One of the greatests museums in all of our country, so much of our history, countless research projects, lost forever
The saddest part is, that was expected, despite the huge importance of the museum, the place was left to rot for quite a few years already, capitalism and neoliberalism doesnt only ruin your present and destroys your future, it also erases your past
Fuck man I'm just so fucking mad
Brazil's National Museum hit by fire
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Aguenta-te à bronca, camarada. Alguma coisa há de mudar. Espero eu, pelo menos.
Hopefully it wasn't like a south american version of the burning of the great library of alexandria. Perhaps artifacts elsewhere will be able to piece together the shit that was lost here?
Gonna go out on a limb and say fascists probably did it.
why would fascists do this? leftcucks are the ones who consider all art and culture before 1970 to be "reactionary"
From someone whose ideology seems to hate all extant culture in all contexts, except when you can obscure and bend it to your own purposes - I'd say it would more likely be you than us. But then again you think liberals = literal communist jews so who really gives a fuck what you think
hey remember how hitler wanted to decimate like half of berlin for his shitty larp city
what a surprise
so you're admitting fascists wanted to destroy berlin and replace it?
also the fascists "preserved" nothing, they just slaughtered slavs and jews
sure, because a "cultural revolution" based on the noble values of ethnic cleansing, imperialism and slavery can totally be compared to the chinese cultural revolution
Ignore the troll. Neoliberal austerity took away the museum's maintenance budget. This article (from May 2018) talked about the dangers of exposed electrical wires in the building:
Anyways I'm not Brazilian and my knowledge of the place is pretty limited, but I remember going to that pixelcanvas thing posted here and there was all this Brazilian (Portuguese language) ancap shit on there. Well, you get what you pay for.
These were literally funded by a bank.
Words cannot describe my anger and sadness brazilanon. I'm sorry to hear about this. Nothing makes me more mad than capitalist incompetence. I fucking raged when ISIS destroyed (most of) Palmyra in Syria, and this makes me sad as millions of priceless artifacts are lost forever to the flames. I know everything will return to ashes but its still a loss to see it all go up in flames. Maybe I'm just too sentimental.
Capitalism destroys culture.
Fuck the system.
The moment Michael Temer got into power, funding for the Museu Nacional fell off a cliff. You got what you wanted. You get a Pinochet-wannabe government into power and they cut funding for the arts and history because spending money on that is "socialism," then you will lose your culture and history. It's as simple as that.
Capitalism is a machine for grinding culture and history into dust. It just so happens that capitalism doesn't take responsibility for this because we are all "free rational actors" or whatever the hell; whatever spooked ideology people adopt not to lose their minds in it.
It is what it is. Enjoy.
twitter left subhumans are already celebrating
all cultural Marxists can produce is period blood art and drag superior forms of life down to their level i shit on the graves of your ancestors(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Come on now just take out the meme flag this has gone too far
"história é coisa de esquerdalha Men"
I wouldn't put it past either of you
You have the wrong priorities
Yep, definitely not the baboonposter
The clock has restarted to Year Zero. Brazil is conscripting the masses into agricultural work collectives this very instant.
People need to realize that there is no culture and no life under capitalism. You either fight for communism or fucking die painfully. Can't wait for this shit to start happening in America in about 10 years or so. Most of our roads are third world tier already so our bridges should start collapsing frequently around that time. Should be funny to watch the Brazilian bourg freak out when they realize that the Amerifats will not longer be able to protect them. God damn America and its collaborator states.
Yeah I'm basically all-in on communism at this point. Imagine something like the Moscow metro being built today. There is more than enough wealth in the world to build and preserve beautiful things for everyone but the few at the top would rather sit on their giant pile of wealth and cut everything else to the bone.
Every Brazilian is an AnCap. The Succdem was so fucking awful that they want to have Corporations rule their lives.
Remember: Social Democracy is Fascism.
got a link for that o smth pls
wrong, that actually only applies to imperialist countries.
Link is in my post you quoted but you'll need to run it through a translator.
Sou br,vou dar uma lida obg.
Defending Social Democracy should be a bannable offense along with ⛏️rotsky defending.
Brazil Zig Forums is already blaming LGBT spectacles for this. Their country which is one of the most unequal in the world is circling the drain and their history is burning down, and they're blaming men in dresses. Well, they're getting what they deserve probably.
Look at Allende or Chavez and Maduro, just because socialists are trying to get elected and enact reforms, doesn't mean they can be compared to traitorous social fascists in the imperial core like Friedrich Ebert, Tsipras, Bernie, etc. When Stalin called social democracy the left wing of fascism, the latter is what he was talking about.
How bad was the Succdem?
Couldnt have been that mad since 40-45% of people still support him and the Neo-Libs had to literally arrest him to stop him winning
historyfags BTFO by entropy once again
all that was solid melts into air
How does it feel to be so SPOOKED that you put "national history" that will all inevitably end up like this anyway on a pedestal? How about you cucks just go back to Zig Forums where you belong? You will all realize in time that this is in fact a victory for all of us.
