#aufstehen is NAZBOL GANG
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Thanks for not translating it and making me do it myself cuck
But for real though is anyone here in favor of completely open borders? I doubt it.
I heard that she is extra hard on immigrant control. Germany is parasitic nation, directly responsible for causing mass emigration with it's imperialistic policy and has no right to complain.
However I think that since mass emigration is fueling the rise of right wing, it should be controlled.
I am. Fuck this country.
Do burgers actually learn a second language in school?
I'm chilean, so I speak spanish and english.
We want conservative socialism
cool, hope some migrants gang rape you.
I am. Closed borders is genocide.
Not sure if serious…
With the dysmal birth rates its a slow death
jesus fucking christ
I know you're memeing lad but the tags in that pic lmao Asserism is just a more explicitly fascist version of Social Democracy, if we're gonna treat absolute meme ideologies with any level of seriousness it's a far cry from Nazbol jesus these faggots are just obsessed with aesthetics.
Literally just post that map every time people start screeching about Russia or China being "Imperialist" lmao
Bye bye
hello Zig Forums
yes… hahahaha
POP QuiZ! 1st Question, You know what country exports the most refined petroleum of any country in the world? Take a guess. The US? Nope, they're 5th. Russia? Nope, 2nd. Did you guess the Netherlands? Because surprisingly that is the actual answer
Next! 2nd Question, what country gets the largest portion of Russia's exports? Take a guess. China? Nope. Iran? Try again. Again, very surprisingly (at least to me), it's the Netherlands, and it's all oil that needs refining
Now 3rd Question where Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 shot over Ukraine back in 2014 fit into all of this? ….
Or in other words, I hate pooting. Very much.
What do you think happens to the countries suffering from labor and brain drain, faggot? If you advocate mass immigration to keep porky's profit rate up and drain the global south of labor you are just being as imperialist.
Back to Zig Forums with this debunked bullshit.
Countries don't suffer from labor or brain drain, That's a myth, it's mostly those who can't get a job who emigrate and they often send money home, which in turn helps too develop their homes, so it's far better when they people emigrate rather than stay jobless you stupid shit.
Under status quo porky wins no matter what, they control foreign markets and if necessary move their factories to exploit cheaper labor.
Read a book, child.
Eh this is also an oversimplification, in fact explicitly with Germany they have a massive hand in creating the conditions for unemployment in a lot of Eastern European nations, encouraging temporary/seasonal migration (which natural weakens the position of the workers that are there, migrant or otherwise) for higher wages than the few jobs that are still left so whilst it is better for the Workers in that region to emigrate for work the money doesn't really develop their homes as much as actual productive investment into their communities would (Which German Capital absolutely does not want). It's incredibly complicated and in reality Capital has always controlled the flow of Labour irrespective of Borders or Nation states at all and as such Open Borders aren't inherently a virtue they need to have a counterbalancing strategy involved that works against the ways in which the tools are wielded by capital. If you can't successfully organize immigrant proles because they're only temporarily "scabbing" and don't actually live in your communities then it's a lot harder to circumvent such a thing through unionism for example.
Yep, this is typical of Dutch capitalism. We have no significant cultural or diplomatic ties with Russia, but there's a lot of trade going on. On the surface there is nothing to see. We're also one of Cuba's biggest trade partners but pretty much no one knows.
And yeah, no one in Dutch politics is making any big moves in investigating MH17 because of this oil and gas trade.
You can take africans out of africa, but you cant take africa out of africans. The same with others, if they were so nice you think they are, those places wouldnt be shitholes.
Open borders allows victims of imperialism an escape from all out murder. Closing the borders means extending the policy of imperialism to genocide.
Based and redpilled
Isn't that the woman who got a pie to the face from her fellow commies because she was marginally less anti-German?
Wtf is this meme even making fun of?
I'm not that user but it's obviously talking about the mass non-white immigration leftist organizations and movements created in pretty much all countries of the western world, generally starting in the 1960s-70s. The meme references the fact these imported populations vote to the left much more reliably than white natives.
I adhere to tactics, not ideologies.
Sending money does nothing for the creation of value and economic diversification. Secondly, it's a myth that only the poorest of the poor emigrate. Usually they are lower middle-class who make up the bulk of the labour force of their country. Do you really think that someone who is unemployed in sub-saharan Africa can find a job in Europe? The whole reason they emigrate is because higher wages (the same happens on an academic level too, how many engineering graduates in Kenya will stay in Kenya??), this is also why you get literal busloads of Romanians to Germany for temporary work.
Even international capital in germany does what the german capital does.
The scabs do not have to be physicaly present in the factory where the strike is physically happening. Classic example of free movement of capital vs. restricted movement of people across borders.
No sense to further restrict movement of people across borders when the capital has no restriction, and neither the Capitalists face these restrictions.
Do you have any statistics that prove that? Because at least in Europe that part of population is usually much more conservative and, once established, tends to vote for the right.
yes, the EU was always meant to prop up germany economically and throw europe under its control
guess what, that's something this socdem says herself and opposes
fuck her but not for her ideas on borders but her inconsequent stand on german imperialism and not coming down hard enough on it
oh btw this is the EU we're talking about when SYRIZA and other cuckdems say "we can make it work for people"
it needs to be dissolved and nothing else
Yes, but not (only) because of bobulism, but because the vast majority of immigrands is staunchly right-wing
And they outbreed us if that shit keeps happening, don't want european cities to become more like istanbul than they already became
Yeah, because whites are superior, right?
