saw this ad on youtube. do you think dennis prager browses leftypol?
Saw this ad on youtube. do you think dennis prager browses leftypol?
Are Leftists NazBol?
Politics was a mistake.
Why does a neocon think-thank have 1.6 million subscribers on Youtube? America is doomed.
this was the biggest shock.
1.6 million views isn't a joke
i can't wait till someone nukes america
jesus fucking christ. PragerU videos make so unreasonably angry. Seriously, how the fuck do they manage to be so ignorant about the politics of their own damn ciuntry. They fucking live there, every two years in entirely about politics, how do you still not understand what any of labels mean???
libtards like BLM are leftist sweaty, and they believe coloreds should be separated in safe spaces instead of being lynched like in the good old times before grandpa jimbob got leukemia
PragerU is purposefully dishonest.
This video praises liberalism and dishes leftism, I don't understand why OP promotes it?
lmao is this what counts as "politics" in burgerland? holy shit
Youtube is literally a tube which is used to get you from a song you like to Chud Central.
When I begin to see this guy talking, I can only see disgusting shit coming out of his mouth. The worst product that comes out of a human being.
the dialetic in motion
Not clicking on video. Make a too long didn't read plz.
1.6 Million views isn't hard when you have conservative billionaires funding you millions of dollars per year to buy ads with.
Basically he makes a distinction between leftist and liberals says leftist stole the term liberal and that people who say there liberal are really leftist. He does get some stuff right like leftist being anti capitalist but his rant about liberals really being leftist is retarded as fuck.
Feminists, BLM, and every other liberal cancer is leftist according to them