So the main metric bywhich most liberals measure the shittiness of ex-communist nations was by their (inflated) body count? Most of those deaths by their own measurements were deaths by neglect. Stalin's policies failed to hand out food to the kulaks.. blah blah. But when neoliberalism does the exact same thing, when millions of people die every year by the neglect that fox news cheers on and things like this happen because of active neglect they don't get the blame? Are people really this blind and miss this fucking absurdity?
Depends on the people. Those at the top might realize it but in the end they don't care because the American world order makes sure that they are well paid for their cooperation.
This, only Fascists care about History.
to understand the present state of things and where we might be headed, history is essential.
to rid oneself of modern propaganda, history is useful.
ffs, to unspook oneself, one must first understand the maleable reality of 'human nature' in the context of the same society through time.
understand history or live under capitalist realism ideology.
glorifying past civilizations is retarded, of course.
Why are Brazilians on Zig Forums and /int/ blaming LGBT people for this?
Why are all brazilians online unironically monarchist?
Why are brazilians more reactionary than americans?
America. That's why.
That's because the Government literally spent money on plays about licking stranger's anuses instead of on this.
Brazil is a shithole.
The issue is cultural. Spanish colonial rule was highly stratified and top down and every colony was a state run venture rather than a bunch of peasants staking a claim. The USA founded by refugees and by state enterprises that were relatively hands-off. Despite this, the USA started as an aristocratic republic and slowly developed into a democratic republic thanks to its large middleclass of small landowners and business people.
Spanish & Portuguese colonial rule was all about slavery and heavy centralized rule. The Habsburgs created alot of bad blood by having millions of people worked to death in mines and the Bourbons squeezed the lemon and further centralized power and treated Spain as a piggy bank for France. They made the military a privileged class to make it more effective as a tax collecting force and tried to fully conquer the natives by stripping their puppet leaders of their power causing massive rebellions.
The Braganza dynasty of Portugal purged the natives and imported millions of Africans to work in conditions where they'd die within 3 years unless they escaped into the jungle. When Pedro declared independence the country was mostly black people who had no roots in the land ruled over by a small clique of privileged white elites who also had no roots as they had fled to Brazil because of Napoleon. Brazil's racial inequality was so bad that African kingdoms sprouted up on the fringes of their area of control.
Kinda easy to see why a Nazi masturbation fantasy happened in every country.
In the USA, southern wealthy aristocrats got uppity and caused a massive civil war. The whole of Latin America was ruled by uppity aristocrats thanks to Spain's policy of creating huge estates. The countries had to be held together by force as any landowner could conscript a bunch of natives and wage a war for independence. The majority of the soldiers in the independence armies were conscripted natives. Worse, these countries had to worry about eachother and Spain & France who were still out for blood. Professionals armies had to exist and those armies expected special treatment thanks to the policies of Spain. The national motto of Brazil is "Order and Progress" and that just goes to show how important the struggle for a centralized government is to their history. Brazil is massive and it had lots of uppity landlords and lots of angry slaves (until 1888) and poor people who had no way of escaping poverty. The USA has never had to worry about the midwest or far west declaring Independence. Small landowners, bankers and small business owners don't like that shit unless they're seriously being shafted.
The issue with Brazil is simple. Take any problem with the Deep South of the United States and make it worse.
What? What are they saying? This sounds amazingly retarded
No, not all of Brazil is dumb neo-liberals and conservatices. The social democrats are strong, too much even. That's why the US and their allies in Brazil don't want them to continue to get bigger. It's like Argentina, like Venezuela, like all of Latin America. Communism and Social Democracy (whose ultimate goal is to become comunism) cannot exist in the same world as the US. They'll never let us be. And of course, the useful reactionary idiots on Brazil who fall for Zig Forums tier nazi memes think they're fighting for the right cause, when they are nothing but tools of the neo-liberals.
Fires happen, the museum burned down because the infrastructure in Brazil sucks. Leftists are closer to being the ones guilty here since they are the ones on power
They have a history of desecrating and destroying churches and historical monuments in South America, a long with marxists
They're saying the government had the money to fund a niche LGBT history museum but not fire prevention for this one.
Brazil is the USA if the Confederates had won, or Russia if the White Army had won.
Damn that's fucked
that's so accurate it hurts
"Leftcucks" actually think all art and culture from the 1920s onward is soulless, consumerist trash.
this is like Dresden all over again
this hurts. it hurts because I know it's fucking true.
The solution to this is simple, comrade. Bring Monarcho-Communism to Brazil.
The Brazilian declaration of independence was there I believe. Brazil is now technically a colony of Portugal again!
Reconquista when?
It's on the national archive. Don't worry, the neoliberals will soon find a way to fuck that up too.