Central American caravan reaches Mexico chanting “We are international workers!”
Workers of the world unite! Would you abandon your foreign counterparts in their time of need?
Central American caravan reaches Mexico chanting “We are international workers!”
Workers of the world unite! Would you abandon your foreign counterparts in their time of need?
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Based and redpilled, I have already notified the nearest norinco salesman and a shipment of 9001 type-56 problem solvers will be delivered south of the US-Mexican border
I'm sure this will finally establish a communist utopia instead of just giving more money to Porky and more fuel for alt-right Kekistan retards.
I don't have a problem with immigration but do people really believe it promotes "proletarian internationalism"?
Of course it’s fuel for porky. They’re going to use them as scapegoat for votes and fearmongering. Notice how Trump claims there are Middle Easterners mixed in somehow with the caravan.
Immigration promoting proletarian internationalism by itself? Probably not. I oppose mass, uncontrolled immigration but if / when Trump meets these migrants on the US border with the military I’m not going to side with the military rounding them up
( ( (The symbol on the truck.) ) ) This could be what Trump is referring to. The international bankers want more cheap labor to use and abuse.
Sure this is proof of a worldwide Jewish cabal!
Hope they get there. At least to California or Texas.
Some of the caravans are funded by Soros. In addition to this, the Rothschilds arguably control the entire world’s finances. And where did I ever say this is proof of a worldwide Jewish cabal? I was addressing what Trump may have been referring too in his tweet. I also thought the Rothschilds were common knowledge here, no?
If you don’t mind me asking, why is that? More labor? More votes? just curious
I’m just afraid the military will curb-stomp them
Has the military ever done such a thing in recent years?
Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers…. they’ll all look equally nice in a gulag.
Rothchild banks are mostly shit bro
I can open 40 banks in every nation and still not be influencial
Shitposting tbh
Maybe the term “curb-stomp” is hyperbolic but if Trump sends them to the border and people still try to cross there will be mass-detentions if they’re not scared off.
That’s kind of anti-Semitic!
t. Rothschild
Sure would be a shame…
So are Puebla sin Frontreras /ourguys/ or porky shills?
The Morgan’s and Rockefellers aren’t Jewish right? I think there’s a misconception that they are. They’re probably reptilian.
I think everybody’s trying to make money off of this in some way or another.
Only Zig Forums thinks every non-crazy person i a jew its time to
I know a scum when i see one
What? I was implying that you were trying to make the Rothschilds look insignificant and not important. As if you were covering for them.
I am not but you need some strong facts to back this shit up
Lenin certainly did.
Back what up? The fact that the Rothschild family is the richest in the world? That can easily be googled.
Right-wing = mental illness
What are your thoughts on this photo? Is the truck most likely from a local synagogue or something?
Take your meds
You didn’t really answer my question. I’m talking about the Star of David on the truck and that it may be what Trump is referring too. Why do you think that truck has the star on it? I doubt Israel is behind it, but I’m still curious nonetheless.
What are your thoughts on the related video? Is the migrant invasion of Europe just so the governments can get cheap labor?
take YOUR meds
It's amazing that a conga line of 4,000 people is heading to America, which is less than 1 percent of the births that occur in that state on a yearly basis, and hysterical conservatives are pulling their hair out asking the president to bring in the national guard.
I hope they don't stay here in Mexico, we're already pretty fucked
What do Mexicans mean by this?
You know their 30s soc Dem constitution literally outlaws anything that might alter Mexico’s demographics? I would expect them to be less tolerant of immigrants than the US if they were to pass into rich country status in the near future.
Nice alarmism, it appears that the Trump Twitter propaganda is getting good reception.
Ah, almost forgot
lol trump just called them middle easterners
brown people = terrorist
I'm ded
How come Mao always included some Balkan looking motherfucker and a African guy in his Propaganda?
Who / What countries do they represent?
it's meant to be like all the different races or whatever (asians, blacks, slavs, etc.)
Unironically based
Get this petty-bourj trash out of here and actually read Marx
Because socialism supposes internationalism
Why post this picture then complain they will get gibs from socialist polices, they should be happy they're getting practically free labor slaves
Read Lenin. Why are Maoists such awful Marxists?
Color me surprised.
Exploiting foreign laborers is imperialism, but bringing foreign laborers to you to exploit locally is not?
The imperialists are the pro-immigration-ists, not the immigrants.
Nooo! They must send them back now.
The Rockefellers are. Morgan isn't a Jewish name, but it's conceivable that they have Jewish ancestry in the mix. It's certainly a boon in the world of finance, so I'd almost say hats off to them if they managed to rise so high without it.
