Zig Forums IQ thread
Nazis didn't use eye-que tho. They used their own snowflake test with almost no predictive validity.
Kind of like Autism Level, tbh.
t. Autism Level 125, I actually had it professionally done when I was younger instead of some internet test
I don't have the patience to sit through this shit
I am probably retarded or something because I could never figure out what the fuck is going on with this quiz.
i-q is mostly bullshit anyway. So you can recognize some patterns, great. Nothing wrong with being shit at these types of things, I'm sure you excel where others lack and so on.
Intelligence tests are meaningless when not administered by a psychiatrist.
I am not particularly concerned, I have dysgraphia so I am generally a bit fucked when it comes to tactile things and visual pattern things.
Im smart enough to not believe that you can identify shapes to quantify your intelligence numerically.
This thing sucks. It pegs me as an Anarchist but I can literally name zero (0) things Stalin did wrong. Lysenko maybe? But who cares honestly?
Let Zig Forums know i am the most socialistic socialist.
134. Not surprising.
Political compass is just liberal feelgood bullshit. Anyone who isn't an edgy retard lands in the green square. Red square means you're for welfare and against gay marriage, not that you support democratic centralism and like Stalin.
Pic related is far better, at least because it gives you a flag.
OP is a Zig Forumsyp trying to gather ebin screencaps of "muh low-IQ gommies", calling it now
I love being datamined
Ahh. Well then here's mine.
>Using a test that was literally intended to identify children in need of special education
I have adhd so I cannot focus on tests like these
Also I fucking suck at "what shape comes next" kind of facebook tests even though I am in university so you can shove that test up your ass
Got 128 too, but towards the end it turns mostly into feeling rather than actually seeing the pattern.
Used to do various online tests when I was younger and always scored between 125 and 130, but this was the first time I did one in many years.
Nice meme. You just play too many videogames.
Zig Forums here. I've taken real tests (both WISC, WAIS and military)
WISC 135
WAIS 138
Military 9/9 (stanine, so highest percentile, although cutoff is low, 96%)
On this I got 138 when I took it some years ago, but I have no idea if it's reliable. At least it's not faceberg.
National Socialist
Oh cool how epic kid
Typical reply from a 20th percentile, but I don't judge, I know this is leftypol….
By "typical" I meant that snarky tone, instead of just noting it as another data point…
You guys are different than us…
Are you sure you scored 138?
Got bored on the last few and guessed so give or take
This test is shit I took it three or four times and just hit random answers each time and I still get an Autism Level of 85-95 each time
It's just a shitload of obnoxious moon logic puzzles filled with nonsense and non-sequitur. Into the trash it goes.
Would you like a sticker?
Why do you whine about a guy posting his Autism Level in a thread about Autism Level? We all hate nazis, but contain your assmad.
If your Autism Level meant anything you wouldn’t be shitposting it on a Laotian weaving forum
Why do you whine about a guy posting his Autism Level in a thread about Autism Level? We all hate nazis, but contain your assmad.
Honestly surprised it's still this high considering I literally have a 7th grade education.
I took this thing awhile ago just for shits and giggles.