Let me see em comrades. I'm a bit more libertarian than I used to be. I'm guessing it's because I've thought a bit different about LGBTQ folk recently
Political compass thread
Other urls found in this thread:
The political compass is pseudo-scientific libertarian propaganda.
Seems to work alright.
The compass quiz is meaningless. You basically have to be a sociopath that believes in astrology to land on the right side.
I have a friend who land on the top right side.
i too don't read actual theory and rely on shitty internet tests to discover my ideology
political compass is a complete meme, pretty much anyone who isn't an underage b& edgelord will land somewhere in the green square
I am a hardcore ML and I'm still green square because "authoritarian leftist" means "for free shit but against gay marriage"
I find this test to be better and no I'm not a leftcom or demsoc, you know how these tests work
It's shit
Just post the memes.
It's better
anyone who puts ⛏️rotskyism lower than ML on the "authoritarian" axis is a moron
MLs are universally pussies.
We need Totalism.
This. That is what it's good for
It's an app called 8values. Haven't checked if it's available for apple but it is for samsung.
And what happened to the guy who commented on my post?
I'm a Maoist. get the fuck out of here with that auth com shit. all Marxism trends towards 'libertarianism
Where are MGTOW on this chart? The dimension in question is
-1 = "women are angelic beings who never are bad"
0 = "women are just the same as dudes, but with missing penises"
1 = "women are manipulative monsters"
This scale doesn't seem to relate to left/right concepts or authoritarian/libertarian concepts.
That 1st pic
Like dont they have Ayn rand
I think she would go right on Thatcher's shoulder.
Not my memes of course.
This quiz is shit, use 8values instead
Political compass is fucking shit. The tests put anyone who isnt an honest to god MUHG JESIS FUCK DA NGGERS FUCK GAYS FREE MARKUT NOW fukhead in the green quadrant.
Fuck off.
Egoism is the final red pill. Nationalism is your child phase.
You need to be against corporations doing things to be on the left, be against individuals doing things to be at the top. Pick pro-forcing-religion-down-other's-throats stances to go up. Pick pro-trivial-personal-liberties-bullshit to go down.
Nevermind the political spectrum is actually a binary, with a huge ideological hell of Turd Positionism in-between.
this. i'm a staunch marxist leninist and avid supporter of stalin and i'm still in the green square because whoever made that "test" is a complete and total fucking retard who doesn't even know what it means to be a communist.
Just going to post this amazing creation of leftypol
Off to the gulags
Got this after trying to get into Red on purpose, fuck this Hayek/Mises-orientated website.
Bernie Sanders would be in the top right LAMO
I fucking love memri
Why is Stirner balancing a bottle of whole milk on what I hope is his hands? Do I need to have ascended to understand this image?
That test is awful, in fact, I'd go so far as to say all of the tests are awful. If not for the fact that they're bare bones, then for the fact that actions are better than what a person says they would do or would have done in determining their alignment - which is in itself arbitrary a thing.
Stirner worked his own milk shop.
worked for*
I like politiscales
Oh, yeah, the milk delivery business. Brain was in sleep mode. The point stands, anyway, whole milk is wholesome and has no reason to be near that accursed chart.
underrated and quality post
There used to be a test that measured your views on social issues on a separate axis from how authoritarian/libertarian and economically left/right you are. I'm still mad it's gone.
My brother from the other side of the political spectrum.
Still have mine from that test
the test is flawed as fuck.
I'm as marxist-leninist as it gets and i got bottom left. whoever made it is an idiot.
anything that isn't either pic related or a comprehensive 3D graph. is inherently flawed.
literally, debate this picture.
speaking of 3D graphs. why hasn't anyone added in what the game "nation-states" have done and added a third axis based on individual freedoms? There's a lot more nuance to politics than economic/ideological models based on "left" and "right" and the less arbitrary authoritarian/anarchy duopolies.
They have, see my post . Interestingly, my result corresponds perfectly to where places me.
Would this be accurate?
Not even remotely lmao who made this
brainlets make these tests
What is the difference?
Did you try reading?
Who's account?
Lenin's, Trotsky's, or some liberal's?
I have better things to read, just thought you'd be so kind as to give me a rundown from your pov