Is the End Upon Us?

I know everyone underestimates capitalism, but fuck are we in for a ride for the next 6-9 months.

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I know I’m pretty stoked.

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This tbh
Whenever i hear some burger showing me these infographics to show me "The economy has BOOMED under trump!" All i hear is "Were in the BIGGEST fucking bubble youve ever seen"

all the baboon in dey zoo

Honestly, im kind of excited for the next recession. Is anyone else? I really wonder if it'll be worse than '08.

There is a reason why all this counter revolutionary celebrities are so relevant to day. They know.

Isn't this a good thing?


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Like who?

Strange to see a leftist casting doubt on Korea. All Trump is doing… funnily.. is the very thing Noam Chomsky said the US should do: Stop it's wargames on NK's borders and talk to them.

Only the DNC/Maddow brand of the "left" thinks this is bad and argues for more military tension.

Insert random libertarian/conservative/classic liberal paid by some NGO here

Its Happening?

DNC and Maddow are right-wingers and belong in the same mass grave as GOP. Now pipe down, Zig Forums.

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Regardless, peace between nuclear powers is a good thing… for however long it lasts. No one wins from that shit.

Big meaty dicks

Yeah I'm in the GOP

I think the ruling class overplayed their hand in 2008 and have been paying for it ever since. The neoliberal malaise has to end some time.

USA has to maintain its hegemony militarily. That means unobstructed access to resources, and slapping down challengers to that hegemony. That means going to war with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and intervening in Syria and Venezuela.

If it doesn't maintain it, it will collapse, and the world will recede into multi-polarity, regional powers, wannabe hegemons find out the hard way that the hand-off of the status of global hegemon from UK to US being peaceful was a caprice of fate, and a divided bourgeoisie all looking out for their own interests. And a globally divided bourgeoisie will do what they do best - start wars.

Your choices for the future are war… or war.

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Something tells they will lose power next election

I just hope vermin supreme runs again

with the worldwide reach of the US military, it would be easy to establish and maintain global communism and bring humanity into a bright future, but, you know… gotta make that money instead

"but muh 100 million"

Habbening when?

why can't we just have peace and unity?


I don't know much, but humanity is gonna make the body counts of the 20th century look like chump change by 2050

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I'm literally months away from graduating in software engineering, please gods of capitalism don't make it impossible for me to find a job just cause everyone else fucked up. I fucking hate capitalism, i did everything i was supposed to and I'm still gonna get fucked in the ass cause some arbitrary numbers on wall street went down

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Fugg, noo DDD:

You fucked yourself user.

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Because "all men are created equal" isn't a platitude to be uttered by a slave owner tired of paying taxes, it's a cold hard fact, and for as long as tools of power for creating hierarchies exist, there will be war to destroy those tools, and those who hold them. We call those tools "capital". Those who hold them will never give them up, those who have them held over them will never accept it.

this, I'm scared


Anyone else feeling smug about the fact that the people who lord their success over you and tell you it’s all your fault will soon be suffering as much (or more) as you are?

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porky won't be suffering though, unless there's revolution

It’s not just porky tho, there are proles out there who like to look down on people just because they attained enough success that they aren’t living hand-to-mouth.

I think that once low-wage professionals (ie: nurses and teachers) can't afford to rent out a room anymore, all hell is going to break loose.
You're going to have homeless shelters full of people on median wage who were told that they would be able to buy a house eventually, but obviously will never be able to.

First world "professionals" are pure cancer and deserve to live in constant agony and pain.

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Yeah basically

sounds fucking cool, not gonna lie.
I cant wait to see the fallout

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Universal basic income is a retarded policy and if you support it you deserve to be made fun off. Its better to demand full employment and strong unions because then workers have power over the capitalists rather than litterally relying on handouts from the whims of the rich.

I doubt they have the galaxy brains to understand why UBI is a shit idea.



I think I'm going to move to Canada. Winters will get warmer and most of the people aren't gun lunatics so I have a chance of surviving the first week of societal collapse should it come to it. I'm not going to go full prepper but I'm going to put myself in a situation where I can be useful hopefully after climate change starts making shit really hit the fan. Canadians seems like it could have a stronger left if things were more vocalized. America will probably descend into to some sort of fascism since the left is pathetically weak here.

Who knows though, Lenin didn't think he'd live to see the revolution. Anything can happen at this point.

Fuck off we're full.

In all seriousness we're one of the most armed countries in the world (which is based) but our left is only marginally better off than in the US. We're basically like Britain before Corbyn became Labour leader, and there's not guarantee that the left of our socdem party will be able to take control like they have in the UK. Even if they do, that party has never won a federal election, and it always comes down to Libs and Tories.

The coming times might not be comfortable, but they sure as hell will be more interesting.
So will you hope to be driven to fight, conjure a reason to do so once the right time comes, or do you wish as any others do to be spared from the suffering? One cannot hope for dramatic change without accepting dramatic change to the life of oneself. It hurts to admit, but it is true.

These "arbitrary numbers on wall street" cannot be bargained with; they will sacrifice you sooner or later. It must be remembered. Be glad you're young, not old and chained by bread to your labour; too weak to struggle, too dependent of your lord to love the hope of rebellion. One cannot hope prepare themselves alone, nor do the tides of fate wait for one man.
So dream of righteous justification to your struggle, of rather being gifted an honest and carrying hatred than pain; hope for a strength borne from betrayal, from capitalism failing to deliver what it so sacredly has long wordlessly promised.

