There is no incentive to work hard in a communism. Capitalism invented the internet, computers. agriculture, fashion...

There is no incentive to work hard in a communism. Capitalism invented the internet, computers. agriculture, fashion. It's a no from me .

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Is this supposed to baiting or do people actually believe this to be good arguments?

Why not? Also, how would you explain the socio-economical success and many innovations of the USSR, Cuba, DDR, etc. Were these not socialist (or "communist") states?
Nope, people invented those. Agriculture existed long before capitalism.
Is indeed a symptom of capitalism, and will luckily vanish after its abolishment.

Also "capitalism" didn't invent the internet: a bloke at CERN did because he wanted the computers to speak to eachother to gather data. He then shared it for free. Some great achievement of the free market there.
Secondly, the first major computers were invented at Bletchley park by Alan Turing to fight a war. Again, no capital investment, no risk garnered, no profit incentive. It wasn't socialist, but it sure wasn't capitalist either. Add to that the fact that countries like the DDR had pretty damn fine computer technologies and that most underlying work for modern computation (especially in the mathematics department) were done in the USSR.
Third, agriculture was invented 6000 years ago what u chatting.
Fourth, fuck "fashion" and everything it brings,

I don't have a brainlet wojak twisted enough for this

capitalism invented factory farming. come up with another way of feeding billions of people on communism oh wait you cant

Last time i checked feeding billions of people was what capitalism wasn't doing

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We will definitely use the industrial capacity built under capitalism to feed the hundreds of millions that currently go hungry most days.

That was the state
That was the state
That was hunter gatherers thousands upon thousands of years ago.
No loss.


Great, now we can appropriate it, turn it into public property use it to benefit socialized production!
Unless you haven't noticed, we're kind of working on a limited timeline so we can't continue to use capitalism indefinitely because it manages to potentially invent more things due to fierce competition. And that's a meme anyway, since capitalist relations of production clearly limit the scope of the development of the productive forces - the production of digital goods is an obvious example of this, the marketization of which has to rely on ridiculous forms of rent and manipulating search algorithms to sustain itself.

pol is retarded, buy you make them look brilliant in comparison

apparently I make spellcheck look great in comparison to myself

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Vertical farming was first practiced in Armenia

pic related

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Attached: socialist fashion.png (603x518, 394.78K)


t. what a lot of leople actually believe

This isn't Socialism
This is Socialism
Read Marx nigger, hell even the Stalinist era had a piece-rate system .
- Critique of the Gotha Programme

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Lmao behold the efficiency of capitalism.

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That pic is actually from Chechnya.


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Virtually 100% government funded with no intention on profit during the initial risky development. Also simultaneously developed in part in the USSR for the OGAS system.
Again, virtually 100% of the initial 40 years of development was in state funded/directed institutes. Everything from the hardware to anything derived from Unix and BSD.

This has got to be a joke. Surely no one can be this stupid?

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Yes, it's not Soviet, it's, Allah forgive me for uttering this word Russian!