We are
Yeah I mean ultimately capital is going to take advantage of everything it can at a much greater rate than labour, the point is we need to be aware of this so that we can react to it correctly and that involves a cohesive internationalist & anti-imperialist strategy I'd imagine because right now both open & closed borders fuck the working class of immigrant & domestic populations alike. The point is more or less that there is a strategic use at times for Open Borders in the same way that there is a strategic use for Closed Borders or any configuration between. After all if we seize power in a nation state we absolutely would not have open borders because we'd be concerned with Capital & Labour flight, Brain Drain, Capital importing counterrevolutionaries etc. etc.
Thank an Iraqi or a T*rk today for inventing civilization
Sumerians were not Iraqi Arabs, Arabs came much much later.
Sumerians were blonde and blue eyed from the Eurasian steppe
Memo: the we joke is only funny when it is blatantly false. We make fun of niggers claiming to have formed civilization because they were hunter gatherers up until recent history and nothing more.
Literally just read stirner tbh
He's literally all you need to read to point out that your entire ideology is bullshit
And i say that as a M-L
Maybe some low dense areas. However more ancient civilizations like Numidia. Ethiopia and multiple others were allied and traded with Rome and Byzantine which shows high level of development at the time.
anti racism and egalitarianism is the spookiest spook of all spooks
why don't you question the sacred cow of racial egalitarianism instead
Well the norse had a shitty civilization compared to
Somali / East African coast trade Kingdoms
Malian Empire and dozens of other ones like the Sokot empire etc in the west African clusterfuck
And so on
That's blatant revisionism almost as bad as what the hoteps themselves are spouting. There objectively and indisputably were civilizations with complex organization in black Africa even if they didn't build epic cathedrals and make romanesque statues.
You don't know about Nubian cavalry and Ethiopian alliance with Rome???
This is basic high school stuff!
I am a really big fan of african history dude
Also i play a lot of total war rome 2
So i agree with you
In whoose interest is to lie about races being equal
With there 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧iq🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 and hatred of arabs (zionists only) they would support racism even more
We do but it's all forgotten within a year or two, there's pretty much zero opportunity to use it or really even reasons to learn it. Even with 4+ semesters it's overwhelmingly likely that a foreigner will know English better than you know their language. That's the advantage of the world hegemon speaking English for 200+ years.
Der ewige deutschen, lmao
One hell of a good time, if you ask me.
Nation states should be abandoned, borders should not exist.
Ofc white people are superior, how is that even a question?
Reminder that Wagenknecht has 41% popular support.
it is long overdue that the left goes back to its roots, back when being a leftist wasn't associated with advocating for mass immigration of what happens to be mostly people following the religion of peace a rapist warlord prophet.
i know plenty of people who are either saying they're right wing but vote left-wing because they know it is in their interest, or vote right-wing despite being left-wing, just because of the shit left-wing-parties are spewing in regards to immigration policy in germany.
She should make aufstehen her own party then. I just don't understand what the point of this movement is if it's not on the ballot. This isn't burgerland where you are forced to work in the two big parties.
Immigration is neither the most important, nor the most pressing issue Europe is currently facing and anyone who's willing to sacrifice our welfare state, our human rights and our relatively functioning justice system just to stop it is dangerously insane.
really gets them noggings jogging
do you think right-wing-parties became so popular because of them being pro-privatization, anti-abortion or denying climate change? I'd say no, it is specifically because there are actual incompatibilities between certain cultures, namely islamic vs. . multi-culturalism has failed and religious extremists, counting on them making gains by outbreeding what in their eyes are unbelievers, are the only ones benefiting from it.
exactly, yes, all of that shouldn't be sacrificed, but it should be clear that especially a welfare state will only work if it DOESN'T have an open-border policy, that's just a fact.
yes, international solidarity IS crucial, we in the rich countries should do thousendfold more development assistance, but mass immigration/emmigration is NOT development assistance.
I am skeptical of immigration, but the issue has been blown out of all proportion by right-wingers. It is true that rightist parties are popular because of their immigration stances, but that is due to them massively overinflating the problem and using migrants as a scapegoat for every socioeconomic issue that actually concerns people.
It's fine to be anti-immigration but "incompatibility of cultures" is anti-materialist babble that makes me feel you are a concern troll.
No, they became popular because they managed to convince a population that, at this point, is neither educated nor well informed enough to know any better to believe in the islamization of the west more than it believes in climate change. The negative consequences of immigration are very minor compared to those of economic deregulation or the gutting of our social sexurity network, yet these positions seem to be considerably less popular than "how about less brown people?". It's not the consequence of justified backlash, it's the consequence of a succesful propaganda campaign by the right to distract them from the fact that they don't have to offer anything actually beneficial to the lower- and middle class.
No mainstream political party supports open borders. Hell, even the most idealist of leftist don't support them as anything other than a very abstract, very long term goal. It's not like there are people in government who are actively working towards completely abolishing borders.
Immigration is by far the worst problem in Europe, since everything that is European will be destroyed should Europeans fail to stop mass immigration *and* revert the demographic effects of mass immigration that started in the decades following WW2.
Die Linke is afraid that this would actually happen. This would result in a splitting of the party.
NAZBOLs are crypto-nazi counter-revolutionaries that need to be purged.
No form of Nazism is acceptable
Fuck off back to Zig Forums and drown in a vat of burning liquid manure
Nazbol Gang started on Zig Forums you retarded newfag
It's probably older than /letfypol/ tbh.
No the Nazbol gang meme literally started here, Unironic Nazbolism can be traced back to the 90's as a concrete fringe political movement but the sentiment has obviously existed for a lot longer. 2 Different things, the Spurdoposter is obviously shitposting
Well, that's more credible.
…that looks like an indictment on nazbols now that I remember the original phrase.
I wanna take a huge shit on her face and spread it around with my dick.