-moderate coalition took to attacking them on the basis of these corruption charges. Lula could have won again, but he was behind bars. However, this can't be considered something simple like "they cheated, if only Lula wasn't in jail this wouldn't have happened". They had the power to put Lula in jail, and they had the power to bring down Dilma. Where did that get it? How was organized labor not able to counter this? What factors caused it to fall from a peak of power to be totally defanged and then humiliated by what looks like a possible return of the dictatorship? And how can we learn from this? What is the significance of talking about "organizing" when a highly successful party allied to workers with the most popular politician in the country and a relatively strong segment of organized labor gets defeated over the course of basically a 3-4 year recession?

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We must fight!

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Bolsonaro's victory is inevitable and good thing.

Inevitable - because Capital will always decay to the right, and BTFO lefties except those who would challenge it violently.

Good - because it further accelerates collapse of international neoliberal system, and BTFOs both centrists and sucdems - thus, it removes one of Capitalism's main stability feature, the spectacle and the shills, and exposes it for what it is, making it more vulnerable.

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The spectacle is real

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By terminating belief in democracy, and people electing something in the first place by putting things in ballot boxes.

First Trump, then Brexit and now Bolsanaro. Truly Gamers are the most powerful people. We will achieve World Communism if we convince Gamers.


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Pretty much.

The Soviet Union was right.

By realising that Lenin was correct in that class conscious proletarians should form a vanguard party and guide and defend the revolution until all threats are eliminated and then gradually institute socialist democracy that will wither and lead to communism. Also read Blanqui if you've lost all hope in a popular uprising.

He literally has a former General as a VP. If something were to happen…pic related.

I heard in another thread that we have until January. Spread it around.

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About the January, I heard that's when El Presidente goes in for surgery. Funny things might happen.

Important. Venezuela won't be attacked until Super Gripens bought by Brazil start to enter service in 2018. I heard that the First units will be available in 2019, IOC in 2020. Oh and guess who made and sold them? SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC SWEDEN.

Venezuela put their money in top-tier Fighter Jets. They can only be taken out by Super Gripens.

Really makes you think

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Jesus christ he's a fucking retard.

yeah he's a right winger, what the fuck do you expect?

Too bad he sas stabbed. That was what probably got him the sympathy vote. Had he been killed by it anyone who becomes leader people would have little faith in and next election would have voted for someone like him anyway so that would have not been ideal either .

So another one of Zig Forumss daddies that loves Israel and the jews. Aren't they getting tired of being fucked up the ass yet?

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I think he would have won anyways. I really doubt those sorts of things sway elections one way or another. Brexit happened after that MP was killed and I really doubt the recent shooting and attempted bombing is going to change the outcome of the midterm

Zig Forums is as zionist as they come. their supposed anti-zionism is literally just performative virtue-signalling.
90% of Zig Forumsyps would ecstatically suck off netanyahu while wearing an ss uniform and waving a flag with 'fuck zionist kikes' written on it

Zig Forums doesn't really give a shit about real Israel, they only care about imaginary Israel that is the whitе gеnocide HQ and doesn't let them have a gf. It's all pure roleplaying. Take away the stupid pretend shit and all of them are basic bitch conservatives who fellate any pro-Israel right-populist chucklefuck with gusto, and never criticize real things Israel does

While we're on the subject: daddy peterson too.

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Was the electorate graphic posted anywhere? Probably no surprise, but the lower class favored Haddad, while the urban middle/upper-middle class in large urban areas favored Bolsonaro.

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The same graph with the dots expanded to reflect population.