Oh. Fucking. Boy.
Oh. Fucking. Boy.
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So he's gone from anarcho-liberalism to red liberalism?
Who cares?
The Line of the R..Ojava / .S.D.F.. is still that they should eventually reach a Detente with Damascus and seek the Removal of US troops in exchange for Syria becoming a "Federal Republic of" with a Syrian and a (De-Facto) Kurdish Republic(s)
Just because their foreign policy is dumb does not make them less socialistic
TBH this is why legit anarchists prefer Foucault.
Unfortunately that's not how it works. It's either Assad or imperialsim. No in-between.
Foucault was a major idiot.
Thats Literally the Stance of the ..S.D.F.
It seeks to be a Federal Area within Syria and to then negotiate the Removal of US troops with Assad's / Russia's help
If the Kurds want Assad, how come Chomsky supports overthrowing him on the basis of "that's what the Kurds want?"
Because he obviously is actually quite uninformed on the Topic
The ..S.D.F.. has never gone on with the "ASSad must fall" Shtick the Jihadi's went on with
Reminder that Chomsky worked for the military at MIT while at the same time making a name for himself as an anti-military leftist. He is a fraud and a pseudoscientist.
You know for a guy with an I Q of 160 he says a lot of stupid shit.
That's not very left wing of him.
Mildly put.
This. CIA was literally feeding him and his kids.
I know I'm breaking the board party line on this, but I don't even understand why this would be controversial. Left-anarchists (including Zig Forums) support Röjàvâ and the Y.P.G./Y.P.J. They were and are fighting ISIS, but were facing attacks from Turkey, as well as threats from Assad. The only thing keeping them going was US support, except for a brief period where the US withdrew support on Michael Flynn's command, since he was a paid Turkish operative. We can speculate their potential to be manipulated by the US for colonial ends, but they're the most democratic force in the region, and they're also a communalist/socialist experiment. People have reason to be weary of US military involvement anywhere, but if anyone deserves support, it's them. Now feel free to whine at me.
It's not worth it.
If the only way to achieve something is allying with the US, it's not worth it.
You've typed 13 words ITT.
Zig Forums also has the one drop rule, just instead of race it's US intervention/funding.
While I certainly share people’s concerns about the relationship between the SyDF and US, I think it’s important to remember that this relationship happened out of convenience for the US and need for the Kurds. However the Kurds actions and policies to date have clearly demonstrated an independent set of interests and agenda. A negotiated settlement with Assad is still both desirable and possible.
lol ignore this, sorry
Correct me if I'm wrong but can the relations between R0java/S.DF and the US really be considered an alliance? As far as I'm aware the americans only give them weapons/supplies shit like that and even if they are using them to destabilize Syria I wouldn't say R0java are american puppets. We need to remember the germans gave weapons and money to the bolsheviks to destabilize the russian empire but it ended up biting the germans in the ass years later.
When porkies fund socialist movements in the hopes of destabilizing their main enemy they never do it thinking they'll win. Do you think the germans would've helped the bolsheviks if they could've known they would win? It's the same thing here, if somehow Assad and R0java manage to beat all the real imperialists and religious fundamentalists mixed up in this war, I seriously believe they could merge together and form a federative plurinational socialist republic. That would be a complete nightmare to the US. Besides, it would be extremely stupid and non-pragmatic for any socialist to not accept weapons from the biggest industrial powerhouse in the world. We need to be pragmatic about shit like this, after all Marx did say "we'll hang the last capitalist with the rope he sold us" I think that's how the quote goes, idk
R0-java also allies with Zionists.
Rojava one big US military base in Syria R0java one big US military base in Syria
In what way? Israel has said some nice things about them but hasn’t provided any actual support.
Are you also against the Abraham Lincoln Brigade's role in the Spanish Civil War?
Speak for yourself, Foucault is shit.
Citation needed
Israel buys black market oil from Kurds. Other than that PKK et al fund their operations by selling Afghan heroin in Europe.
Don't know much about them, how many US air force bases did they build in Spain?
The Kurds also sell oil to Assad. If they are selling to Israel as well that only proves that they have their own interests and aren’t beholden to any single power.
You cannot be a Zionist and a socialist. In fact, believing that "Jews" exist as an independent nation is de facto anti-socialist.
Everyone's got their own motives. I think Chomsky's is just to reduce loss of life.
If I were a Kurd I would be trying to make deals with Damascus and even Turkey to help get the US out of there. Promise some double crosses. Like thank you for the weapons and all but get out.
