What went wrong? '
Occupy Wall Street
Read David Graebers: The Democracy Project
Also it was doomed from the start. You can't just have a revolution that overthrows capitalism, you need months, even years of community organisation first.
Soros but unironically. someone post the graphs
It was run by feds and assets from the start. Including David "Support one big US military base in Syria" Graeber.
You realise the Kurdish question is older than US interest in the region?
You guys seriously think there is any genuine anti-capitalist movement without any crypto-kike sleeping cells to sabotage it from the inside?
why wouldn't there be?
Because even though you guys hate Israel you don't hate jews. Thats your critical weakness, always was. People who grow up being told that their race is chosen by god to rule the goyim (proletariat in their eyes) can't be trusted.
White people are literally told the exact same thing. In fact all racists among all races say the exact same shit, because they are predictable unoriginal unintelligent people.
Fuck off!
theres a similar theory about the peace movement in the 60s being destroyed by second wave feminism, especially fishy seeing a Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA
Your dad surly didn't tell you that non-whites are lesser animals made by god to serve you.
As for blacks: they didn't have any dads because the jewish rap-producers filled their heads with drugs and guns.
Yes I am. My boot will crack your bourgeois fingers.
Literally reported to the FBI.
maybe, but McCarthyism did a lot more damage than feminism did
Jewish dads don't do that either. or do you think they're all running a script that reads straight off the Talmud like robots?
Not an ironic joke btw. One of you nazis just killed 11 people 6 hours ago. I am going to take all the steps I can possibly take to make sure you are put under surveillance.
There's a lot of chauvinism in Europe where one people believe that the ones across the border are subhuman beasts.
It's actually interesting how different is the history they teach in schools from country to country.
But you are probably just some american mongrel who doesn't even understand that the racial unity shit is just something you retards made up because you're a bunch of selfhating non-whites.
The black bloc.
Dosent matter how old the issue is
R..0java is a US vassal state and nothing more
Are you that faggot spamming Zig Forums with your laughable shit?
Was that your bar mitzwa that got interrupted or something?
Europe motherfucker. 56% faces can suck my boot. Also fuck Anglos and Frenchies.
But I do hate jews. Still retarded to believe everything you don't like can be blamed solely on jews.
Yes, that is true. 90% of the people that need to get hanged on the day of the rope will be white. But that is why the term racetraitor exists.
Don't be so fucking scared. I am across the Atlantic. I am to poor to buy a ticket over to Burgerland and shoot your jewish ass, relax!
I recall one of the leaders later "became" a Google cultist, Justine Tunney or something.
Not 90% of all people must get hanged
Watch out we have a real bad intelligenzija over here!
What exactly makes you say this? Are you Pro Assad? So are they. Assad pays for their health service. Are you anti US? the US which is the biggest member of Nato, the Kurds are in a protracted war against a Nato member. If its a US vassal state why does it get Russian Air support? You think the kurds are in some way responsible for the balkanisation of Syria? For a long time it was the only stable region in the the whole country. Every move they have made has contributed to its stability. It is the only organised military force capable of providing stability. What the hell is wrong with you
Then They should not be welcoming a openly Anti-Assad Nation to set up dozens of Military bases on its territory
Because it was the only place the US was literally protecting from harm
Unable to defeat a sliver of IS and the Euphrates and being defeated by the Turks (Which in turn has led to Turkish occupation of much of northern Syria) is not stability
Because they are literally acting in a De-Facto sense as a Sepratist entity
inviting liberals
ISIS have nato grade arms, would you like them to lose the war they are winning instead so Assads former territory can be Saudi backed ISIS territory?
so… why would Russia be backing a US puppet?
It still doesn't fucking matter, if you wanted to Balkanise Syria you wouldn't keep a large chunk of it stable.
So defeated by Nato ally of the US but somehow also a US puppet?
a separtist entity which Assad himself supports, not just tacitly but with actual material support i.e. paying for healthcare among other things weird one that
The region "They are keeping stable" is literally separatist entity being USED to balkanise it
Of course t will be kept stable by the US
They were unarmed
Ignore shitposting flag
I wouldn't say that it went wrong, but it wasn't meant to go very far. It's just the prologue of re-igniting anti-capitalism in the US.
Why would Assad give them material support then? It is not just being kept stable by the US but a whole host of interests.
Come off it already. ISIS has been defeated, yet the US presence only grows. You have been had, admit it already - your exotic revolution over there was just a mirage.
I ask again why does Assad give them material support then?
Gee whiz I don't know - maybe because they are all still fucking Syrian citizens?
So basically you think your pro Assad views are more pro Assad than Assads views himself, and you are not willing to support them even though Assad himself is.
