Who else thinks that identity politics, anti-oppression ideology, social justice warriors, are just a psy-op to turn the masses against eachother, when in fact the masses should be organizing together against the 1% ?
Identity Politics = A Distraction from the elitist 1%
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I am pretty sure that everyone on Zig Forums is.
you sound like a dullard
This phrase itself is a distraction. Just say “the bourgeoisie” or “the capitalist class”. That is much more accurate.
Everyone. But not all idpol is bad, discarting americans because their mother is a disgusting whore and they are equivalent of toddler and can't understand socialism because everything in their country is fake and saying that they should kill themself asap and that anything but putting the bastard is concentration camps or using them as storers of nuclear waste or such is good praxis
This. The top 20% are the real problem anyways.
Do you know where we are?
OH RIGHT IM the fucking dullard for questioning and refusing ideologies that are passed off to most in our universities. IM the dullard for beginning the topic in a simplistic manner so people can develop, as well share their own entire social, political, and economic interpretation of this issue, go fucking kill yourself you fucking retard and die bitch
You are a dullard because pretty much everyone on this board has figured this out ages ago
Dumbass, you all already agree with us
We've already came to this conclusion years ago, why do you think we're here?
i tend to interchange the terminology; capitalist class tends to be more sociologically accurate in my view
It certainly can be used to simply identify the capitalist class, the "1%" that needs to be dealt with, but why, if the socialist presence on campus is so strong, why is this ideology of id-pol still here in its uncritical form turning people against one another on every shade of factors in identity ? It almost leads me to believe that simply perhaps campus socialists are either complacent, or will just go along with it, so long as some sort of advantage can be interpreted from it. Its true the campus socialists must protest and remove that which divides the working class, the people - yet i dont see this
did you really ? then where is the popular socialist-leftist change for this ? I never see such claims for example. coming from my campus socialists, or any socialists in my city. Its just them and the same bullshit blah blah blah oppression and often bitching about white people
why the fuck do you think we're on an imageboard and not on reddit or something?
I suppose us online thinkers and philosophers, sure, this is sort of another space, but the space "out there" is contested, which hardly reflects such conclusions - why ?
lol all the real intellectuals are on image boards ?
read up on cointelpro and stuff like that if you're actually wondering why the whole "new left" shit tends to be retarded
the reason we discuss leftism on an imageboard of all places instead of reddit is because we don't care about idpol shit, just actual anarchism or marxism
i'd hardly call most people here intellectuals, including myself
but places like revleft don't really exist anymore
reddit is shit too beause its absolutely geared towards marketing over consumption of controlled information in a new internet and social economy… then theres argument of weighing value of opinions/information on reddit as opposed to a place like here….
Because americans are incapable of doing anything
Politics is the entire identity of the 1%/99%. It all boils down to that (/). You muh more cuz you accept the standard of comparison. Everything is a psy-op when playing this deluded game. Its not 1% if they are human and bleed. It's not 1% if there's a name and address. Its your addict psy-op shill coward acquiescence to be 99%, know it, and love it. Prove wrong and name/addy your mark faggot.
We will never ever get an honest conversation about workers rights going so long as some slack jawed dipshit keeps popping up in the middle of it and screeching about how straight white males are the root of all evil in this world and then everyone starts flinging their poo.
It obviously is. There is no way the capitalist powers wouldn't jump at the opportunity to cause so much damage to the left with so little effort. If the major intelligence agencies aren't helping to promote feminism among the left they're utterly incompetent at being evil.
We shouldn't be 'massing against the 1%' (which includes rich preppers like me that will mow you all down because we have the money and time to build defenses, train and stockpile).
We should be massing against corruption.
There's a huge difference.
We don't need 'equal treatment'. We need equal opportunity. If you rock, you should be rewarded more and if you suck, you should be rewarded less.
However, we're not in a capitalistic society or a meritocracy, in the first place. We're in a plutocracy.
You people are fighting for the worst possible form of society, instead of fighting for the best.