One can be an opportunist
This. Any socialist worth their salt would see it more fit to have their revolution snuffed out than to EVER, under any circumstances, bend knee to the zionists. Yet not only do the Kurds accept help, they eagerly suckle on the Jewish teat. "Kurdistan" as a whole is a nonexistent nation and to support it in any form is supporting an Israeli puppet.
Hello leftcom. Sorry, but "opportunism" is just a nice way of saying "betraying the revolution by making compromises with imperialists"
Chomsky has been an imperialist mouthpiece for 20 years at least
Are you perhaps retarded? Why am I asking, of course you are.
I doubt it's even that high. Probably 115-130
There doesn't seem to be any revolution going on. Nothing in Syria from the very beginning was a revolution.
Syria has from its inception with the rise of Ba'athism been engaged in a socialist revolution against Anglo-American racist imperialism. But I guess that doesn't matter because Assad said mean things about fags once :c
Nobody is retarded my friend. Intelligence isn't real.
Now get out.
>>>Zig Forums
You're right insofar as having any separatist group is un-socialist, and in that Israel's apartheid-style occupation is non-socialist.
However, I think there are two things that need to be considered:
1) Before Israel was even a plan, Zionism referred to a sort of international communication network between mostly working class Jews, as a way to support each other in the face of oppression. I can only speak for the American New York Jews, but they very much identified with other working class American groups, especially blacks. But there was a kind of labor element to early Zionism. Of course, that's very different from the Zionism that supports Israel's brutal racist policies.
2) Right now the most effective anti-Apartheid movement in Israel is that of the progressive Meretz party. They're not anti-Zionist, but rather post-Zionist, the idea basically being that they're against racism in Israel and want to get rid of the settlements in the occupied territories, but they're still for Israel's existence because at this point the society's already been there for a couple generations.
That seems like the most rational position, though I'm to the left of it - I don't see the two state solution working well for very long, so I'd like to see Palestinians fully integrated into Israel on equal and undivided terms, and the societal racism dismantled. Of course, for that to happen religiosity on both sides needs to decline, Netanyahu's ultranationalist supporters need to completely lose power, and Hamas does too. That will probably take a few decades, because things are going to hell over there.
I'm infinitely more of a leftist than you, thanks.
Hey anarkiddie, I'm going to make this real simple for you. Israel is not socialism. Judaism is not socialism. Ethnostates that only survive because of constant funds from the aforementioned two groups and their handlers is not socialism. The only thing your kvetching serves to do is to cause division in the left and undermine support for Assad, who is doing his best to hold off fundamentalists and imperialists.
I recognized all that. Ironically given your discussion with the other user, it appears you're too stupid to actually engage with anything I've said. But please, don't bother responding with this - people like you are only good for whining and derailing discussions.
yeah nah
How about actually Learning about the Situation before posting Roo Vids as evidence?
Iraqi KRG =/= ..S.D.F..
Tumblr is thataway faggot. Idpol is not welcome here.
Way to not address anything I've said and just act smug. That'll REALLY help leftism.
This just keeps getting better.
I literally brought up your objections in the post you responded to. You're just too illiterate to actually read it.
If anyone wants to actually have an engaged discussion about this, I was really hoping for a better reply than that jackass gave.
Ever since Foucault destroyed him Chomsky has never been the same.
Buddy you're a Cataloniaboo, explain why I should actually take anything you say seriously when you probably unironically think Orwell was a socialist.
Given that he's the last bastion of dignity in the middle east, as well as the only force standing against American imperialism, I'd say there's every reason to support him. Personally, I'd prefer the SSNP, but we cant afford ideological purity spirals.
Also, do you have any self-awareness whatsoever? You're complaining about me being smug, when you literally started your post with
The fact you would call anyone else retarded is hilarious
I unironically think George Orwell was a social democrat. Your butthurt is pathetic, feel free to leave.
After 91 Syria began a Rapid Neo-Liberalization of its economy including mass privatisation and inviting of Western investment and Influences
While the Syrian goverment is Anti-Imperialist in this Context its a stretch to call them Socialistic or Revolutionary or INHERENTLY anti-Imperialist
The Portion of the country under control of the ..S.D.F.. has introduced much more Socialistic reform then Damascus has
Apartheid. "Socialism" for Khazars only.
You know that the KRG and SyDF are totally unrelated right?
No it hasn’t. Baathism is not socialist, it’s ethnonat and class collaborationist, no Ba’athist regime have ever abolished private property, wage labour, or markets. It’s basically fascism, and has a ton of historical and ideological links to fascism.
Orwell was a hack writer.
That's not me being "smug", that's just me pointing out the facts.
You've already outed yourself as a Cataloniaboo, I think leftpol might be more your speed. They LOVE Zionism.