Literally so fucking what if they are Syrian citizens if as you say, they are Balkanising separatists hell bent on destroying Syria and controlled by the Americans. Why the fuck would he give money to a group controlled by the people who have been trying to oust him for over a decade? Or do you think he just doesn’t know and your intelligence on the matter is superior to his?
Basically everyone who "founded" it and led it were COINTELPRO. also it was liberal anarkiddie idealism. OWS itself was part of the process to preempt and capture spontaneous revolt. It was launched and run by a bunch of liberals and spies.
Is it me or did OWS have a bigger influence on the Far-Right than the Far-Left?
Hard to say, the far right I remember at the time was wrapped up in Ron Paul "libertarianism." Those guys tried to worm their way into Occupy to varying degrees as liberal anarchism is spongy enough to absorb that stuff to varying extents. I remember a friend at time who was a self-professed "anarcho-syndicalist" – and who wore a "fuck racism" t-shirt – was also a big Ron Paul supporter who would get very angry if you brought up Paul's connections to the white nationalist movement
It was probably necessary for the left to go through it though tbh. I think a lot of people on the left are looking for more structured orgs and that seems like it came out of the failure of Occupy
I’d say it inspired people to join anarchist groups and then people realised anarchism is terrible at getting stuff done (if not entrenched in the labour movement which it isn’t but historically has been) and then moved on to more structured politics I.e ml/mlm
I think you're being way too generous with assuming the majority of the people who participated in OWS were radicalized because of it
I'd say the conversions were a little more complex than that and the majority of them didn't go to that far Left
I think OWS had more of this effect:
60 percent of people who "changed" because of it were centrists/neolibs who became social democratic Democrats (got obama re-elected out of obligation rather than because they were excited about it, overhwhelmingly supported Bernie Sanders four years later)
25 percent were Social Democratic liberals who were converted to anarchism afterwards and now organize the majority of Antifa shit and probably organized the majority of the Occupy ICE stuff (and flooded social media with IdPol after)
15 percent were radicalized to M-Lism
I think that's probably more how the split went. Also I'd say over 80 percent of those who participated were either middle class, "upper-middle class" or petit-bougie or the children of those subdivisions of class. I feel that the working class (and I mean the working class as such not just "le white working class") was probably horrendously under-represented, which is why it was so easy for IdPol splitters to take hold
America did. Occupy's failure was inevitable because the feds already destroyed the American left wing decades ago, and the majority of people have literally no exposure to leftist ideas–only to hilariously retarded straw men of those ideas. The "left" that made Occupy so humiliating was composed of kids that listened to their parents spewing these straw men at them, and actually liked what they heard. Rightards created their own opposition through their own bad parenting.
I’m willing to bet that if the majority of protester were armed, America would be a very different country today.
you are probably right but i was talking more generally, like the media effect across the world for people who didn't actually take part but looked on, was probably a big catalyst for people going further left and I assume anarchism is where they first ended up but maybe you are right with the social democrat part
nowhere near organised enough for it to make a difference.
Would have been a case of the police saying "put down your weapons" most of them being immediately surrendered, and then a few people losing the plot and opening fire resulting in a bloodbath of no value to anyone and having it spun as a violent anarchist massacre of poor piggies
identity theatre stopping the one true goal that would actually bring a systemetic and complete end to racism and biggotry.
the abolishment of private property and workers owning the means of production to create a fully automated luxury commmunist society.
What happened is that occupy wallstreet protest was just that, a protest.
What did you guys expect?
All in all I'd be willing to bet that OWS steered people more in the direction of Social Democracy rather than Socialism. You have to think of where the USA was back then as pointed out a lot of people thought "anarchism is when you get rid of the gubment no matter if capitalism ends" etc. Most people still thought communism was Joseph Stalin putting you in a gulag and then shooting you if you tried to escape etc. There really wasn't a visible "Left" to speak of at all and what was considered the Left was literally just a coalition of neolibs who were progressive on social issues and the few remaining New Deal Democrats gritting their teeth and voting with the neolibs to own Bush
Therefore when the US youth and overton window started to "shift Left" they were starting at a deficit of like 300 percent. We've just now gotten to where people don't go into a hissy fit for calling yourself a "socialist" and you still have to have all of these qualifiers on it such as "well I'm a democratic socialist, democratic socialism isn't communism, i'm a socialist BUT" etc
Because it's the only way to bribe them into not building even more US military Bases
Also because if they completely collapsed against the FSA then the whole North of Syria would be a DeFacto Vassal
Imperial infighting
Does not stop the inherently Pro-Imperialist actions taken by R…0java
Do you have any proof of this at all whatsoever? This is like somebody saying "Stalin deliberately planned to kill millions through starvation in muh holodomor" You are really shoehorning the intention and you have shown no proof at all.