"social justice warrior" hasn't been a part of popular political discourse since 2015.
I think you're the distracted one.
found the white male
well i actually never considered the potential harm in the standard of comparison, you make a decent point, but i always interpreted that the idea of a 99% expresses much more actual power that people have simply in numbers of people
I am not posting my personal info on fucking Zig Forums, lmao, you wanna meet up, im in Toronto Canada
this is true, when im politically active in social media i try my best to actually make that differentiation - it absolutely is segments of the capitalist class which need to be brought to justice. I absolutely believe there are merit worthy millionaires and billionaires, but typically you see people shill and interpret (more easily) abstract causes against the rich.
Corruption in capitalism when its illegal, of course. I will also mention however theres this element of global international capitalism that will boil down to ethics which people will sometimes call corruption or something else, but isnt necessarily illegal. Things like "manipulation" of international global finance in some cases.
Youre correct that people need equal opportunity, in my view, especially to reach understanding about how some within the capitalist class exploit those lower on the capitalist economic hierarchy, exploiting ignorance of economic and legal consciousness which the capitalist class deals with.
too obvious
these organizations that push social justice still operate on my campus, it really is part of popular discourse still, theyre paid to be here. It will always be here, and was only ramping up to this point in time.
Im going to share a fact with you about the Canadian justice and political system, "social justice" has really in truth been decided in places like the Supreme Court to inherently be part of our government institutions and spaces long ago. They made this decision long ago well before 2015, well before Obama, well before 2000. In 1986 for example, Chief Justice Dickson decided that the democratic values of Canada included commitment to social justice and equality. This has been in development for a long time to be permanently part of the left and the ideology of social justice, as well NGO's/non-profits of the left marketing the social justice warrior concept
just take a walk on your campus man
Michael Parenti
Neck yourself please
your low value meme isnt an argument brainlet
so what exact kind of merit system do you have in mind ? How do people deserve what is valued in a society ? Why don't you try sharing your unrealistic views first before attacking others, so everyone can kill you, but i know youre a pussy that doesnt want to face the wrath of the masses for your idiotic views, hence the statement you made as the jackass moron you are
I just want to point out that basically ALL politics is a "psyop", as in they are all distracting from the destruction of Capitalism. Literally, the only politics that matter are ones that strengthen the proletariat to abolish Capitalism. Anything that promotes conflict between the people is an enemy of any Communist.
identity politics needs to be filtered to "just politics"
Identity politics are just politics that don't specifically serve cis het whites. Not everyone is in the same place in society.
White nationalism is idpol. You cannot fight idpol with idpol. Identity politics is only popular because in the American dominated capitalist hellscape it is the considered to be the only valid form of political expression since, according to liberalism, classes don't really exist. Also the media ignores and ostracizes anyone who doesn't play the idpol game. The bourg love idpol because even though it might harm them in the short term (though really it rarely if ever does) it also helps to re-entrench the spooky shit they have foisted onto the proles for centuries in order to keep them in line.
Its misguided to exclusively focus on destruction of capitalism because it leaves the largely contestable social and political discourse on what exactly defines merit and equality, especially in material and social benefit in a communist society, undefined.
Hey everyone lets all create a communist movement to smash capitalism which leaves nothing for "the workers" and everything for whatever i believe is fair
It's not manufactured it's just a product of capitalist alienation not intentionally though but also some of it has nothing to do with capitalism.
There are social causes that are purely founded in white supremacy and while some causes can be tackled from a class perspective alone, others are predicated upon race itself. Those are issues where identity politics are apropriate
Thread is proof that Zig Forums is better
Stupid incel bigots here
I have no strong opinion on this stuff because i'm a white dude so i can't really evaluate the pros and cons of idpol
The thing that would terrify the 1% of the USA the most would be if the white trash rednecks and African Americans realized that the 1% is their true enemy and they put aside the few differences they have to fight for the common good.
BLM and the alt-right are controlled opposition to prevent these groups from becoming allies like they should.
class politics is a form of identity politics.