I figure that since theres more homes than homeless people, go for it. Its funny watching homeowners and banks get screwed over by a bunch of folks who are quite often insane.
I figure that since theres more homes than homeless people, go for it. Its funny watching homeowners and banks get screwed over by a bunch of folks who are quite often insane.
There's a website entirely dedicated to these poor and disaffected.
you should check it out. it's anti-pig, so don't go in believing everybody's authoritarian.
good luck to em.
If you're not using it, then you don't need it. Simple as that.
I'm all for it. Better to squat than let homes rot.
"muh property" isn't even one tenth of an excuse to fuck over the working class. squat on, comrades.
I do it all day comrade
In the UK we actually have some weird pro squatting laws called adverse possession, shit's dope.
It's not revolutionary praxis, but go ahead.
I doubt the squatters are anything but capitalists that know the law and squat to acquire properties.
Isn't leftypol against property ownership anyways? Either way the story ends in private ownership.
Squatting is pretty solid and anyone who is against it is either a kulak or a classcuck. To idolize it as revolutionary is delusional though.
This basically.
Not only is it for the purpose of living in it and not renting it, most squatted buildings which are legalized are used for all kinds of community purposes just like they were before. Non-profit volunteer-run cafés, music venues, libraries etc.
You sound like a retard.
How did they sneak in?
Is squatting the solution to the housing bubble?
It can be. Egoist model, take everything. When the cops come to fight you, shoot back. They can't invade every house and take everything from us all. Take things, stop working.
Personal property isn't the same thing as private property, dumbass. Read Marx.
Lockpick and then replaced the door handles?
Not by a long shot. At this point it's really gotten worse than just "more empty houses than homeless people", since a lot of people have inadequate and overpriced housing. A communist programme of expropiation and the construction of quality "Gemeindebau" would be necessary. You can't squat your way to better housing for everyone.
As someone who actually goes to squatting actions you are beyond delusional.
It really isn't.
Nothing wrong with Squatting, support it wholeheartedly, especially somewhere like America. We shouldn't pretend that Squatters are remotely revolutionary though, quite a lot of them are Lumpen and actively criminal, causing disruption to the communities they live in. The reality is that it's incredibly difficult for your average working family to get away with Squatting in the face of potential threats from property owners or the state on their behalf, so it's often left to those who can afford to take the risk. I fully support homeless people squatting unused properties but say, for example, and this is something I've had extensive experience with, Irish Travellers often squat on public or private property and make life hell for tenants & civilians, trashing & breaking things, doing burglaries or other kinds of theft, constant anti-social behaviour and threats of violence. I could go into details but I just wanted to point out that there is a thoroughly anti-working class element to squatting even if the causes of such are outside of individuals control within Capitalism.
Why are anarchists so fit?
Because they squat
How? We're going to have to seize the MoP anyway, might as well seize the means of housing as well.
Squatting is not the same as mass appropiation and abolition of the landlord class. Squatting is neat, but not revolutionary. Revolutionary would be to abolish the need to squat in the first place.
I respect them a good bit. Was thinking about this the other day - I think squatters' rights are important, as they represent one of a few examples of human rights as fully human. If a piece of property is just sitting there, it makes no sense to keep people from living on it.
So squatting isn't revolutionary, it's not solving landlordry, but there's no reason whatsoever to shit on these people's rights or oppose them should movements be made to solve the underlying problems.