Marx on Religion

I find Marx's writings on religion really fascinating, since he was much more nuanced than most successive theorists, and realised why promoting atheism as an ideological tool is for brainlets and doesn't work.
A key quote that we can discuss:

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all religion is reactionary except for islam it is socialist




die infidel

how obvious would a shitpost need to be for you not to fall for it?

this but unironically

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t. Amerifat or some other type of westerner

You better mean Shia or Druze Islam, I'm watching you

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Inshallah Islamic Gommunism will win.

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Yes, let's deny that the practice of Islam is intimately connected with a reactionary political program in a way not matched by the craziest american proddies. I'm sure now someone will respond by pointing to theory and "not real muslims", like leftist analysis should care about the internal justification as opposed to existing practice. Christianity and Judaism were both tempered by secularism and progressive forces in the last few centuries, Islam has never accomplished this development and advocates for direct political power based on religious principles.

(disregard all that has been said in this shitty thread!)

Religion is the heart of a heartless world, insofar as we live in estranged conditions!

This hearlessness might have shifted from expressed religion to drug-use. As with Zizek: Today opium is the opium of the masses.

This capitalist world you experience is much more enjoyable/acceptable with drugs, you stupid nigger!

read a book, preferably one about history

Cucks for Israel
Shia are pretty based though

Hold it right there

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why the fuck do we need religion?
religion only fools the sociaty,

in fact religion collaborated with nazis

the "good" catholics have killed other christians as the ustashe ordered as the massacre of serbs and Eastern Orthodox Christians is the job of the god and tell me where is the so good religion here?

Islam everyone knows that its not even religion but an ideology created by a paedophile
who raped 9 year old and and hated dogs for some reason and now days there are those religious fatantics are saying that islam is the religion of peace but says that everyone must die for their suffering.

religion is the main source of all our problems if there will be now religion, it would be for positive.

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Go back to school son, learn to write first

Shia are fucking gay.
my uncle is Shia so I know

delete this right now you fucking jew

stop larping.