How fucking embarassing, central american citizens running away from their home nations rather than staying and fixing them.
The only time americans run way from the USA is when the FBI is after them for wire fraud.
Because people in the global south, where corporations can just run amok and shoot unionists and activists without repercussions, are totally going to just revert decades of CIA involvement.
It's why lots of leftists fled Iran too, if they stayed they would be executed.
See map related
Er, controlled by the Spanish crown not dirty Mexicans.
Thank you facebook, very cool!
Read engles and his commentary on Mexican-American war first.
SocDem? More like SocDemBalls
I really think they should invite these immigrants to Israel to work along side the 20,000 Thai workers they have working the fields in Israel.
Fuck off Yankee retard, you've been shoveling refugees into Europe for years. This is yours.
Nice spooks. If imperialists destroyed my country I’d leave it for somewhere nice too
Pentagon to send ‘several hundred’ troops to US-Mexico border – report
It's Israel's turn for cultural enrichment.
venezuelans should migrate to guyana and retake the esequibo
What makes it a caravan anyways? Whatever this the thread theme now youtube.com
Pardon me if I doubt their class consciousness.
I sympathize with them, but there's a strange trend among latin americans I've met to use terms like "working class" in an almost liberal way.
I'm hopeful, but also very cautious.
They should also migrate to eastern Colombia and northern Brazil and retake the lands taken away by said countries.
Which is more likely, that it's there because it's branding for something like a synagogue or it's the secret jewish cabal who for some reason is advertising their existence by stamping their symbol on the vehicles they dispatch for top secret missions?
It’s funny how conservatives actively want to end everything they think makes America great. Except brutal neoliberalism, of course :^)
The imaginary line is very serious business.
honestly, all things aside, that's kinda cool.
I think you're missing the point here
aren't exclusive
Is it bad that I don't want these people in my country?
Idk, I feel like it's pretty reasonable to not want a bunch of poor people from a different culture flooding your country, no matter what your politics are.
The reality is the US has accepted millions of immigrants in the past, and millions of south and Latin American immigrants, and the places that are most upset about are the ones that have experienced the least amount of immigration.
Seems pretty par for the course in American histoey
Native Americans called. They fully agree and want all European migrants out.
On a more serious note: it is fucking irrelevant whether or not it is reasonable or morally bad or immensely hypocritical. What is relevant is that the whole topic is deliberately distorted to serve as a manipulation tool.
Firstly, you do not actually have any power to prevent or change situation with immigration. This topic (and others) exist in mass-media to make you waste your time and effort on "safe" activity, on things that will not and can not change anything, as they are mere consequences of status quo - not independent problems that could be solved separately.
Secondly, you have much more pressing problems than immigration. Especially, as minor influx of immigrants as this caravan (it is literally negligible compared to regular immigration). The topic (and others) exist in mass-media to distract you, to make you ignore those (much more pressing) problems.
Trump is giving some sort of address at 4:15 eastern time on immigration from the White House I heard so tune in, comrades
European immigrants, up until very recently. This is not "par for the course".
Comrade. What's the point of wasting time on it?
People immigrate from poorer areas to richer, more prosperous areas. The most underdeveloped areas on the planet are in the global south so it makes sense that it is mostly non-European immigrants at this point in time. As long as underdevelopment and wealth-inequality continue to exist there will be immigration of this kind. It's gonna happen no matter what and I can't do anything to stop it so I'm not going to cry about people coming into "my" country. People used to be butthurt about the European immigrants back then too
Trump saying the military is building "tent-cities" (concentration camps)
Trump saying he "hopes" they won't have to fire on them, but the soldiers will be armed and anyone who throws rocks will be considered to "have a firearm".
Send them all to Israel. Israel lacks gentilic diversity.
Why wouldn’t you let in people who think you’re awesome?
Obviously, the first point is bullshit. They’re headed to the US specifically because the US helped orchestrate the coup in Honduras that lead to the crisis that created the caravan, not because anyone thinks fucking Burgerland is awesome. I was just pointing out that this is one of the multitude of ways in which the right is completely disingenuous.
That's not how they see it. Burgers think the rest of the world resents them for being ubermensch and wants to take all of their stuff out of spite.
This is why they should be fired upon like the invading force that they are.
For those not aware, this caravan happens every year and every time they apply for asylum at the border. People only know about it now because of agitprop.
Eat up that propaganda. Good prole, these scary people are a big threat!
The other important point is that it was Obama who started the policy of intimidating asylum seekers by putting them in camps in 2014/15.
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