You realise Assad has always been on their side right up until he had to cave to Turkish (nato) pressure. Its not a case of him suddenly handing out support, hes always supported them to a degree, they have fought together.
how on earth is it inherently imperialist? Every time one point gets argued you switch the goalposts, first they are balkaniser seperatists which is obviously bullshit, then when thats wrong now its "inherently imperialist" when its a national liberation struggle.
Stalin aligned himself with the US when it suited his interest, the defeat of fascism. Was Stalin an imperialist?
Why is it so fucking hard for anarkiddies to stop saying this stupid bullshit and see that it's a false equivalence? We've literally explained it to you faggots a million times and you still bring it up like it's the same thing
i'm a maoist. The kurdish revolution is certainly not anarchist.
" overthrowing a government that the majority of the rest of your region is perfectly fine with" Oh, so the Kurds are trying to overthrow the Syrian Government?
Oh no wait, thats a total crock of shit.
Stop using a fucking black flag than you stupid faggot
do you have literally any grasp of US foreign policy in the middle east for the last 30-40 years
Allowing a great power to operate Military bases within their territory with the sole purpose of being used to act as a launch pad for further attacks on its enemies
Lets not forget the US has openly admitted it will never leave North Syria even after the war ends
The USSR's existence wasn't fundamentally only possible because of US Military and economic support
R…0java's IS
That kind of situation is the telltale sign of a puppet state
You did it pretty poorly.
Oh yeah, let’s support ISIS and Al-Quieda because the US doesn’t like them
t you
Fake News
The USA literally contributed to (if not ouright created) Al Qaeda and ISIS and has worked with them repeatedly in Syria and this isn't even a conspiracy theory it's been proven for years
Do literally ten minutes of research before you start acting like a contrarian liberal you fucking retarded larper
So is Kurdish national liberation imperialist if it's in Sryia? Is it not imperialist if it's in Turkey?
If you genuinely believe the USSR and R…0java have the same conditions then your Deluding yourself
Balkanisation before a final coup is literally one of the main ways to end a goverment
I mean Syria Iran Lebanon etc
Happy now?
Not even worht continuing the debate if your gonna do shit like this
No it isn't because in that case it's acting against imperialist interest and is ACTUAL NatLib and not just carving out a US puppet state
But the PKK considers the PYD to be legitimate and comrades in arms, are you implying the PKK aren't the final judges on who is and isn't their worthy comrades?
That was my first post, I'm not the black flag guy
I'll use whatever fucking flag I want. I like it because its nodescript. I'm not 100% maoist.
I am well aware of US foriegn policy in the middle east. I am well aware they have been pushing regime change in Syria since forever.
The kurds however, have not been, it would be strange if they were, as they have enjoyed a lot of support from the Syrian regime for a long time.
The US was also pushing for regime change in the USSR when their interests aligned and they worked together.
Does this make the USSR imperialist? No of course it fucking doesn't.
Does the fact that the kurds accept help from the US against a common enemy therefore make them imperialist because that enemy wants regime change of their neighbour who supported them?
No obviously fucking not.
So have the US attacked the Syrian regime from this launch pad?…. No.
and why does that make the Kurdish project, which has been going on far longer than war in Syria, imperialist?
Right, so they absolutely no choice but to accept support, the conflict has been going on far longer than the US has been offering support, what do you suggest they have done? Not accepted and fought ISIS who were murdering and raping their population with weapons below the standard ISIS possess? Why? Ideological purity? they also accept support from Russia, does that make Donbass imperialist also?
tell tale sign… soooo your evidence is completely circumstantial, you have absolutely no hard evidence, and your circumstantial evidence is fucking retarded anyway
the last half of this post is in relation to
So the USA, out of the goodness of its heart, just decided to suddenly stop trying to overthrow Assad to help the poor little Kurds? Fucking kek
nobody is saying they have the same exact conditions, but they do both have the clear choice of working with the broad ideological enemy to eliminate an immediate neighbour who is a threat.
this is like some alex jones shit. Sure it is, but just because a nation is splitting up, does not mean it is being intentionally balkanised for a coup, which you have given absolutely no proof of. Is the UK leaving the EU US balkanisation of the european union?
Yeah except it's been done in pretty much every country the USA has regime changed since the fucking 1980s you stupid cunt
where on earth did I say that?
No, the US is trying to overthrow Assad and always has been, Kurdistan is in a key position and the US wants influence their of that there is no doubt or they would not be there. Probably they see this as a tactical advantage for their subversion of the Assad regime. Does this make the whooooole Kurdish project imperialist and a puppet state though? No, it just means they have some scheming yanks in their back yard.