First off, false, secondly, even if it were true, what does that matter? We cant all afford to be leftcoms with sticks up our asses jacking off over who's "pure" or not. Sometimes we have to take what we can get, and Assad is the best option right now.
More like I call Orwell not a socialist because he snitched on his "comrades" to his fellow MI5 agents. And yes, the SSNP is a socialist party. They support nationalization, welfare, and collective ownership. They're just not a bunch of PC trots with bowties, so I guess you cant relate to them.
Your point on apartheid is fine, but please don't spread that conspiracy. It's literally a bizarre white supremacist idea that's been disproved. There were Turkic Jews. There were also Arabic, Persian, Slavic, and Germanic Jews. I'll be up front and say I do have some Jewish ancestry, and I also have some Turkish ancestry. They're not the same.
You're legitimately dumb. I didn't defend Zionism. You're the one who isn't keeping up, but nice projection.
What's wrong with pointing out European "Jews" aren't semitic?
A) Socialism is more than just nationalization.
B) They are irrelevant anyway, the Ba’ath party holds a de-facto monopoly on power in Syria, and Assad has proven himself to be a right winger. He’s not a hero and he’s not a revolutionary, he’s a bourgeois nationalist. He’s a temporary co-belligerent against US imperialism and that’s literally it.
How was Gaddafi's economy any different from Castro's?
Because you claimed Syria Was socialist
Im not but by Literally any Socialist viewpoint Syria does not have a socialist economy and im fairly certain it does not even claim to have one
Nothing, but if that's what you meant to do, I think you should read up on the group that the Khazars were specifically. They were a nomadic West Asian group that white supremacist Christian conspiracy theorists point to, to claim that today's Jews aren't the "real" ones. There were West Asian Jews, but they weren't the Khazars, not that there would be any issue if they were, but they weren't, and they idea is used by bad people.
If you want to know what I think, it's that Biblical era Jews were probably ethnically Palestinian. But of course white supremacist Christians won't admit to that.
Gaddafi's economy Relied upon the state-Managed oil Companies but asides from that had a Almost entirely Bougie Market economy
Cuba Maintains state dominance over all main industries and pillars of state power like Agriculture Natural-Wealth Housing What little industry they have etc and only allow a very Limited NEP style Petite-Bougie class
Ashenazi Jews are about half Semitic as a result of their founder population. About 200 Jewish men married 200 local women in Northern Italy. This completely destroys the Khazar theory.
Now some Khazar rulers converted to Judaism, but that was genetically inconsequential.
"Palestinian" isn't an ethnicity, it's a nationality. There are Palestinians of Bosnian and Turkish ancestry, even black Palestinians of Sudanese ancestry.
how about the syrian communist party
either one
I don’t know, but I’m not talking about Gaddaffi, I’m talking about Assad and Syria.
When I say Palestinian, I mean Arab/Middle Eastern people of what is now Israel/Lebanon.
In their defense they did beat up Christopher Hitchens.
Got any evidence that SSNP is "fascist"? No, wikipedia doesn't count.
They’re ethnonats that literally call for the creation of a “Greater Syria”.
Thanks for clarifying.
FYI this is what the "original Jews" looked like.
Pretty much
Caring about stuff besides money is spooky.
kurdistan is an american creation
Can someone PLEASE tweet this article to Roo? He NEEDS to know this and make a video on it.
Fuck off. There’s a difference between healthy socialist patriotism or anti-imperialist nationalism and literally wanting to subjugate all your neighbours.
No it isn’t. The Kurds have been fighting for their independence for decades, typically against US interests and alongside other liberation movements like the Palestinians.
Yes, this is why. He hates Kurds and Chomsky.
There's is a difference between just being Nationalistic and "Greater *Insert state*" tier shit that SSNP / Baathism adocates
TIL the USSR "subjugated its neighbors" and was a le evil racist sexist capitalist state
I will never stop laughing at how all the western r*javatards went from "ASSAD MUST GO" to "WE MUST CRITICALLY SUPPORT ASSAD" once Turkey joined the fray. There's just something kind of sad about it. Almost as sad as the fact that 5 years later they still don't have medical personnel and have to rely on American mercenaries to support their soldiers.
How many layers of western autism are you on?
The USSR wasn’t ethnonat. It incorporated *some* neighbouring countries which had broken away from Russia to begin with, and established them as republics on equal footing with the rest of the country. The Soviet Union was not Greater Russia.
Literally never happened. The PYD never held the position that Assad had to be overthrown.
Assad relies on Russian mercenaries (see Wagner group) and he’s the head of an actual established government that is propped up by multiple foreign powers, not a revolution of workers and peasants.
He's going senile. Someone put him out of his misery.
Also meant for