So is Ben Garrison an outed fascist now or what? He was crypto with his pro-Trump shit, but this one really takes the cake. It legit looks like apartheid era shit.
So is Ben Garrison an outed fascist now or what? He was crypto with his pro-Trump shit...
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Has Garrison been watching Lauren Southern recently?
I like how the only reason Obama is in this picture is because he's black lmao
The general pattern is still in there.
He really lacks any form of creativity.
It might be because he did that speech commemorating Nelson Mandela in South Africa a while ago.
I like that he thinks Obama = communism.
The mind of the boomer never seizes to amaze.
Daily reminder that Fascism is the only acceptable form of government
Hi Ben, how are you doing?
Maybe because Obama himself thinks Obama = communism
Do you really think Obama cares about what's happening to the white farmers? Or is it more likely that he supports Ramaphosa? Don't lie :/
No, Obama doesn’t identify as a communist, and I doubt he cares about whatever Benny G is on about, he’s off living the highlife now.
Ben is doing this because he was fucking ruined as an AnCap because Nazis would turn all his Government hate pics into JOOOS.
He's just trying to make some money.
That is the most contrived basis for a political criticism, you're just stating that you think it probable so thus it is probably reasonable to assume a bunch of other corollary shit
That's only the sole reason he became president tbh
That's simply not true. It might have secured him the vast majority of the black vote and some urbanite liberals but the majority of non-black folks in the USA voted for him because he presented himself as FDR 2.0 in the wake of the Great Recession when people were really hurting and also because he claimed he would end the Iraq War and begin to phase troops out of Afghanistan. He was basically Bernie Sanders but even less serious about actually creating a welfare state or ending even one of the wars, which he soon expanded.
If you think Obama only won because he was black you're really simplifying both elections. He mainly won in 2008 because of the absolute chaos wreaked by the Bush administration on the country and in 2012 because Romney was one of the most limp wristed, boring, smarmy fucks the Republican party could have possibly coughed up to run for them, not even a lot of Republicans liked Romney
Death to Kulaks.
BTW, someone should edit this pic in which Ramaphosa is Stalin, the ANC is replaced with the CPSU logo, the huwhite farmers (who represent wheat cuz they're crackers…?) are kulaks, and Obama is…idk…Earl Browder…?
Seriously man, being right wing is akin to a mental disorder. Look at this fucking nonsense post.
Just fucking nuke america and salt the earth. Nuke all the west.
how creative, he turned the symbol of communism, the hammer and sickle, into an impromptu sickle. great talent.
What is this even referencing? Where does this "South African farmers" meme even come from?
can't tell if nazbol or twink ☭TANKIE☭
You sure it isn't in 2012 because of his response to the 2011 hurricane on the est coast. I remember bridges near my home town collapsing and New York in waist deep flood.
Yeah this is a good example of how people felt about Obama during the second term. Liberals now will have you believe that the majority of the country loved Obama even more during the second term than the first and it was only this small contingent of racist cleetuses and internet trolls who had anything mean to say about him but the vast majority of Obama's second term was "Well at least he's not Bush" and by the end of it a lot of people were completely fed up, as evidenced by the large percentage of people who voted for Obama TWICE who voted for Trump
Obama is thinking about how good it feels to play golf and get his dick sucked every day for the rest of his life and not much else i would imagine.
Every time you post you reveal to the world how politically ignorant you are.
don't you guys realize that's parody
It was obviously parody you autist
Is it really too hard to notice?
Dude, you are fucking retarded.
This better be bait
Let's be honest. What Nazi's did to his drawings wasn't too far of a stretch.
Like fuck, at this point Zig Forums doesn't even need to photoshop anything. This is literally a straight up fascist talking point.
Black Kulaks or White Kulaks? or just gulag both of them?
Take off that hammer and sickle.
Benny sold out hard. He knows the MAGAkiddies are paying his patreonbucks and all his sales and shekels come from the Trump crowd he associates with now.
there needs to be more labels, ben's losing it
I didn't even have to edit much.
Is Ben Garrrrrrrrisssssson
can you please label the thing next to the crackers
i don't get what those things are
thanks man
he just draws what brings most money he drew libertarian cartoons in 08, now that Zig Forums influenced people are a big market he draws to them
I think he got meme poisoning Sam Hyde style.
noticing White people getting killed is fascism now?
There's plenty to shit on Obama and RSA for, but don't stoop to reactionary ideology to do so
piss off
Pay ur farm debts
It is when the the white people in question are literal fascists.
the entirety of the white race will become literal fascists within your lifetime and all of you pathetic shitskins will be wiped off the face of the earth forever
Bring it faggot. Fucking. Bring. It. You suburbanites don't yet realize the terror that awaits you.
Good luck, we are behind every "race" in existence. Even the white one's you say aren't white that you guys hate so much and tend to kill, thereby self owning your own ideology.
Learn to science loser, rofllmao
die screaming you pathetic apes
He said while being surrounded by billions.
Good luck, bucko!
More white people are literal communists then Zig Forumsyp's at this point tbh
the left can't meme
Jesus Christcom, the idea of Americans getting sent to hell by the communist apocalypse is so appealing. I'm a staunch Marxist atheist, but keep that up and you might get some converts here.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't conservative whites own most of the guns in the US? I mean, if push came to shove it might not turn out so well.
You'd be surprised. Many liberals aren't against guns. They buy them. Most just think there needs to be regulations to prevent literal psychopaths from buying them.
Made me laugh.
Most the country is non-voting.
There's a huge dissatisfied section of leftists who just don't vote. And you'd think the dissatisfied rightwingers would have come out to vote in 2016 for their populist candidate.
I think gun ownership is somewhere about even between leftists and rightwing (Obvious rough guess)
Gun ownership in america is a meme. It's mostly boomers who horde tons of them and lifestylists who would prefer to flee the country rather than risk their lives defending their shitty mcmansion against the righteous third world proletariat and the reformed first world proles in tow.
No one but white supremacists cares about what's going on in foreign South Africa.
I don't really care about or have any faith in the ANC, nor do I think this policy will advance leftism in South Africa or have much of effect on anything, but the Nazi reaction to the seizures perfectly exposes the hypocrisy of their rhetoric. If they actually believed that "races should just be separate" or "races should all have their own nations for themselves" they would support the full on removal of white South Africans as much as they support removing middle-easterners from Europe, yet they clearly don't.
Whit supremacists don't even care about whites in their own countries unless they are bourg or petit bourg. Probably why they are freaking out over muh land owners losing their land in SA. Fucking landlord scum.
First pic is unrelated by the way.