Revolutionary Communist Party USA

Lol any of you guys in this organization? Well anyways, I see these guys all the time on my campus and they're so freaking cringey. They just yell all the time and have no idea what socialism and marxism even is and just talk about how they need to "overthrow" the system. Would be great if they all just died and stopped giving communism such a bad rep

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While the
Are generally morons there is nothing particularly cringe or untrue in that pic related

They're a little bit culty, but I don't think they deserve the bad rap.

They do a ton of work and a ton of recruiting.

It's mostly cringey lifestylist anarkiddies and Trots who dislike them.

what can you tell me of the

i'm friends with Bob Avakian on Facebook (he uses a fake name, fake profile pic, etc) he's an entertaining dude, just a bit of an attention whore

It's basically a M-L-M organisation that owns a few book shops where Marxist works and sheit are sold plus they hold rallies and protests and sheit like OPs pic

The main thing that differentiates them from other M-L / M-L-M groups in the US is that their leader Bob Avakian has quite a Ego to the point that he added his political theories to the Parties manifesto and writings making their party line effective "M-L-M-Bob Avakian thought"
This leads lots of people to call them a cult which they very much could be for all I know

But still unironically better then most RedLib "Socialist" orgs in Americlap land

sounds like just what the left needs desu

Looking at the pic, they do a better job of recruiting black and hispanic workers than most American communist parties. They must recruit in ghettos or prisons like NOI. They also do some good work.

The Bob thing is stupid though.

I'll add that the only way anyone could really take the Bob stuff seriously is if they haven't read enough Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. So the existence of the Bob cult in RCPUSA seems like evidence that they have very poor reading lists and cadre development programs, possibly even keeping members ignorant deliberately.

Or… they put them up front as trophy of their diversity.

t. (You)

No but that a possibility.

You don't recruit people by talking about theory you talk about the current actual problems going on.

it's not a big party dude, that'd basically be impossible

It's basically a cult that some Maoists are being nice towards because Maoists don't really have a national org.

Don't they think Trump is literally a fascist and didn't they launch a protest in favor of the FBI director he fired?

Been to the NYC HQ/store a few times to look at their books selection but always kept being pestered by the same 3 RCP members who run the store asking "if i was interested in maoism?" Saying yes or no makes no difference they bring up bob at any opportunity there get. the only not bob obsessed person there is this nice old lady who i talk to anytime i go there, she is one of the only reasons i still go there.

I semi-agree , it's more that they don't make as much as your average communist party makes, so they base themselves in low-income areas for the lower rent, as well they rely on old methods of recruitment rather than using the internet so they don't tent to attract the petit bourg like other parties do.

he is, so are all American politicians

don't know about that, but they have been very opportunistic about Trump.

Their Nov. 4 "Refuse Fascism" march was the stupidest thing. They organized a series of protests for Nov. 4, 2017, and it became a right-wing meme that "antifa is going to start a civil war," but what ended up happening is small groups of RCP acolytes and a few libs they roped into it marched around in pens for an hour while being heckled by larger right-wing crowds since the broader left learned ages ago to avoid the RCP always. This only ended up emboldening fascists. The RCP is horrible. Cops are also stupid and use right-wing B.S. in their intel briefings so suddenly the cops were freaking out because they thought some big bloody nastyness was going to happen that day. Just ridiculous.

They are peak opportunists. They mainly seem to attach themselves to whatever the main liberal cause is at the moment. Then they create front groups and try to use that to recruit.

Another thing they'll do is insert themselves into crowds and hand out stickers and signs and such with their logo on it, and are very insistent you take them. "Here, wear this sticker! Stand up to fascism! Down with Trump/Pence! Come on! Show that you will stand up!" and I'm like get the hell away from me dude.

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Outside of his fruity little Maoist club and the few people outside it who are even aware of it, nobody cares about Bob Avakian.

Despite this, it has a ridiculous number of front groups and other tentacles into leftist activist circles, like "World Can't Wait," another arm of the Revolutionary Communist Party. If you've ever protested against some war or whatever, these are the cunts who do a lot of the actual organization and then immediately try to turn every goddamn protest into being about Israel somehow.

Could be worse.

Doesn't sound too bad tbh

Anarchists and trots are the ultimate cringe, not these guys

Trots are especially the biggest wreckers in my experience. Unfortunately they ruin a name of man who had some legit criticisms of the USSR

By achieving nothing at all, Bob Avakian is a far better Marxist than ⛏️rotsky, who did everything he could to ruin communism.

That's probably true

I fail to see how working with Nazis to invade the USSR ruined Communism

So how many of you larpers are going to take up arms against the United States?

It's time to put down the books and practice what you larp.

I'll stick with the books thanks

These people are much less cringy to me than faggots at gay pride parades and shitlibs at "anti-Trump" protests.

Bro get inside and just start giving like weekly communism lessons
I'm serious that's probably the only way of stopping the cringe

RCPUSA are those though

At least they're not actually anti-Mao or anti-Stalin. If you could get them to read enough Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, they'd probably drop the Bob shit and opportunism.

You need both you fucking retard

Didn't Stalin work with the Nazis?

Unironic stalinists are the biggest cringe, which is why they dont have the balls to speak out in the USA and keep to online forums and twitter.

More like Stalinism (and pretty much every non-ancom flavor of leftism) is still actively and passively censored by various American institutions.

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