The US realized it CAN'T defeat Assad because the FSA guerillas who aren't al-Sham are guys who just wanna control their neighborhood and don't care about national politics. Thus working with the Kurds to stop ISIS, who are much more of a burden on the US and EU than they are an asset makes sense to them.
name one other situation remotely comparable, where the US has given air support to a socialist revolutionary force in order to fight against theocratic fascism, while the Russians do the same
nobody is arguing that the US doesn't do regime change, obviously they do, if your knowledge extends as far as "the US do shady shit" i can see why your position is as it is. There is such a thing as nuance.
I notice you've stopped arguing on the USSR point, because you know its true.
Holy shit it's funny that you faggots can literally get this close but then pull the "the USA legitimately gives a shit about beating Islamic terrorism" card to do the mental gymnastics necessary to not just admit your precious little utopia has been completely fucked by US imperialism
You and try and debunk my post here
before continuing this argument because at this point i honestly think you're being willfully ignorant
Also to the black flag faggot I obviously meant balkanization not supporting socialists or that every us imperial adventure was 100 percent exactly the fucking same as Syria but of course you knew that and are just a dishonest little faggot who has to use pedantry to win arguments since you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Yes the US created both ISIS and Al-Qaeda, they're frankenstein monsters back to take revenge on their master what about that doesn't make sense to you?
Ah, there's that word reddit loves so much
I get it now you're an enlightened centrist whose trying to run with the big boys on the Left because the Republicans starting to do overtly fascist shit spooked you but you're still too arrogant and pretentious to start over and actually learn shit so you do stupid shit like wear a black flag while being a "half maoist" and then get butthurt because we aren't "nuanced"
Sometimes reality isn't nuanced faggot, sometimes it's extremely fucking simple. Learn that or give the fuck up on trying to be a Leftist and go back to whatever debate subreddit you crawled out from
Hmmmm I wonder why it didn't work. It's like not being united does that…
They literally only controlled any territory on a substantive scale in the Middle East for about a year, Russia and Syria could have beaten them even faster by themselves, and the US media blew their strength way out of proportion to drum up support for Obama to do more PATRIOT Act shit and increase the military budget about six more times before his term was up
If you realized how monocultural the internet is now you wouldn't care about reddit or twitter or chans because they all share from the same pool of memes
that doesn't mean the threat they present wasn't real, just look at all the truck attacks in Europe.
No, i do not think the US are in the region to fight ISIS because they are the ones funding them, however, that is how it is spun to the media, their interests anywhere and everywhere are always capitalist imperialist interests. However, it is not in their capitalist imperialist interests to have anti-capitalist jihadists running the show beyond Syrian balkanisation, WHICH IS NO DOUBT A US OBJECTIVE AND HAS BEEN FOR A LONG TIME
Also the USA is still working with militarily and funding Al-Qaeda in both Iraq and Syria RIGHT NOW so your whole implication that they broke away and are now getting "revenge" is fucking stupid and shows your ignorance on the matter
*anti US jihadis
Look at the fact that ISIS essentially doesn't exist in Syria anymore since the USA stopped helping them and that Al Qaeda would have stopped existing a long time ago if the USA and Israel didn't need them to to redirect Arabian indignation at the West(same with le spoogy Hamas)
i have literally never used reddit in my whole life.
even if i had it would be totally irrelevant to the discussion we are having.
the only thing simple here is you pal. Nobody on earth ever calls the situation in Syria symbol because it patently fucking isn't. In fact it could be the most complex conflict of all time
Anyway, your whole spiel there had not one single argument in it. not one.
Is there a quicker way to demonstrate you've given up on actually trying to defend your point than to switch to all caps
I bet you think Israel/Palestine is an immensely complex and millenial long ideological struggle between two groups of religious people who can't get there way and are equally matched too
I have defended my point on multiple occasions, you are just too thick to understand.
You haven't actually rebutted anything I have said in those all caps, aside from that you've just called me a redditor.
So, you've attacked the size and case of my lettering and made spurious assertions about the websites I may or may no visit, i'd say that is a quicker way to demonstrate you've given up actually trying to rebut my point. The all caps are a sign of frustration at your sheer pig headed retardation.
Can you show me one shred of actual hard evidence that the democratic confederation of northern syria is a puppet state?
I bet you think Lebanon was literally just the Kataeb being mean to the Palestinians
jesus christ.
Nope. I don't.
Very well spoken my good sir! You are like a modern day Shakespeare
There it is
ebiiiig trolll xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Rebut any of the points I made about the Kurdish question, you are embarrassing yourself.
Sorry kid, when you don't have to use usernames that's literally impossible, one of the few perks of imageboards over reddit and facebook
lol, the only identification here is the words you say, and if you feel no shame for yours you are probably autistic