I can feel your fear, I carry within myself something alike it, too. Who would not wish to get off easily in the coming storm? Is it not human to avoid pain? It is. Yet inevitably the pain-tithe to bury Capital must be paid.
There will be no easy way. But we will do it together, friend. Think of what is coming as a challenge, an adventure.

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Why Can't we just crlt alt delete capitalism?


I'm more than anything disgusted by people like &

who 'made' or in the process of 'making' their carriers. They always came off to me as either weaklings who got bullied into 'normalcy' by the system or psychopaths who readily identify with it.

So yeah, when these idiots, who "study" to "make a living" get fucked, I'm happy. When they weep at the possibility of the system going down (not realizing how this portrays their alignment with it), I'm happy.

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All good points, maybe people need to accept the certainty of the absolute shit show that's about to take place and look at the positives.

And they are from the CIA/Military Industrial Complex and using this whole MUH RUSSIA HAS TAKEN OVER THE USA to get in.

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wat do want make monies

When do you guys think it'll start? I can already see the writing on the wall around me. Stores are closing down left and right. There's just this kind of eerie aura in the air. It feels like something is coming but I don't know what.

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I don't know why this excites anybody. When the economy totally breaks we'll just get repeat fascism and WWIII to blow everything up and inflate demand so it can start all over again.

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WWIII sounds like a perfect time to LARP.

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Maybe we’re trapped in some kind of hellish cyclical history where libs wreck the economy, which gives rise to fascism. Then the libs and fascist fight a world war and the libs always win, only for them to reck the economy again 80 years later and repeat be cycle.

As long as American hegemony is shattered I don't really care what happens. The future will only become brighter.

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Looks likes this is the end of the road America,say your prayers

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Just how classism works. Up one rung on that ladder and they sneer at you or pat you on the head.
I can't hate them too much, but I am not going to be sorry for their dumb asses come Great Depression II. I'll be pushing for revolution and they had better get with the full program, and not some new New Deal UBI bullshit.

Good video and right on target.

But user, that would mean Enter or start

History never repeats.

I look forward to a collapse and a breaking up of the US, but the future will still be quite iffy with just that.

So should the next happening occur
what music should I choose?

Battle Royal Russia v China v EU v America. Who wins?

How about these for starters.

The Philosophers, Sergei Prokofiev

Massacre/Canoes, Trevor Jones

Titans, Vangelis

It literally takes one mistake in a system of 20 000 nuclear warheads and all hell breaks loose, Every single aspect of Russian/USA/Chinese military is geared for WW3.

Liberalism always gives birth to fascism, because fascism is the synthesis of Absolute Monarchism and Enlightenment. This process has to be completed. Otherwise, the next step cannot happen.


I wish this board didn't deal with so much fear and doomporn. It's embarrassing and counterproductive. As fucked as things undeniably will get, I wish more thought was put into possible scenarios.

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As long as we live under global American hegemony, there can be no "possibility" for leftism.

Pic unrelated.

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I don't deny that.
But whether this whole thing is going to blow up in nuclear hellfire or some other horrific war is a bit too simple and isn't very nuanced. It's a kneejerk reaction that, at the end of the day, scares people and if anything prevents action and organization.


Ngl I kinda hate this mentality. I mean I get that there's hope that it'll motivate the working class to get off their asses but like if we go through another recession mine and many other lives are about to get a lot worse. I can't say I'm looking forward to it hardly at all.

Karl marx predicted that socialism would take place after the economy collapsed and was irreparably snafu.
Doomsday prophecies about the economy are as old as marxism itself.
Its kind of ironic that right wing libertarians like ron paul are the ones calling doomsday nowadays.
Or maybe its porkys ace on the sleave.

Calm before the storm. The storm that will last a hundred years

No one

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the recession will be good because it will wipe the smile off the faces of all those smug faggot liberals who think sexual identity is the only cause for concern rn. It will also be bad because we are going to lose a lot of weight and I'm already pretty skinny.

lol @ finding a well paying job after graduation

what are you a baby boomer?
however if your dad or uncle or someone close to you can hire you then you're good.

Fichteans get out!!
Zig Forums is a Hegelian board

Libertarians love talking about it because they hate the fed. They think that the fed is solely responsible for previous crisises like 08, despite the fact that banks straight up lied to crediting agencies about the quality of their mortgage bonds.

I'm almost $30k in student debt and I'd gladly accept a breakdown if it means I get to dodge this shit.

I love that video a lot but it doesn’t exactly explain your point.

Basically, you haven't seen the last of "enlightened absolutism", because liberals still exist.

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Please look up what Martin Armstrong has written on this subject.

Oh its going to be alot worse. In europe the ECB has been buying government bonds for 10 years straight to prop up debt ridden EU member states. When the ECB stops its bonanza there is a great risk, basically guaranteed at this point, that private banks will not pick up the slack. Why? Because the ECB has declared the government bonds it bought as risk free. Greek debt isnt risk free, neither is Italian or German.

The US has painted itself into a corner with low interest rates while the rest of the world is in turmoil, pushing money into the US, strenghtening the dollar, something that the US cannot handle. Why, because US debt becomes worth more. State pensions are in jeopardy because they have invested too much into government bonds whose yields are far below the minimum of 5% they need to atleast break even on a yearly basis. Meaning pension funds will not be able to deliver on promised pensions if this continues much longer. IF the fed raises rates it will lead to a raising of rates around the world at the same time as government debt is record high.

TLDR the next economic crisis will be the equivalent of the US great depression or even worse. Combine this with political instability and ethnic tension in the west. Its going to be really bad.

When though?
